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How to approach Remote Fit-to-Standard

workshops in the Cloud Playbook

September 16, 2022

Purpose of This Playbook
SAP Activate Methodology Accelerator

The purpose of this accelerator is to enable and educate users on

the execution of remote fit-to-standard workshops to ensure a
successful solution definition process that captures all configuration
and integrations needed for the solution- creating an efficient and
effective solution configuration in Realize. Note, this playbook is an
add-on to the How to Approach Fit-to-Standard Analysis –
Cloud accelerator and should be reviewed after becoming enabled
on the fit-to-standard process.

Document Target Audience:

Project Business Process Configuration

Lead Expert(s) Expert(s)

Please Note: Detailed information on the Integration Process is not covered in this presentation. For detailed information regarding the
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integration process, for Integration Implementation Experts, please refer to the integration accelerator. 2
Chapters – Table of Contents

1. Introduction
• Considerations
• Purpose
• Common Collaboration Tools Checklist
• Expected Outcomes of the Workshop
2. Preparation
• Preparation Pulse Check
• Sample Agenda
• Preparation Actions
3. Execution
• Communication
• Attention
• Engagement
• Collaboration

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops:
Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops
Below are things to consider when running fit-to-standard workshops remotely:

Host full spectrum communication to enable

cross-group consensus

Maintain attention to make the workshop

effective and productive

Spark and keep engagement to encourage all Business

Process Experts’ input

Define framework for active participation in advance to ensure

smooth start

Maximize online tools capabilities to facilitate

ongoing collaboration

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops

The purpose of fit-to-standard workshops is for the customer to become further enabled on the
adoption of the standard processes available and to capture solution configuration and delta
requirements needed. The solution configuration and delta requirements, some of the outputs from the
workshop, will later be further refined by technical experts in the planning and design workshops.

Scope Determine Configure
and Plan (Solution
Solution Configuration

(Definition Process)

Application Design and Configuration Workstream

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops
Common Templates and Tools for Collaboration Checklist
The following tools are tools that will be used throughout the fit-to-standard process. It is suggested to review the
following tools and determine with the team which tool will be used for which of the following scenarios :

 SAP Best Practices Explorer: for SAP Best  Tool to capture (one tool or multiple can be
Practices documentation (test scripts, process used to fulfill) the following:
diagrams, et.) Link
 Configuration Values (ex. Cloud ALM or Backlog
 Roadmap Viewer: for implementation template)
roadmaps. Link
 Action Items (ex. Word or Excel)
 SAP S/4HANA Cloud system: for demoing
 Notes/Meeting Minutes
during fit-to-standard and for participants to
become more enabled on the solution  Key Decisions
 Screen sharing + video conferencing tool (ex.  Delta Requirements (Cloud ALM or Backlog
Teams, Zoom, Skype, etc.) template)

 Collaboration tool: for visualization or capturing  Cloud storage tool: for sharing documents
of ideas
 Pulse Check tool: for checking in with
participants during the workshop (ex. Mentimeter,
Qualtrics, etc.)

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Preparation
Recommended Key Tools for Execution (Sample)

Microsoft Teams (Cloud Storage) SAP Backlog (Delta Requirements) MURAL (Collaboration Tool)
• Video Conferencing • Capture delta requirements • Virtual White board
• Document storage and • Template • Collaboration real-time
collaboration • Templates for various working
• Discussions and chats around sessions
topics • Link
• Link
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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops
Expected Outputs of Workshops


 Delta requirements identification and mitigation Meeting Minutes &

Business Driven
Action items (Reviewed
& Finalized)
 Configuration values required Questionnaire (Final)

 Expert configuration definitions

Sign off of Key Decisions
Backlog (Prioritized)

 Awareness of KPIs addressed and impacted

 Forms, reports, and authorizations requirements

Delta Requirements Updated Process Flows

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops:
Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Preparation
Pulse Check

