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Chapter 7: Migration,

genetic drift and non-

random mating
 Migration: movement of alleles
between populations.

 Migration can cause allele and

genotype frequencies to deviate from
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
 Consider Continent-Island migration
 Migration from island to continent will
have no effect of continental allele
frequencies. Continental population
much larger than island.
 However continent to island migration
can greatly alter allele frequencies.
Empirical example of
migration’s effects
 Lake Erie water snakes. Snakes range
in appearance from unbanded to
strongly banded.

 Banding caused by single locus:

banded allele dominant over
Lake Erie water snakes
 Mainland: almost all snakes banded.

 Islands many snakes unbanded.

 Unbanded snakes have selective

advantage: better camouflage on
limestone rocks. Camouflage very
valuable when snake is young.
Fig 6.6
Lake Erie water snakes

 If selection favors unbanded snakes

on islands why aren’t all snakes

 Migration introduces alleles for

Fig 6.7

A unbanded, B+C some banding, D strongly banded

Lake Erie water snakes

 Migration of snakes from mainland

makes island populations more like

 This is general effect of migration:

Homogenizes populations (making
them resemble each other).
Genetic Drift
 Genetic drift results from the influence
of chance. When population size is
small, chance events more likely to
have a strong effect.

 Sampling errors are very likely when

small samples are taken from
Genetic Drift

 Assume gene pool where frequency A1 =

0.6, A2 = 0.4.
 Produce 10 zygotes by drawing from pool
of alleles.

 Repeat multiple times to generate

distribution of expected allele frequencies
in next generation.
Fig 6.11
Genetic Drift

 Allele frequencies much more likely to

change than stay the same.

 If same experiment repeated but

number of zygotes increased to 250
the frequency of A1 settles close to
expected 0.6.
Empirical examples of
sampling error: Founder
 Founder Effect: when population
founded by only a few individuals allele
frequencies likely to differ from that of
source population.

 Only a subset of alleles likely to be

represented and rare alleles may be
Founder effect in
Silvereye populations.
 Silvereyes colonized South Island of
New Zealand from Tasmania in 1830.
 Later spread to other islands.
Founder effect in
 Analysis of microsatellite DNA from
populations shows Founder effect on

 Progressive decline in allele diversity

from one population to the next in
sequence of colonizations.
Fig 6.13 c
Founder effect in
 Norfolk island Silvereye population has
only 60% of allelic diversity of
Tasmanian population.
Founder effect in human
 Founder effect common in isolated
human populations.

 E.g. Pingelapese people of Eastern

Caroline Islands are descendants of 20
survivors of a typhoon and famine that
occurred around 1775.
Pingelap Atoll
Founder effect in human
 One survivor was heterozygous carrier
of a recessive loss of function allele of
CNGB3 gene.
 That gene codes for protein in cone
cells of retina.
 4 generations after typhoon
homozygotes for allele began to be
Founder effect in human
 People homozygous for the allele have
achromotopsia (complete color
blindness, extreme light sensitivity,
and poor visual acuity).
 Achromotopsia is rare in most
populations (<1 in 20,000 people).
Among the 3,000 Pingelapese
islanders the frequency is 1 in 20.
Founder effect in human
 High frequency of allele for
achromotopsia is not due to a
selective advantage, just a result of

 Founder effect followed by further

genetic drift resulted in current high
Effects of genetic drift
over time
 Effects of genetic drift can be very strong
when compounded over many

 Simulations of drift. Change in allele

frequencies over 100 generations. Initial
frequencies A1 = 0.6, A2 = 0.4. Simulation
run for different population sizes.
Conclusions from
 Populations follow unique paths
 Genetic drift has strongest effects on small
 Given enough time, even in large
populations genetic drift can have an effect.
 Genetic drift leads to fixation or loss of
alleles, which increases homozygosity and
reduces heterozygosity.
Conclusions from
 Genetic drift produces steady decline
in heterozygosity.

 Frequency of heterozygotes is highest

at intermediate allele frequencies. As
one allele drifts to fixation the number
of heterozygotes inevitably declines.
Empirical studies on
 Buri (1956) established 107 Drosophila
 All founders were heterozygotes for an
eye-color gene called brown. Neither
allele gives selective advantage.
 Initial genotype bw75/bw
 Initial frequency of bw75 = 0.5
Buri (1956) study

 Followed populations for 19

 Population size kept at 16 individuals.

 What do we predict will occur in terms

of allele fixation and heterozygosity?
Buri (1956) study

 In each population expect one of the

two alleles to drift to fixation.

