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Be Honest

A. Forms
B. Expressing Obligation

English Skills for the Future 1

for Senior High School/Madrasah Aliyah
Grade X
Look at the picture

Have you ever filled out forms? What are they?

Where can we find form in our daily life?

Honesty can be reflected in a simple action, such as filing in account opening
form and other forms in bank. When you are filling in the form, you are
required to be true and honest since signing the form means not only
accountability but also legal responsibility.
In human relations, honesty truly is the best policy. It is seen as the
foundation of any well-working relationship whether it is with parents,
friends, or anyone else. Being honest in human relations can be done by
telling others the truth of their obligation without giving any offense.
A. Forms
 A form is an important paper you have to fill out in
particular occasion.
 Some questions are the same on all forms, such as
name, address, and phone number.
 You may have to look up your social security number,
or the license number on your driver’s license, and so

Do Activity 1-4 page 8-9 and

Practice 1 page 9
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade X
Discuss the following questions with your friend

What do you know What questions that

about form? commonly asked in

How are the questions

in the form organized?

Do Activity 5-6 page 10-11 and

Practice 2-3 page 11-12
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade
The steps you can follow
when filling out the form
• Prepare your identity card for several information, such as
the number of your identity card.
• Start to fill out the form with important information, such
as your full name and nick name, address, place and date
of birth, and phone number.
• Continue to fill out other additional information, such as
specific questions.
• Re-check and make sure that you fill the right information
including the spelling of your name, the number of your
date of birth and phone number, etc.

Do Activity 7-8 page 12-14

English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade
Tenses take important role in answering questions in the form.

Present Tense  It is related to habitual action, repeated or regular

action in the present time, facts, things are generally true.
Example: Sun rises in the east

Past Tense  It is used to express an action in the past.

Example: I was reading when she called me.

Future Tense  It is related to planned action,

intention, arrangement. Click the icon
Example: • I am going to Bali. to know more
about forms

Do Activity 9-12, page 14-17 and

Practice 4 page 18
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade X
Work in groups of four.
 Find each form from bank, company, corporation tax, and local
 Discuss the characteristics of forms in term of:
a. social function,
b. text structure,
c. language features. Character’s
Being honest can be
reflected when we are
filling in the form.
Filling in the form with
honest answer means
being honest with
B. Expressing Obligation
Expressing Obligation by ‘Should’
Should is modal verb used for obligation. It can be used for present,
future, and event. Should is followed by the bare infinitive.
1. Should + Present Infinitive
a. It can be used to express the subject’s obligation on duty.
Example: • You should save some money.
• You should give my pen back.
b. Should can be used as an expression of obligation in formal notices
or information.
Example: • Candidates should be prepared to answer the questions
from the judges.

Do Practice 1 & 2 page 21 & 23 and

Activity 1-4 page 21-25,
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade
2. Should + Continuous Infinitive
It is used to express the idea that the subject is not fulfilling his
obligations or that he/she is acting foolishly, not acting sensibly

and prudently.
Example: • They should be studying in the class right now.
• That man should be wearing helmet.
In this form, auxiliary verb is needed. Auxiliary is a kind of verb used to
help to form a tense or an expression, hence the name. They combine
with present or pas participle or with infinitives to form the tenses of
ordinary verb.

The most used auxiliary verbs are the verbs to be (am, is, are, was, were,
being, been), to do (does, do, did, doing) and to have (has, have, had,
having). Since modal verb, in this case ‘should’, is used, then the form of
auxiliary verb is be.

Do Activity 5-9 page 26-29

English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade X
3. Should + Perfect Infinitive
This rule is used to express an unfulfilled obligation or a sensible
neglected action. In negative sentence, it expresses a wrong or foolish
action in past.
Example: • You should have stopped at the traffic light.
• We should not have played in pouring rain yesterday.

Click the icon

to know more
Do Activity 10-13 page 29 – 31 and
Practice 3 page 32
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade
Should Have

1. We can use ‘should have’ to talk about past events that didn’t happen.
• I should have let her know what was happening but I forgot.

2. We can also use ‘should have’ to

speculate about events that may or 3. We can use ‘ should not have’ to
may not have happened. speculate negatively about what
• She should have got the letter this may or may not have happened.
• She shouldn’t have left work
morning. I expect she’ll give us a yet. I’ll call her office.
call about it afterwards.
4. We can also use ‘should not have’ to regret past actions.
• We should not have left the office so late. We should have anticipated

this bad traffic before.

Do Practice 4 page 32 and
Activity 14-15 page 32-33
English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade X

Work in groups of four.

 Create a short dialog talking about your
obligation as a citizen of Indonesia.
 Mark the expressions of obligation contained in them.

 Act your dialog out in front of the class.

 It is better if you can record it using a

video recorder or phone cell.
A. Forms
A form usually asks personal data information, such as full name, address,
date and place of birth, email, identification number, marital status,
gender, and so on. Form is beneficial for our daily life since it can organize
the data easily. Nowadays some institutions provide online form that can
be filled

B. Expressing Obligation
Obligation is saying what is necessary. Expressing obligation can be done
by using ‘should’. It can be used for present, future, and for the past
when preceded by a verb in past tense. The use of modal ‘should’ in
expressing obligation is divided into 3 types.
1. What is form? Mention some examples of form.
2. What is expressing obligation? Give example.
3. Mention 3 types of modal ‘should’ in expressing

Do Chapter 1 Review page 36-38

English Skills for the Future 1 for Grade X
Thank You

Honesty is the best policy.

:// uploads/2013/02/taki
ng-care-of-the environment.jpg
Created by:
Renisa Khairani

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