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Essay Writing


Narrative Essay
Descriptive Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
How to make an outline?

 Research and gather sources

 Make a list of the topics you want to cover
 Consider the best order to discuss the topics
 Fill in the details
 Revise

 Topic: The importance of water

 1ST Step: Brainstorming
 Think about what you know what about water and
its uses
2nd Step

 Write down the data obtained from brainstorming

 Human body consist of more than severely percent of water
 Water is used in agriculture
 It is used in daily life, cooking, cleaning etc
 It is used for drinking
 It is consumed by plants and animals
 Used in dams for making electricity
 Humans cannot survive without water, life is important
 It is used in industries
 Plants make their food through water
Lets think which point should be included in
introductory paragraph

 Point # 1
Human body consist of more than 70 percent of water
 Point # 2
Human cannot exist without water, life is impossible.
 Now think of related point with it:
All the life on the earth depends on water. Human, animals and plants need water for their
existence. The majority of the earth surface is covered with water. Water is so essential that
no one can deny the existence.
Constructing the introductory paragraph

The Importance of water

All the life on the earth depends on water. It covers the
majority of the earth surface. The human body itself consists
of severely percent of water. There is no life in the deserts
because of the lack of water. The importance of water can be
seen in the unlimited users for humans. Animals and plants
which makes it clear that life cannot exist without water.
First body paragraph

 The most important use of water is for human life and activities.
They need to drink it on daily basis. If water is not available to
humans, they will die of thirst. Furthermore, it has domestic uses as
well like cleaning houses, washing clothes and utensils, cooking
etc. no house can run without water. In addition to these uses, water
is used in industries, agricultural and dams. Certainly, all these
fields provide great comfort to humans.
Important points to remember

 There should be no headings in the essay

 It should only consists of paragraph
 The first sentence of each paragraph must be written after leaving some space. Its an
indication that a new paragraph has started.
 The ideas of one paragraph should not be any repetition in the body paragraphs.
 However, the concluding paragraph can restate the main point of the essay discussed in
the introductory paragraph. Its not considered a repetition.
Concluding paragraph

Thus to conclude, it can be said that water is a valuable

blessing of God which makes human life possible on this
earth. Keeping in view its undeniable importance it is the
duty of each one of us to preserve the water reservoirs. It
should be used economically. Let us show a sense of
responsibility by sparing it for our coming generations.

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