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© 2018 YAZAKI Europe Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Confidential – Do Not Distribute

December 18th, 2019
Steps Expectation Records Who Due date

Clear description Failure mode.  Picture / Video , OK-NOK,

1 (QRE report)  5W2H, What ? Why ? When ? Who ? Where ? How detected ? How many ?  QRE Report Immediate
 Environment pictures / Video.

2 Similar Risky Products/Projects within YAZAKI.  Projects / Products name  Plant Immediate
 If no or yes, Why ?  Plant

 Explain our Process flow with pictures (SIPOC).  Plant

3 Outflow: why not detected?  Explain where the issue can be detected (SIPOC).  Plant First 4 hrs
 Describe detection system.  Plant

Securisation in each SIPOC step.  Instruction of sorting / Quality alert sheet with Operators signature each shift.  Plant/QRE
SUPPLIER  Record of sorting in Supplier / Plant / Warehouse / FGS / Customer.  Plant/QRE
INCOMING  Copy of the claim sent to our Supplier / Good Job Number.  Plant
4 PROCESS  Expected date of delivery of first OK parts.  Plant First 24 hrs
OUTPUTS  Defect reproduction video or picture  Plant
CUSTOMER  Picture of Marking on parts.  Plant
 Picture of Secured boxes identification (Green Label).  Plant

 Test equipment /paper records : to confirm or not issue already happen.  Plant
Analysis : - History,  For occurrence & non detection:  Plant
- Non-detection,  5Why + Ishikawa for each of them.  Plant
5 - Non-occurrence, Plant First 24 hrs
 Simulations evidences. 
- Non-prevention.  Explanation of each potential W or M and confirmation or not.  Plant
 Answer to why issue could not be prevented (FMEA/CP/Technical Reception / Design reviews).  Plant/QRE

Action Plan : - Occurrence.  Actions description

6 - Detection.  Occ/Det/Prev  Plant 5 Days
- Preventive.  CSC/QRE
 Expected Benefits for each action

 Evidences of no further issues occurrence in SIPOC  Plant Within 10 to 30

7 Confirm effectiveness of Actions  Records of evidences that detection system works well  Plant days
 Quantity of parts produced vs defects found since actions implementation  Plant/CSC

Capitalization and transversalization  Copy or screens shoot of each document updated (not share complete DFMEA of PFMEA)  Plant Maximum 30
8  Flow chart, Control plan, procedures, Instructions, Layout, FMEA extract, …  Plant days
 Show evidences of transversalization in other processes, projects.  Plant/CSC

Customer expect high level of analysis. GQRS/GQE will not be accepted by QRE if above expectations not met.
© 2018 YAZAKI Europe Limited. All Rights Reserved. Confidential – Do Not Distribute 2
Issue Information Photos OK/NOK condition
Carline: Eng. Level:
Product Name:
Product Number + serial:
Manufacturing Date / Plant:
Component type:
Component details:
Defect Category:
GQRS numbers:
GQE number:
Expected / Confirmed Ranking and/or PPM:

Defect description
When it happens (date)?:

When it happens (shift)?:

Where it happens (FGS, RSA warehouse, FAB, AVES, CSCS, TCM, CAT)?:

What happens (failure mode)?:

What happens (visible observation)?:

Who detected it (Opes, Rew, TQF, AVES Team, Dealer, Final cust) ?:

Why (why NOK, why customer claims the issue)?:

How many (parts, frequency)?:

How much (cost estimation, stock available, quantity on NOK, potential risks)?:

Parts available for analysis (Yes, No)?:

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Thank you very much
for your attention!

In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact:

Ibrahima Ndiaye
Quality Director Worldwide
QUALITY Sub BU Renault

Phone: +33 1-3012-7892

Fax:     +33 1-3043-3723
Mobile: +33 6-1224-3160

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