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Chapter 4: Expected Return and Risk

Tuan Minh Nguyen

Learning Objectives

• Understand the meaning and calculation of expected return and risk

measures for an individual security.
• Recognize what it means to talk about modern portfolio theory.
• Calculate portfolio return and risk measures as formulated by Markowitz.
• Understand how diversification works.

• Probability Distribution
• Security Risk and Return
• Portfolio Risk and Return
1. Probability Distributions (xác suất lợi nhuận)

• The return an investor will earn from investing is not known; it must be
estimated. (đầu tư đem lại lợi nhuận không được biết trước, phải ước tình,
• Investors are often overly optimistic about expected returns. (nghĩ đầu là
đơn giản
• To deal with the uncertainty of returns, investors need to think explicitly
about a security’s distribution of probable returns. (không chắc chắn về lợi
nhuận, phân ra nhiều distributions khác nhau)
1. Probability Distributions

• A probability distribution for a security brings together the likely outcomes that
may occur along with the probabilities associated with these likely outcomes.
• The set of probabilities in a probability distribution must sum to 1.0 or 100 percent.
• With a discrete probability distribution (phân phối xác suất rời rạc), a probability is
assigned to each possible outcome. (mỗi outcome sẽ có 1 xác suất riêng)
• With a continuous probability distribution, an infinite number of possible outcomes
2. Security Risk and Return

• Calculating expected return for a security

2. Security Risk and Return

• Calculating risk
• The variance and standard deviation measure the dispersion of a random
variable around its mean. The larger this dispersion, the larger the
variance or standard deviation.
2. Security Risk and Return

• Risk
• The standard deviation is simply a weighted average of the deviations from the
expected value.
• Calculating a standard deviation using probability distributions involves making
subjective estimates of the probabilities and the likely returns.
• Standard deviations calculated using historical data may be convenient, but they are
subject to errors when used as estimates of the future.
2. Security Risk and Return

• Risk example

• Q1: Calculate the expected return and risk (standard deviation) for
General Foods for 2014, given the following information:
Probabilities 0.15 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.15
Expected Returns 20 16 12 5 -5
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• When we analyze investment returns and risks, we must consider the total
portfolio held by an investor.
• A security may have high risk if held by itself, but much less risk when
held in a portfolio of securities.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Portfolio weight
• Percentages of portfolio funds invested in each security
• The combined portfolio weights sum to 100 percent of total investable funds
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Portfolio expected return

• The expected return on any portfolio p can be calculated as a weighted average of
the individual security expected returns
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Portfolio risk
• Portfolio risk (as measured by the variance or standard deviation) is not a weighted average of
the risk of the individual securities in the portfolio.

• Portfolio risk is always less than a weighted average of the risks of the securities in the portfolio
unless the securities have outcomes that vary together exactly, which is an almost impossible
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Diversification
• There are two general sources of risk, firm‐specific and market risk.
• Adding securities reduces the firm‐specific risk, but not the market risk.
• The process of adding securities to a portfolio to reduce firm‐specific risk is referred
to as diversification.
• Diversification is the key to the management of portfolio risk because it allows
investors to significantly lower portfolio risk without adversely affecting return.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Components of portfolio risk

• The weighted individual security risks (i.e., the variance of each individual security,
weighted by the percentage of funds invested in the security).
• The weighted comovements between securities’ returns (i.e., the weighted
covariance between each security’s returns and the returns of all other securities in
the portfolio).
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Covariance
• An absolute measure of the extent to which two variables tend to covary, or move
• Positive, indicating that the returns on the two securities tend to move in the same
• Negative, indicating that the returns on the two securities tend to move inversely.
• Zero, indicating that the returns on the two securities are independent and have no
tendency to move together.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Covariance formula
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Correlation coefficient
• A statistical measure of the extent to which two variables are associated.
• The correlation is simply a standardized covariance measure.

• Correlation is a relative measure of association that is bounded by +1.0 and −1.0.

3. Portfolio Risk and Return

•Calculating portfolio risk

•The two-security case

The variance of each security, as shown by and

The covariance between securities, as shown by 1 2
The portfolio weights for each security, as shown by the w1 and w2
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Example
Stock A Stock B
Return 10.1 15.4
Standard deviation 16.8 27.5
Correlation 0.29

Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of the portfolio.

3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Solution
Portfolio return: E(Rp) = w1R1 + w2R2 = 0.5(10.1%) + 0.5(15.4%) = 12.75%
Portfolio risk: σp = [+2(w1)(w2)(p1,2σ1σ2)]

= [(0.5)2(0.168)2+(0.5)2(0.275)2+2(0.5)(0.5)(0.29)(0.168)(0.275)]1/2
= 0.181  18.1%
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Solution
Portfolio return: E(Rp) = w1R1 + w2R2 = 0.5(10.1%) + 0.5(15.4%) = 12.75%
Portfolio risk: σp = [+2(w1)(w2)(p1,2σ1σ2)]

= [(0.5)2(0.168)2+(0.5)2(0.275)2+2(0.5)(0.5)(0.29)(0.168)(0.275)]1/2
= 0.181  18.1%
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• The impact of portfolio correlation

• The standard deviation of the portfolio is directly affected by the correlation between
the two stocks. Portfolio risk is reduced as the correlation coefficient moves
downward from +1.0.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Example
Stock A Stock B
Return 10.1 15.4
Standard deviation 16.8 27.5
Correlation 0.29

Calculate the standard deviation of the portfolio if the correlation is 1, 0.5 and 0.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• The impact of portfolio weights

• The size of the weights as signed to each security has an effect on portfolio risk,
holding the correlation coefficient constant.
• To minimize risk in general, it is necessary to select optimal weights.
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• Example
Stock A Stock B
Return 10.1 15.4
Standard deviation 16.8 27.5
Correlation 0.29

Calculate the standard deviation of the portfolio if the weight of stock A is 90%, 70%, 30%
and 10%.

• Q2: Assume expected returns and standard deviations as follows:

Calculate the expected return and standard deviation for a portfolio consisting
of all two securities under the following conditions:
a. The portfolio weights are 60% in EG&G, 40% in GF
b. The portfolio weights are 20% in EG&G, 80% in GF
3. Portfolio Risk and Return

• The n-security case:


• Q3: Assume some information of REE and SAM as follows:

Probabilities (%) Return (%) Probabilities (%) Return (%)
0,2 -3% 0,2 -8
0,5 10% 0,5 18%
0,3 20% 0,3 30%
a. Calculate expected return and stand deviation for REE and SAM.
b. Assume an investor has $10,000 and plans to allocate $4,000 in REE and
$6,000 in SAM. Calculate portfolio expected return and risk.

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