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Trauma and the stress response

Impact of trauma on the body

childhood trauma and the brain
What are ACEs?

 Traumatic events that can occur in childhood (0-17)

 A report found that 61% of adults from 25 states indicated that that they had
experienced at least one ACE before the age 18

 Women and children of ethnic minority have greater risk

 There are numerous negative effects of ACEs

(CDC, 2022)
Risk factors

Prevention/Protective factors of ACEs

 Strengthen economic supports to families

 Ensure a strong start for children
 Teach skills
 Intervene to lessen immediate and long term harm

(CDC, 2022)
Group Activity
How would you define resilience?

Describe real life examples of resilience taking place

What is resilience?

 Resilience is the ability to successfully adapt or adjust to life experiences

 Factors that contribute to one’s ability to adapt
 Coping strategies
 Social resources
 Ways in which a person views and interacts with the world

(APA, 2023)
Resilience video
Vulnerability to stress

Tolerance (Dan Siegel- “window of tolerance”)

Resilience and vulnerability to stress

 Depends on a person’s neural system’s tolerance or sensitization following earlier


 “Use it or lose it” approach- Perry & Szalavitz, 2006, p. 39

(Perry & Szalavitz, 2006)


Epigenetics: The study of how behavior and environment can cause

changes that impact how your genes function

(CDC, 2022)
Brain on trauma

Right limbic area- emotional brain

Visual cortex- lights up (Brodmann’s area 19)

Broca’s area- significant decrease in this area

(Van der Kolk, 2014)

Right brain vs. Left brain

• Nonverbal communication


• Verbal communication
• Deactivation- impacts the
Left organization of experience

(Van der Kolk, 2014)

Bottom to top brain

 Reptilian brain
 Mammalian brain (limbic system)
 Reptilian brain + mammalian brain = emotional brain
 Neocortex

(Van der Kolk, 2014)

Important anatomy regions

 “Cook and the smoke detector”

 “Watchtower”
 “Rider and the horse”
 Thalamus

(Van der Kolk, 2014)

Trauma and stress

 Adrenaline is a hormone that propels us to fight in the face of danger

 Constantly elevated stress hormones impact memory, attention; cause irritability
and sleep disorders
 Some individuals able to go into denial about potential threats

(Van der Kolk, 2014)

Trauma resources

 (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Guidance for Trauma-Informed Approach)

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