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Job Promotion
Work Occupation
Boss Skills
Employee Experience
Resume ( CV ) Retirement
1. I have a new ___________ as a teacher.
2. She goes to the ___________ every day from 9 to 5.
3. The ___________ gave him a raise for his hard work.
4. He has many ___________ in his field of expertise.
5. She submitted her ___________ for the job opening.
6. He has an ___________ next week for a position at the bank.
7. John got a ___________ after working at the company for five years.
8. She received a ___________ increase after her performance review.
9. I work in an ___________ building in the city center.
10.ABC Corporation is a global ___________ that manufactures electronics.
11.He is planning for his ___________ and saving money for it.
12.She is looking for a ___________ in the healthcare industry.
13.He has the ___________ to work well under pressure.
14.She gained valuable ___________ through her previous jobs.
15.He has the necessary ___________ for the position.
16.She completed a ___________ program to enhance her skills.
17.He is happy with his ___________ and enjoys going to work.
18.She signed a ___________ with the company for two years.
19.He is considering ___________ options after retiring from his current job.
20.She is preparing for her ___________ by attending job fairs and networking events.
1.I have a new job as a teacher.
2.She goes to the office every day from 9 to 5.
3.The boss gave him a raise for his hard work.
4.He has many skills in his field of expertise.
5.She submitted her resume for the job opening.
6.He has an interview next week for a position at the bank.
7.John got a promotion after working at the company for five years.
8.She received a salary increase after her performance review.
9.I work in an office building in the city center.
10.ABC Corporation is a global company that manufactures electronics.
11.He is planning for his retirement and saving money for it.
12.She is looking for a career in the healthcare industry.
13.He has the ability to work well under pressure.
14.She gained valuable experience through her previous jobs.
15.He has the necessary qualifications for the position.
16.She completed a training program to enhance her skills.
17.He is happy with his career and enjoys going to work.
18.She signed a contract with the company for two years.
19.He is considering career options after retiring from his current job.
20.She is preparing for her job interview by attending job fairs and networking events.

Think of a job and talk about it without telling anyone what

the job is. The class have to guess which job you have chosen.
Talk about:
• • what you do
• • qualities
• • salary
• • reasons you like/dislike it
•I’d rather be a happy dustman than an
unhappy millionaire
•It doesn't matter what job you do. It's
how you do it.
Express opinions Agreeing
I think ...; I couldn't agree more ...;
I believe ...; I quite agree with you….
In my opinion .. ; That’s true…..
To my mind…; I partly agree with you…..
To me….

Asking for opinion Disagreeing

What do you think about….? I don't agree …..I feel...;
What’s your opinion ….? Perhaps you are right, but on the other
Don’t you agree….? hand ....
That's not quite the way I see it.
I see what you mean, but………
• Land a job (col) to successfully obtain or secure a job. It is often used to describe the process
of finding and being hired for a position.
1.After months of searching, Sarah finally landed a job as a software engineer.
2.He was thrilled to land a job at a prestigious law firm.
3.She applied to several companies and finally landed a job as a marketing coordinator.
4.It took him a while to land a job in his field after graduating from university.
5.Maria worked hard to improve her skills and was able to land a job as a manager in her
• Climb the career ladder
• an idiom that refers to the process of advancing or progressing in one's
career by moving from lower-level positions to higher-level positions
with increasing responsibilities and authority.
1.He started as an intern and gradually climbed the career ladder to
become the CEO of the company.
2.John has been taking on additional responsibilities and gaining new
skills to help him climb the career ladder in his field.
• Make a career choice
• refers to the process of making a decision about the type of work or profession one wants to
pursue as a long-term career.
1.After careful consideration, he made a career choice to become a doctor.
2.She is currently exploring different options and trying to make a career choice that aligns
with her interests and skills.
3.It's important to do thorough research and self-assessment before making a career choice.
4.Many young adults struggle with making a career choice, as they weigh their interests, skills,
and job market trends.
• Gain work experience
• the process of acquiring practical knowledge, skills, and expertise through employment or
other professional opportunities.
1.As a recent graduate, she is eager to gain work experience in her field of study.
2.He took an internship at a marketing agency to gain work experience and learn more about
the industry.
3.The company offers a paid internship program for students to gain work experience and
develop their skills.
• Resign from a job
• to voluntarily quit or leave a job or employment.
1.After much consideration, Mark decided to resign from his job as a marketing manager.
2.She handed in her resignation letter and will be resigning from her job next month.
3.He informed his supervisor that he would be resigning from his position due to personal
• Have a steady job
• to have a stable and consistent source of employment that
provides a reliable income over time.
1.Despite the economic challenges, he has managed to have a
steady job as a teacher for over 10 years.
2.She prefers to have a steady job with a regular paycheck rather
than freelance work.
• Go on maternity leave
• a term used to describe a planned absence from work taken by a pregnant employee to give
birth and care for their newborn child.
1.Jane is planning to go on maternity leave for three months after her baby is born.
2.Sarah requested to go on maternity leave starting from the end of the month to prepare for
the arrival of her twins.
3.After giving birth, Melissa will go on maternity leave to take care of her newborn and will
return to work after her leave period.
• Work overtime refers to working additional hours beyond the
regular working hours or outside of one's normal schedule,
typically beyond the standard 8-hour workday.
1.Due to the urgent deadline, the team had to work overtime to
complete the project on time.
2.He has been working overtime for the past few weeks.
3.He earns extra money by working overtime on weekends and
• Get a raise means to receive an increase in salary or wages from one's employer.
• "receive a salary increase," "obtain a wage hike“
1.Mark has been with the company for five years and recently got a raise.
2.The company implemented a salary review process, and many employees were happy to get
a raise as a result.
3.David was promoted to a higher position and also got a raise as part of his new role.

• Pair up with a partner and discuss your dream job.

Use collocations like "land a job," "climb the
career ladder," and "resign from a job" in your
conversation. For example: "I hope to land a job as
a software engineer in a big tech company, and
then climb the career ladder to become a team
Which of the jobs do you personally find:
• rewarding?
• dead-end(бесперспективный)?
• secure?
• repetitive (однообразный)?
• creative?
• stressful?

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