Divorce Issue CFE - 102

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Group 4 Family

Issue: Divorce
•Group Members:
•Carantes, Manson Lee
•De Leon, Philip Nathaniel
•Tenorio, John Ron
•Santos, Franzen JV
What is
• Divorce is a the legal ending of a
• It is held within the court or other
competent body.
• Unlike annulment divorce is when both
parties acknowledge the marriage
Example of
a Divorce
• Only when both
their marriage
existed can
divorce be
This are some of
the Factors that
lead to a Divorce
• Finances
• Communication
• Affairs
• Abuse
• Addiction
How does the church
react to this issue???
• The Catechism says,
“Divorce is a grave offense against the
natural law. It claims to break the contract,
to which the spouses freely consented, to
live with each other till death. Divorce
does injury to the covenant of salvation, of
which sacramental marriage is the sign.
Contracting a new union, even if it is
recognized by civil law, adds to the
gravity of the rupture: the remarried
spouse is then in a situation of public and
permanent adultery”
(CCC 2384).
• https://relevantradio.com/2021/07/what-does-the-catholic-church-teach
The Vatican city and The
Philippines(except the muslims
residing) outlawed divorce

The Catholic hierarchy grants

canonical dissolution of
marriage while all other
Catholic countries recognize
absolute divorce in varying
degrees of liberality.

Here are
2 Strengths
2 Weaknesses
of Divorce

Pros Cons
• Kids won’t have a • Divorce requires a
hard time with a Lawyer and hiring
broken family one is not cheap
• Income Flow will • Both of your
What does • Overall the group has mixed opinion
the group about the issue when it comes to divorce
some say it might be good for people with
think about mixed feelings or have an abusive
relationship with their spouse.
it or what • Others say it will ruin the stability of a
is our family most especially the kids, having to
lived a life of a broken family is hard for
insight children.
• But we as a group agreed that Divorce is a
double edge sword and must becareful
when being used

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