Arts 1

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Let us Pray!
 Everyone deserves respect, both
students and teachers
 Be ready to learn
 When someone else is talking
 Raise your hand to speak
 Ask question
 Believe in yourself!
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able
a)identify the different elements and principles of art
present in Mindanao;
b)determine the importance of artworks in the daily
lives and culture of Mindanao; and
c)draw a piece of artwork or crafts in Mindanao that
shows characteristic elements of arts.
What do you see? Picture #1

Picture #2
Activity 1: FIX ME!

ELIN – means straight starts with letter L.

EPSHA – it can be square or circle and starts with the
letter S.
EUVAL – your worth, starts with the letter V.
LORCO – It could be white or dark, and starts with the
letter C.
TNEMEVOM - sometimes called “action” starts with the
letter M.
ECNALAB – fair or equal, starts with the letter B.
YTINU – acts as one, starts with the letter U.
Line An identifiable path created by a point moving in
Shape An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat,
or limited to height and width
Form It can refer to the overall form taken by the work
– its physical nature; or within a work of art, it
can refer to the element of shape among the
various elements that make up a work

Value Defines how light or dark a given color or hue

can be. Color-the aspect of any object that may
be described in terms of hue, lightness, and

Texture Is the perceived surface quality of a work of art.

Space refers to a feeling of depth or three
Color The aspect of any object that may be described
in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation.
Rhythm Refers to the movement within a piece
of art that helps the eye travel through to
a point of focus.

Movement The path the viewer's eye takes through

the work of art, often to focal areas

Balance Is the distribution of the visual weight of

objects, colors, texture, and space.

Emphasis Is the part of the design that catches the

viewer's attention.

Harmony Is the principle of art that creates

cohesiveness by stressing the
similarities of separate but related parts.
Unity Is to look at several common
elements (form, shape, color,
and line for instance) and
determine how the artwork uses
those elements.
Variety Refers to how artists and
designers add complexity to
their work using visual elements.

Proportion Is the principle of art that refers

to relative size. The principles of
art differ from the elements of
“Group Activity”
 The students will be divided into 5 groups.
 Each group can choose any artwork related to Mindanao and draw it
on Bond paper. The teacher will give them different artworks to
 The students should put a title of their drawings.
 A representative of every group should present their output in class.
 They can present their output by describing the elements or
principles used in their artwork.
 The students will be given 15 minutes to finish the task.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.
This criterion will used to rate the output of the students.
Creativity Work exceptionally unique detailed and 30%
interesting. Explores several different
options and takes many creative risks.
Use of Elements Exceptional understanding and application 30%
and Principles of the elements of arts and principles of
Craftmanship Work done with exceptional care and 30%
attention to detail and neatness.
Idea/description Exceptional ideas with details and unique 10%
thinking in describing the artwork.
Total   100%
Quiz Bee
• Get ¼ sheet of paper
• Write your answers on
your paper.
1.It is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space.
2.It is an element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height
and width
3.It refers to the overall form taken by the work – its physical nature; or
within a work of art, it can refer to the element of shape among the
various elements that make up a work
4.It defines how light or dark a given color or hue can be. Color-the
aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness,
and saturation
5.Is it the perceived surface quality of a work of art. Space-refers to a
feeling of depth or three dimensions.
6. It is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of
art, often to focal areas
7. It is the distribution of the visual weight of objects,
colors, texture, and space.
8. It is the part of the design that catches the viewer's
9. It is the principle of art that creates cohesiveness by
stressing the similarities of separate but related parts.
10. It is to look at several common elements (form, shape,
color, and line for instance) and determine how the artwork
uses those elements.
Research one piece of arts and
crafts in Mindanao and identify the
name, meaning, elements and
principles. Put it in a long bond
paper with the description below.
Activity 1: FIX ME!

Mechanics: Arrange the following rumbled words in the

box by following the given keywords or hints.
Write your topic or idea

Add a main point Add a main point Add a main point Add a main point
Elaborate on what you Elaborate on what you Elaborate on what you Elaborate on what you
want to discuss. want to discuss. want to discuss. want to discuss.
Write your topic or idea
Write a column name Write a column name Write a column name Write a column name Write a column name

Double click to add text

Write your topic Add a main point
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.

or idea
Add a main point
Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.

Add a main point

Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.

Add a main point

Briefly elaborate on what you want to discuss.
Item 5
Item 1
20% Write your
topic or idea
Briefly elaborate on what you
want to discuss.
Item 4 Item 2
20% 20%

Item 3
Write your topic Briefly elaborate on what you
want to discuss.

or idea
Thank you!
Insert a parting or call-to-action
message here.

Use these design resources in your Canva

Presentation. Happy designing!

Don't forget to delete this page

before presenting.

Use these design resources in your Canva

Presentation. Happy designing!

Don't forget to delete this page

before presenting.
Resource B for blur C for confetti

D for a drumroll O for bubbles

Q for quiet X to close

Find the magic and fun in presenting with
Canva Presentations. Press the following
keys while on Present mode!

Don't forget to delete this page Any number from 0-9 for a timer
before presenting.

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