 Expect heterozygosity to decline in

populations as allele fixation
Buri (1956) study

 Distribution of frequencies of bw75

allele became increasingly U-shaped
over time.

 By end of experiment, bw75 allele fixed

in 28 populations and lost from 30.
Fig 6.16
Buri (1956) study
 Frequency of heterozygotes declined
steadily over course of experiment.

 Declined faster than expected because

effective population size was smaller than
initial population size of 16 (effective refers
to number of actual breeders; some flies
died, some did not get to mate).
Fig 6.17
Allele fixation in natural
 Templeton et al. (1990) Studied
Collared Lizards in Ozarks of Missouri

 Desert species occurs on remnant

pieces of desert-like habitat called
Templeton et al. (1990)

 Human fire suppression has resulted in

loss of glade habitat and loss of
crossable savannah habitat between
glades. Areas between glades
overgrown with trees.
Templeton et al. (1990)
 Based on small population sizes and
isolation of collared lizard populations
Templeton et al. (1990) predicted strong
effect of genetic drift on population

 Expected low genetic diversity within

populations, but high diversity between
Templeton et al. (1990)
 Found expected pattern. Genotype fixation
common within populations and different
genotypes were fixed in different

 Lack of genetic diversity leaves populations

vulnerable to extinction.
 Found >66% of glades contained no lizards.
Templeton et al. (1990)

 What conservation measures could be

taken to assist Collared Lizard
Templeton et al. (1990)

 Repopulate glades by introducing


 Burn oak-hickory forest between

glades to allow migration between
Non-Random mating
 The last of the five Hardy-Weinberg
assumptions is that random mating
takes place.

 The most common form of non-

random mating is inbreeding which
occurs when close relatives mate with
each other.
 Most extreme form of inbreeding is self

 In a population of self fertilizing organisms all

homozygotes will produce only homozygous
offspring. Heterozygotes will produce offspring
50% of which will be homozygous and 50%

 How will this affect the frequency of heterozygotes

each generation?

 In each generation the proportion of

heterozygous individuals in the
population will decline.
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 Because inbreeding produces an
excess of homozygotes in a population
deviations from Hardy-Weinberg
expectations can be used to detect
such inbreeding in wild populations.
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 Sea otters, once abundant along the
west coast of the U.S., were almost
wiped out by fur hunters in the 18th
and 19th centuries.

Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters

 California population reached a low of

50 individuals (now over 1,500). As a
result of this bottleneck, the
population has less genetic diversity
than it once had.
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 Population is still at a low density and
Lidicker and McCollum (1997)
investigated whether this resulted in

 They determined genotypes of 33

otters for PAP locus, which has two
alleles S (slow) and F (fast)
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 The genotypes of the 33 otters were:
– SS 16
– SF 7
– FF 10
 This gives approximate allele
frequencies of S= 0.6 and F = 0.4
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 If otter population in H-W equilibrium,
genotype frequencies should be
– SS = 0.6* 0.6 = 0.36
– SF =2*0.6*0.4 = 0.48
– FF = 0.4*0.4 = 0.16
 However actual frequencies were:
– SS= 0.485, SF= 0.212, FF =0.303
Inbreeding in California
Sea Otters
 There are more homozygotes and fewer
heterozygotes than expected for a random
mating population.

 Having considered alternative explanations

for deficit of heterozygotes, Lidicker and
McCollum (1997) concluded that sea otter
populations show evidence of inbreedng.
General analysis of
 Self-fertilization and sibling mating are
the most extreme forms of inbreeding,
but matings between more distant
relatives (e.g. cousins) has the same
effect on the frequency of
homozygotes, but rate is slower.
General analysis of
 F = Coefficient of inbreeding:
probability that two alleles in an
individual are identical by descent
(this means both alleles are copies of
a particular ancestor’s allele in some
previous generation).

 F increases as relatedness increases.

General analysis of
 If we compare heterozygosity of an inbred population
Hf with that of a random mating population Ho the
relationship is

 Hf =Ho (1-F)

 or expressed in H-W terms the expected frequency of

heterozygotes in an inbred population would be Hf =
2pq (1-F)

 Anytime F>0 frequency of heterozygotes is reduced

and frequency of homozygotes naturally increases.
General analysis of
 Calculating F. Need to use pedigree

 Example: Female is daughter of two half-


 There are two ways the female could

receive alleles that are identical by descent.
Calculating probability that two alleles in an inbred individual are identical by descent
Male Female Male
Half-sibling mating

Female Male

Fig 6.27a
Fig 6.27b
General analysis of
 Total probability of scenario is 1/16 +
1/16 = 1/8.
Inbreeding depression
 Inbreeding increases the frequency of
homozygotes and thus the probability that
deleterious alleles are visible to selection
because an individual will receive two copies
of the deleterious allele.

