1.2 Systems and Models

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Systems and
Societies (ESS)
• Syllabus
• First Unit
• Recap EVS
• Sub Unit 1.2 : Systems and Models

2 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan

Syllabus Foundations
of ESS

Systems and
and Ecology
Resource use

Change and

Water, Food
systems and
systems and

Soil systems
and societies

3 16-Aug-21 Sara Noor Ehsan

First Unit

Chapter 1: Foundations of ESS

1.1 Environmental Value Systems

1.2 Systems and Models

1.3 Energy and Equilibria

1.4 Sustainability

1.5 Humans and Pollution

4 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan

Foundations of ESS
1.2 Systems and Models
What is a System?
• A system is a set of inter-related parts working together to make a complex

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What is a System?

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Types of System

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Exchange of Matter and Energy

Transfers Transformation
• Occurs when energy or • Occurs when energy or
matter flows and changes matter flows and changes in
location but does not state
change its state
• Change occurs in the
chemical nature, state or

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Exchange of Matter and Energy

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Flows and Storage

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A forest ecosystem as an open system

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Closed System

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What is a Biosphere 2?
• It is an attempt at creating a habitable closed system on earth

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Isolated Systems

• Isolated systems do not interact

with its surroundings
• In reality, complete isolate systems
do not exist. However some systems
may behave like an isolated system
for a finite period of time.

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What is a biosphere 2?

16 05/03/2023 Add a footer

What is a model?

A model is a simplified version of a real thing

• Aids in construction of a systematic diagram from given set of information.

• A tool for evaluation of data/situation i.e. for climate change predictions
• Examples include physical model, Computer/software model, Mathematical
Equations and Data Flow Models etc.

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Models of Systems

Spheres of a sustainable model


18 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan

Earth as model for a super organism
Gaia Hypothesis
• Proposed by James lovelock in 1979
• Supports
• Constant temp despite increases in solar
• Constant composition of atmosphere
• Constant salinity of oceans


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• Construct a system model of a burning candle
• Inputs? Outputs?
• Strengths?
• Limitations?

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21 05/03/2023 Sara Noor ehsan
Models of System

Strengths Weaknesses
• User-friendly • Accuracy is lost because model is
• Simplified diagrams simplified
• If our assumptions are wrong the
• Can be used to predict the effect of
a change of input model will be wrong

• Can be applied to similar situations • Inaccurate predictions

without waiting for real events! • Different people might interpret in
• Patterns can be identified and different ways
results shown to people. • Can be hijacked for a vested political

22 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan

23 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan
Thank you ! Any Questions?

24 05/03/2023 Sara Noor Ehsan

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