How Do The Moons Compare-Grade 5-3.4

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Grade 5

Chapter 8 Lesson 3
How do the moons compare?

• Textbook , p.448-449

A moon

• Is a natural object that orbits a planet .

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Mars has two moons named Phobos and Deimos which are
irregular in shapes
• •
Ever wondered how many plane Jupiter has
• moons out of which 53 • moons have been
officially named. Jupiter’s four main moons
are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
These moons are named the Galilean moons
after Galileo Galilei. Jupiter features some of
the largest moons in the solar system.
Saturn has 62 moons out of
which 53 moons have been
officially named. Saturn’s
largest moon is named
Titan. it is the only moon
known to have a dense
• Uranus
• Uranus has 27 moons. All
of these have been named
after characters from
Shakespeare’s and
Alexander Pope’s works.
The ones that are well-
known amongst these are
Titania, Oberon, Miranda,
Ariel, and Umbriel.
Neptune’s largest moon is
Triton which is similar in size
to Earth’s moon.
Is an object in space that circles around another
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Artificial Satellites
Instruments put into space that
orbit the Earth or other planets .
Craters on the Moon
Craters on Ganymede
Mar’s moons Craters

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