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Awareness on HACCP
Anees Ur Rehman
Associate Consultant (Delta X Consultants)

• Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

• First Developed by NASA in 1959
• It deals with Un-Intentional Hazards
• Became mandatory in European Union since
January 2006

Food Safety:
Concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer
when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its
intended use.
Food Chain:
Sequence of the stages and operations involved in the
production, processing, distribution, storage and
handling of a food and its ingredients, from primary
production to consumption.
Food Safety Hazard:
• Biological, chemical, physical or allergic agent in food, or
condition of food, with the potential to cause an adverse health
• The term “Hazard” is not to be confused with the term “Risk”.
• Hazards may be significant or non-significant
Terms and Definitions 7

• Hazard
• Risk
• PRPs
Hazard 8

Biological, chemical, physical or allergic agent in

food, or condition of food, with the potential to cause
an adverse health effect.
The term “Hazard” is not to be confused with the term
• Hazards may be significant or non-significant
Potential Hazards 9

• Biological
• Microorganisms: bacteria / yeasts / molds /
• insects
• Chemical
• Cleaners
• Lubricants / fuel / hydraulic fluid / coolants
• pesticides
• Physical
• Glass / plastic / wood / rocks
• Metals
Food Allergens 10

• What is a food allergy?

• Food allergy refers to an inappropriate immune response to a
food constituent (almost always a protein), causing the food to
provoke an allergic reaction when it is eaten again.

It is a function of probability of an adverse health
effect(e.g. becoming diseased) and the severity of that
effect (death, hospitalization, absence from work etc.)
when expose to a specified hazard.
Risk= Probability* Severity
CONT… 12

• PRP’s (Pre-requisite Program) :

• PRPs are procedures & practices (Good manufacturing practices) that
address operational conditions providing the foundation for HACCP.
• These are general control measures, applicable across all food processing
• Have aimed to maintained safe & hygienic environment
• PRPs do not control specific hazards or step in the process.
• Example:
• Cleaning & sanitization
• Personnel hygiene
• Training
• Pest Control

ISO-22000 defines OPRP as a control measure identified
by the hazard analysis as essential in order to control the
likelihood of introducing food safety hazards and/or the
contamination or proliferation of food safety hazards in
the product(s) or in the processing environment

A CCP is critical control point where control is
necessary to avoid the entrance of critical/significant
hazard in final product
Preliminary Steps in HACCP 14

• HACCP/ Food Safety Team (Cross Functional)

• Product Description
• Intended Use Identification
• Construction of Flow Diagram
• On-Site Verification/Conformation of Flow Diagram
HACCP Principles 15

• Hazard Analysis (Identification*Evaluation)

• Determine CCP
• Determine Control Limits/Acceptable Limits
• CCP Monitoring
• Corrective Actions
• Verification
• Record Keeping

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