In order to ensure all participants are ready for the fit-to-standard workshops ensure
the following :
Video Conferencing Check
 Install the video conferencing software recommended by your project team
 Setup the software to allow access to your microphone and camera
 Setup headphones that you will use for the duration of the workshop to prevent echo
 Check you connectivity with another colleague to ensure the software works
 Learn how to mute/un-mute your line and remember the steps for the workshop
 Raise support ticket with your IT organization in case you encounter any issues
Collaboration Tools Check
 Install collaboration software on your machine - your project manager will provide details about the software
that is required for you to have available on your computer
 Check access to the shared folders in the collaboration software
 Raise support ticket with your IT organization in case you encounter any issues
Working environment preparation
 If possible, make following changes to your working environment to make it more comfortable for working
with colleagues remotely
 Consider getting second monitor and physical keyboard to improve prolonged use
 Definitely get a pair of headphones or earphones you can use during the conference calls, using computer
speaker and microphone will result in echo for other participants
 Setup your work environment in dedicated room or dedicated space in your home, if that's not possible
consider to use place that has the least traffic from and best acoustic
 Select comfortable and ergonomic chair to make your working sessions comfortable even if they are

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Preparation
Agenda (Sample)

Day 1 SA Day N

Fit-to-Standard workshops Kick-off 9am – 9:55am Recap of Previous Day 9am – 9:15am
Break: Replenish Liquid Energy (Coffee/Tea) 9:55am – 10am Scope Item XX4 9:15am – 10am
Organizational Structure overview 10am – 11am Break: Start Dishwasher (or Delegate Task) 10am – 10:05am
Break: Let Furry Co-worker Out (Pet) 11am – 11:15am Scope Item XX4 (cont.) 10:05am – 11am
Scope Item XX1 11:15am – 12pm Break: Find Out What the Weather Actually Is Outside 11am – 11:15am
Break: Run to Find Charger for Headset 12pm – 12:05pm Scope Item XX5 11:15am – 12pm
Scope Item XX1 (cont.) 12:05pm – 1pm Break: Stretch and Re-fluff Chair 12pm – 12:05pm
Lunch Break 1pm – 1:45pm Scope Item XX5 (cont.) 12:05pm – 1pm
Scope Item XX2 1:45pm – 2:55pm Lunch Break 1pm – 1:45pm
Break: Move Work Clothes from Washer to Dryer 2:55pm – 3pm Scope Item XX6 1:45pm – 2:45pm
Scope Item XX2 (cont.) 3pm – 4pm Break: Raid the Junk Food Area (Remain Undercover) 2:45pm – 3pm
Break: Make Sure Kids Have Not Destroyed Kitchen (or Each Other) 4pm – 4:15pm Scope Item XX7 3pm – 4pm
Scope Item XX3 4:15pm – 4:45pm Break: Ensure Neighbours Are Not Stepping on Your Lawn 4pm – 4:15pm
Scope Item XX7 (cont.) 4:15pm – 4:45pm
Daily Wrap-up 4:45pm – 5:15pm Daily Wrap-up 4:45pm – 5:15pm

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Preparation
Preparation Actions
Below are the recommended preparation actions for each role to ensure all participants are ready for
an effective and efficient remote fit-to-standard workshop:
Project Lead
1. Outline workshop’s Golden Rules and etiquette to Business Process Experts
2. Define and share with Business Process Experts the collaboration tools to be used during the workshop and
communication paths
3. Provide Business Process Experts with samples of the templates to be used through the collaboration tools

Configuration Expert
4. Plan for more time than needed for the same Scope Items in an onsite workshop
5. Schedule a short proof of concept with Business Process Experts ahead of the workshop
6. Test access to the online tools, camera, audio, and customer Starter System
7. Create pulse checks to use throughout the workshop to ensure participants are engaged

Business Process Expert

8. Review in-scope Scope Items in SAP Best Practices Explorer
9. Test access to Starter System and collaboration tools
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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops:
Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Execution
Pulse Check

Prior to the kickoff of the workshop do a pulse check with all of the participants to
ensure the following:

 Email application, web browser, and any software that may disrupt your
focus during the workshop session is shut down

 Have a drink to stay hydrated during the workshop

 Have notepad or application for taking notes during the session

 Desktop is prepared for screen sharing if needed

 Able to hear voice and see shared screen clearly. If you have low
bandwidth, dialed in.

