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Fourth Quarter, Week 2
Mt. Taal, Batangas
What is a Volcano?
A Volcano is an opening in
the Earth’s crust where
lava, pyroclasts and
gases are given off during
volcanic eruption.
Volcanoes in the Philippines
Parts of a Volcano

1. Cone
2. Crater / Caldera
3. Volcanic Vent
4. Magma Chamber
Parts of a Volcano

1. Cone- formed by the

mountainous accumulation
of volcanic materials.
2. Crater- steep-walled
depression at the peak
(top) of a volcano.
Parts of a Volcano

3. Volcanic Vent- connects

the crater to the Magma
4. Magma Chamber- where
the magma given off by a
volcano comes from.
How are volcanoes grouped?

Volcanoes are grouped

according to:
A. Shape and composition
of the cone.
B. According to activity.
Kinds Of Volcano According to
Shape and Composition of the

1. Shield Volcano

2. Cinder Cone Volcano
Composite Volcanoes or

1. Shield Volcano

A Shield Volcano has a wide

base with gently sloping
The cone is made up of
purely lava poured out
during a quiet eruption.
Mount Kilauea and Mauna Kea in Hawaii are shield
2. Cinder Cone Volcano
A Cinder Cone Volcano is built
mostly of loose fragments
called Cinders (pyroclast and
tephra) .
Cinder Cone volcanoes are

formed by explosive
2. Cinder Cone Volcano
Explosive eruptions eject
lava and rocks into the air.
The lava solidify into small
pieces of pyroclasts called
Mt. Paricutin in Mexico is a Cinder
Cone Volcano
3. Composite or Stratovolcano
Composite Volcanoes are

made up of alternating layers

of lava and cinders
Composite Volcanoes are

formed when volcanic

eruptions vary between quiet
and explosive eruptions.
3. Composite or Stratovolcano
When a violent eruption large
volume of pyroclasts, lava,
gases and ashes are ejected.
When the eruption is quiet,

large volume of lava is

extruded over the top of the
pyroclastic layer.
Mt. Mayon is a Composite Volcano
Kinds Of Volcano According t
Shape and Composition of the
1. Shield Volcano
2. Cinder Cone Volcano
Composite Volcanoes or

Classification of Volcanoes
According to Volcanic
1. Active Volcano
2. Dormant Volcano
3. Extinct Volcano
Volcanoes According to
Volcanic Activity

Volcanoes are usually found

near the plate boundaries
or over geologically active
1. Active Volcano
A volcano is considered
active if it is currently
erupting or showing
regular signs of volcanic
1. Active Volcano
An active volcano has a
record of eruption within 50
Example: Mt. Kilauea, the

worlds most active volcano,

Mt. Mayon, Mt. Taal and Mt.
Active Volcanoes-
Mt. Kilauea, Hawaii
Active Volcanoes-
Mt. Mayon, Philippines
Active Volcanoes-
Mt. Kanlaon, Negros, Philippines
Active Volcanoes- Mt. Fuji, Japan
2. Dormant Volcanoes
Dormant Volcanoes are
those that have currently
erupted but entered a long
period of inactivity.
2. Dormant Volcanoes
Seismologists found out
that the longer period of
dormancy between volcanic
eruptions will have a
greater chance of having a
very explosive eruption in
the future.
Dormant Volcano- Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines
1991 (600 years dormant)
Dormant Volcano- Mt. St. Helens,
USA, 1980 (123years dormant)
3. Extinct Volcanoes
Extinct Volcanoes are those
that have not shown signs
of activity for a long period
of time.
It has no record of eruption

in the last 1000 years.

Extinct Volcano- Mt. Black Butte,
California, USA
Extinct Volcano- Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
1. Explosive or Violent
2. Quiet or Non-Explosive

1. Explosive or Violent Eruption
During explosive
eruptions, the lava ejected
is torn into shreds forming
pieces of pyroclastic
materials called tephra.
Explosive or Violent Eruption
Very violent eruptions are
called Plinian Eruption
named after the Roman
naturalist Pliny the Elder.
Explosive or Violent Eruption
When magma contains
more Silica, it becomes
thicker and more viscous,
the eruption is violent.
Explosive or Violent Eruption
2. Quiet or Non-Explosive Eruption

The magma has relatively

low silica, it is less viscous
and gases easily escape
resulting to a gentle lava
2. Quiet or Non-Explosive Eruption
Benefits of Volcanic Eruption
 1. Agricultural Benefits
 2. Energy Benefits
 3. Industrial Benefits
 4. Economic and Recreational

1. Agricultural Benefits
2. Energy Benefits
3. Industrial Benefits
4. Economic and
Recreational Benefits
Dangers of Volcanic Eruption
 1. Effects of Volcanic Gases-
 Volcanic Ash like Sulfur

dioxide, Nitrous oxide and

Hydrochloric fumes can lead to
acid precipitation. Carbon
dioxide promote the depletion
of the Ozone Layer
Volcanic Gases
Dangers of Volcanic Eruption
 2.Effects of Lava Flows-
 Lava flows destroy everything

on its path- plants, animals,

houses and buildings
Lava Flows
Dangers of Volcanic Eruption
 3. Effects of Pyroclastic Flow-
 Lahar forms when hot ashes,

very fine rocks and hot lava is

mixed with water in nearby
lakes or when heavy rains
Pyroclastic Flow
Dangers of Volcanic Eruption
 4. Effects of Volcanic Activity
on Global Climate-
 Volcanic eruptions lower the

global temperature by
injecting clouds of dust in the
atmosphere which then block
the sunlight and reducing the
heat energy entering the Earth.
Have an evacuation plan.
Wear protective clothing.

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