 In humans, children of first cousins have

higher mortality rates than children of
unrelated individuals.
Each dot on graph
represents mortality
rates for a human
Fig 6.28
Mortality rate for
children of cousins
consistently about 4%
higher than rate for
children of
Inbreeding in humans

 Royal families have been particularly

prone to inbreeding.

 In Ancient Egypt because royal women

were considered to carry the royal
bloodline the pharaoh routinely was
married to a sister or half-sister.
Inbreeding in humans
 The most famous example of a genetic
disorder exacerbated by inbreeding is
the Hapsburg jaw or Hapsburg lip
[severe lower jaw protrusion] .

 (Hapsburgs were the ruling family of

Austria and Spain for much of the
Inbreeding in humans
 Extensive intermarriage of close Hapsburg relatives

 The last of the Spanish Hapsburgs, Charles II

(1661-1700) had such severe jaw protrusion he
could not chew his food properly.

 Charles II also had a large number of other

recessively inherited genetic problems that caused
physical, mental, sexual and other problems.
Charles was infertile and the last of the Spanish
Hapsburg kings.
Inbreeding depression
 Inbreeding depression (reduction in fitness
caused by inbreeding) also documented in
studies of wild animals.

 E.g. Great Tit. Two studies show that

survival of inbred nestlings is lower than
that of outbred individuals and that hatching
success of inbred eggs is lower than that of
outbred eggs.
Fig. 6.30
Inbreeding depression in
 Inbreeding depression best studied in

 Can experimentally produce inbred

and outbred plants easily.
Inbreeding depression in
 Patterns to emerge from studies:
– Inbreeding effects are clearest when plants are
stressed (competition, under pest attack, grown
– Inbreeding effects most often show up later in
life cycle. (Appears maternal effects i.e.
contributions from the mother to the offspring
[e.g. provisioning of seed] mask effect initially).
– Inbreeding depression varies among family
Fig 6.29
Open bars first year data. Filled
bars second year data.
Coefficient of inbreeding
depression is measure of how
much inbreeding reduces
values for various parameters.

Waterleaf (a biennial plant)

Inbreeding avoidance

 Many mechanisms to avoid inbreeding

have evolved. Include:
– Dispersal.
– Genetically controlled self-incompatibility.
– Mate choice.
Small populations and
 In small populations inbreeding may be

 Even with random mating, a small

population that stays small and receives no
immigrants will become inbred.

 Major problem for rare species such as

California sea otters.
Population genetics and
conservation of Prairie
 Two hundred years ago Illinois
covered with prairie and home to
millions of Greater Prairie Chickens.

 Steel plough allowed farmers to farm

the prairie. Acreage of prairie
plummeted and so did Prairie Chicken
Lesser Prairie Chicken
Conservation of Prairie
 In 1960’s habitat protection measures
introduced and population increased
until mid 1970’s.

 Then population collapsed. By 1994

<50 birds in two populations in Illinois.
Fig 6.3
Conservation of Prairie
 Why did prairie chicken populations
decline even though available habitat
was increasing?

 Prairie destruction reduced numbers of

birds and isolated the populations
from each other.
Conservation of Prairie
 No migration between populations.

 Small populations vulnerable to genetic drift

and inbreeding depression.

 Accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles

(genetic load) can lead to extinction of small
Conservation of Prairie
 Problem exacerbated when exposure of
deleterious mutations further reduces
population size and increases effectiveness of
drift. “Extinction vortex”.

 Prairie chickens showed clear evidence of

inbreeding depression. Egg hatching rates
had declined dramatically by 1990 < 40%
hatch rate.
FIG 6.31
Conservation of Prairie
 Illinois Prairie chicken populations showed
less genetic diversity than other populations
and less genetic diversity than they had in
the past.

 Illinois birds 3.67 alleles per locus rather

than 5.33-5.83 alleles of other populations
and 5.12 of Illinois museum specimens.
Conservation of Prairie
 Conservation strategy?
Conservation of Prairie
 In 1992 prairie chickens introduced
from other populations to increase
genetic diversity.

 Hatching rates increased to >90%.

 Population increased.

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