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Reproduction Among

Flowering Plants- Grade 5

(Sexual Reproduction)
Sexual Reproduction
in flowering plants

Flowers are specialized for sexual

reproduction, meiosis and
fertilization occur in flower,
Most flower contain the both male
and female reproductive organs,
flowers with both reproductive
organs are called “ perfect or
complete flower” , Flowers
Containing only one reproductive
part are called “imperfect or
incomplete FLOWER”
The flower possessing both male and female reproductive part are also called BISEXUAL

Parts of flower
The role of each part
• Sepal- role of the sepal is to protect the buds before it
blooms into a flower

• Petals- the petals are the brightest part of the flower, they
are usually large and colorful, the job of the petals is to
attract insects to the flower, inside the flower lies the male
and female parts of the flower.
Stamen- the male reproductive part of
* Anther- a sack like structure that contain pollen
grains which are the yellow powdery particle.
* Filament- is a long stem part that connects to
the flower.
Pollen - a fine powdery substance, typically yellow,
consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the
male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain
contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female
ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind,
insects, or other animals.
Pistel (carpel)- the female reproductive part of flower.
* Stigma – is a glue like structure
* Style- is a thin like structure that connects to the
* Ovary- a sack like structure that contains egg which
reside in ovules, inside the ovaries are the ovules.
• Pollination is a method where pollen grains are picked from an
anther, which is the male part of a flower and transferred to the
flower's female part called the stigma.
Two types of pollination
After Fertilization:
• the fertilized ovule forms the seed while the tissues of the ovary
become the fruit.

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