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Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences

GEOE 1018

Introduction to GIS and spatial data

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Aim: To love Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

1. Understand what constitutes a GIS

2. Determine how a GIS operates

3. Discover what spatial data can be used within a GIS

4. Differentiate between the spatial data models

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 1/4: Understand what constitutes a GIS

What is a GIS?

• Computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing features that exist and
events that happen on earth
– Integration of common database operations with visualization and
geographic analysis
– “Spatially enable” otherwise tabular data or “aspatial data”
– Create maps and visualize aspatial and spatial data together:
• Visualize scenarios
• Develop planning strategies
• Predict outcomes
• Solve complicated problems
• Present powerful ideas
• Develop effective solutions
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 1/4: Understand what constitutes a GIS

GIS is a Technology for Organizing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Spatially
Referenced Information
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 1/4: Understand what constitutes a GIS

What are the Components of a GIS?

• Hardware
– Centralized computing servers
– Desktop computers networked or stand-alone
• Software
– Tools for the input and manipulation of geographic data
– Database management system (DBMS)
– Tools that support geographic query, analysis, and visualization
– A graphical user interface (GUI)
• Data
– Collected in-house or purchased from commercial data provider
– GIS will integrate spatial data with other data resources
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 1/4: Understand what constitutes a GIS

What are the Components of a GIS?

• People
– System management and enhancement
– Develop plans and applications used in real-world solutions
– Everyday users to technical specialists
• Methods
– Well designed usage plans
– Well defined business rules
– Operational practices unique to each organization
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 2/4: Determine how a GIS operates

GIS Integrates All the Parts… to see the whole!

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 2/4: Determine how a GIS operates

Utilities: Access by Selecting GIS Map Features
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 2/4: Determine how a GIS operates

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 3/4: Discover what spatial data can be used within a GIS

Spatial data (The Fuel!) Representation

• Maps and GIS are models of reality

• They emphasize some aspects of reality in a cartographic (and

database) representation while ignoring or greatly simplifying other
aspects of reality.

• Geographic entities can be conceptualized as:

– points
– lines
– areas
– surfaces [volumes]
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Digital Geographic Data Formats

• Vector
– Points, Lines & Polygons

• Raster
• Images & Grids
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

The Vector Model

• A vector data model uses points stored by their real (earth) coordinates.
• Lines and areas are built from sequences of points in order.
• Lines have a direction to the ordering of the points.
• Polygons can be built from points or lines.
• Vectors can store information about topology.
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Spatial Data Representation

Point 0 Dimensional
Geographic objects
Vector Node objects

1 Dimensional
Arc objects
Directed link
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Vector data example Polyline


(with symbol)
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Vector data example:

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Attribute data

Data item

A record

A table of
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Raster Data


– Provide backdrops to our maps

– Sources include scanned photographs, satellite images and digital
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Raster Data

• Consists of a matrix of Pixels or cells

• Single band
– One value. e.g. Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
• Multi-band
– Multiple Values e.g. Satellite imagery (i.e. different values from the
electromagnetic spectrum)
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

3 band Scanned Aerial Photograph

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

• describe a physical or conceptual 3 dimensional surface

• often used to describe the topographic surface of the earth
• may describe conceptual surfaces such as:
– the probability of an outcome or
– the density of an occurrence.
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models


Conceptual 3D View
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models


Vector vs Raster Data

Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

Obj 4/4: Differentiate between the spatial data models

Spatial Data Representation

Object or field conceptualizations can be spatially represented in different

ways, e.g. the elevation field represented as a surface of shading values (left)
or as a set of discrete contour lines (right).
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018


1. Understand what constitutes a GIS

2. Determine how a GIS operates

3. Discover what spatial data can be used within a GIS

4. Differentiate between the spatial data models

Next Session – Spatial Analysis

And remember …
Introduction to Surveying and Spatial Sciences
GEOE 1018

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