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Nama : Belinda Grasiella
NPM. : 92211404122072
Kelas : B
 Governments should prioritize investment in green technologies and
industries in order to achieve sustainable development and poverty
eradication. This will not only create jobs but also reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and improve the overall health of the planet.

 Individuals should also take steps to support the green economy by making
conscious choices in their daily lives, such as reducing their carbon
footprint, supporting local and sustainable businesses, and advocating for
policies that prioritize the environment and social equity. By doing so, they
can contribute to a more sustainable future for all.
 Governments must prioritize the transition towards a green economy in their national
policies and development strategies. This includes investing in renewable energy
sources, promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry, and implementing measures to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The urgency of climate change and its negative
impacts on both the environment and human well-being require immediate and
sustained action.

 Businesses and industries must also take responsibility for their environmental impact
and prioritize sustainable practices. This means adopting eco-friendly technologies
and practices, reducing waste and emissions, and committing to sustainable sourcing
and production methods. Companies that fail to make the necessary changes risk
being left behind in a rapidly changing global market, as consumers increasingly
demand environmentally conscious products and services.
 Governments have to prioritize investment in green economy initiatives in
order to combat climate change and poverty. It is no longer acceptable to
prioritize economic growth at the expense of the environment and the well-
being of citizens. Policymakers have to recognize the urgency of the
situation and take bold actions to transition towards a more sustainable

 Consumers have to play a role in driving the shift towards a green economy.
We have to be more mindful of our consumption patterns and choose
products and services that have a lower environmental impact. We also have
to hold companies accountable for their actions and demand that they adopt
sustainable practices. Only by making conscious choices and taking action
can we collectively achieve a more sustainable future.

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