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Fourth Quarter
Week 5

1. Headlines are bold page headings that summarize the story. They
❖ sum up the story in a few words.
❖ catch the readers attention so they are encouraged to read on.
❖ use powerful and emotive language, often humorous or rely on
❖ written in the present tense
2. Byline identifies who wrote the article. A byline should include
❖ author’s (reporter’s) name
❖ title or role such as sports reporter or crime editor
❖ email address or social media account name (if appropriate)
3. Photos and captions are images help describe the
events and illustrate what the reporter is talking
about. These photos
include captions that describe the picture and what
it relates to.
4. Columns are paragraphs organized in columns to
help the reader follow the story more easily.
Columns are bodies of text
placed side by side. It is important that the body of
the newspaper report includes:
❖ accurate, factual information relating to the story
❖ direct speech and quotations from the experts to make
the story more reliable
❖ expert opinion
❖ important dates relating to the story
5. Front-loading ensures that all the key information is
included as soon as possible so that readers do not lose
interest. The first paragraph of a news story is the point
of the story and the major facts straight away.
1. What is the headline?
2. Who is the author of the article?
3. Does it include a photo with caption that would
describe what the event is all about?
4. Does the column include accurate and factual
information relating to the story?
5. Does the first paragraph ensure to include the most
important information?

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