 In quite area without interruptions or distractions. If not possible will use the
mute functionality as needed.
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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Execution
Below are the recommended actions for the key constituents to minimize the risks of a fit-to-standard
workshop performed remotely.
Project Lead
1. Schedule end-of-day operational wrap-up meeting with all Business Process Experts and Configuration Experts
2. Schedule weekly meeting to review status and open actions - PMO, Configuration Expert, Business Process Experts

Configuration Expert
3. Remind Business Process Experts of workshop’s goals and importance to the solution
4. Review agenda, timing, and practices at the beginning of the workshop
5. Explain expectations, roles, and responsibilities to Business Process Experts
6. Schedule end-of-workshop wrap-up meeting with all Business Process Experts
7. Practice active moderation during the workshop to keep participants engaged and involved

Business Process Expert

8. Perform introductions with cameras on, sharing name and role
9. Turn camera on when asking or answering a question
10. Keep mic unmuted wherever possible, to encourage verbal communication
11. If you need to step away from the session use the chat function to announce that you are stepping away. When you come back,
use chat to announce that you are back in the session
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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Execution
Below are the recommended actions for the key constituents to minimize the risks of a fit-to-standard
workshop performed remotely:
Configuration Expert
1. Share goals and desired outcomes in the collaboration tool (digital board) and review with
Business Process Experts mid-workshop and end of workshop
2. Make it dynamic: alternate presentation with co-Leads when possible
3. Split the workshop duration in the different sections and assign specific time boxes
4. Schedule a five-minute break every 45 minutes of workshop
5. Plan for a 15-minute break between workshops to enable information processing
6. Request feedback from each Business Process Expert after every break and at the end of the workshop

Business Process Expert

7. Minimize at-home distractions during the workshop
8. Limit the use of offline chat during the workshop
9. Put aside the day job, closing the email app, browser and other applications that may distract you

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Execution
Below are the recommended actions for the key constituents to minimize the risks of a fit-to-standard
workshop performed remotely:
Project Lead
1. Invite the right Business Process Experts - standardized group of decision-takers
2. Plan for small teams - maximum of eight Business Process Experts, for efficacy

Configuration Expert
3. Keep the workshop simple, clear, and to the point, shortening it if possible
4. Request Business Process Expert contributions by name, nominating who will talk next
5. Build pauses into the presentation and give the opportunity to ask questions
6. Promote together-alone time before discussing the topic as a group

Business Process Experts

7. Follow the presenter steps in the system when possible
8. Utilize digital board stickers efficiently for collaborative brainstorming - parking lot or side conversations

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Remote Fit-to-Standard Workshops Execution
Below are the recommended actions for the key constituents to minimize the risks of a fit-to-standard
workshop performed remotely:
Project Lead
1. Reinforce constant communication through the stakeholders collaboration tools
2. Use the defined collaboration tool usage: what, where, how
3. Establish shared folder nomenclature that maps the workshop schedule
4. Ensure availability of collaboration tool and enact backup plan

Configuration Expert
5. Initiate the workshop collaboration tools with goals and outcomes
6. Assign co-Lead to manage the collaboration tools – chat, backlog, and digital board
7. Align with the Business Process Experts every 15 minutes to make sure everybody is following the

Business Process Experts

8. Use chat inside the meeting to discuss topics during and after the workshop
9. Keep cameras on for introductions, when speaking, and end-of-workshop Q&A
10. Maximize use of digital board for visual brainstorming
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Thank you.
SAP Activate Methodology

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