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The Ancient Mayas

• The Ancient Mayans

• Mayan Society
• The Decline of the Mayans
• Mayan Art and Architecture
• Mayan Writing and Calendar
• The Legacy of the Mayans
The Ancient
•The Mayans were an advanced civilization that
flourished in Mesoamerica for centuries. They built
impressive cities, created a complex writing system,
and developed a sophisticated calendar. Mayans
were also known for their religious rituals and
astronomical knowledge.
•The Mayans were highly skilled in mathematics,
architecture, and astronomy. They constructed large
pyramids and temples, and developed an elaborate
system of hieroglyphic writing. Their calendar was
highly accurate and was used to track time and
predict astronomical events.
Mayan Society
•Mayan society was highly stratified, with the ruling
class at the top and the commoners at the bottom.
The ruling class was made up of priests, nobles, and
warriors, while the commoners were farmers and
artisans. Slavery was also common, with prisoners
of war and debtors often becoming slaves.
•Mayan society was also highly religious, with
numerous gods, rituals, and ceremonies. The
Mayans believed in a cycle of life and death, and
their religious ceremonies were closely tied to
astronomical events. They also believed in an
afterlife and the importance of honoring their
The Decline of
the Mayans
•The Mayan civilization began to decline in
the 8th century, due to a combination of
political instability, environmental
degradation, and a series of droughts. By the
time the Spanish arrived in the 16th century,
the Mayan civilization had all but
•The legacy of the Mayans lives on in the form
of their impressive architecture, their writing
system, and their calendar. They also left
behind a rich cultural heritage, with their
beliefs, customs, and rituals still practiced by
many people in Mesoamerica today.
Mayan Art and
•The Mayans were highly skilled architects
and artisans. They built impressive pyramids,
temples, and palaces, decorated with
intricate carvings and sculptures. Mayan
artisans also created beautiful pottery,
jewelry, and textiles.
•Mayan architecture was also highly
advanced, with their buildings built to
withstand earthquakes and hurricanes. They
also developed a complex system of
aqueducts and terracing, which allowed them
to grow food in the harsh environment of the
Yucatan Peninsula.
Mayan Writing
and Calendar 
•The Mayans developed a complex writing
system and an accurate calendar. Their
writing system was composed of hieroglyphic
symbols, which were used to record history,
laws, and religious beliefs. The Mayan
calendar was used to track time and predict
astronomical events.
•The Mayan calendar was highly accurate and
was divided into several cycles, including the
Tzolkin, Haab, and Long Count. It was also
used to track the movements of the sun,
moon, and planets, and was used to predict
eclipses and other celestial events.
The Legacy of
•The Mayans left behind a rich cultural legacy that
still influences modern Mesoamerican cultures.
Their writing system, calendar, and architecture are
still studied and admired today. The Mayans also left
behind a fascinating mythology, with its gods,
rituals, and beliefs.
•The Mayans were a highly advanced civilization
that flourished in Mesoamerica for centuries. Their
legacy lives on in the form of their impressive
architecture, writing system, and calendar, and their
beliefs and customs still influence the cultures of
modern Mesoamerica.

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