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what should a website contain?
what is call to actio?
A call to action (CTA) is a statement or
prompt that encourages website visitors
to take a specific action, such as making
a purchase, signing up for a newsletter,
or contacting the company. A well-
crafted CTA can help improve user
engagement and drive conversions on
your website.
Tips for creating effective CTAs on your website:
1-Tip number one:
1-Be Clear and Concise:
Your CTA should be easy to understand and clearly communicate the action
you want the user to take. Use simple, direct language and avoid jargon or
technical terms that might confuse visitors.

Example: "Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and exclusive offers!"
2-Tip number two:
1-Make it Stand Out:
Use design elements like contrasting colors, bold text, or a
prominent placement on the page to make your CTA stand out
and grab the user's attention.

Example: "Limited Time Offer: Get 20% off all products when you buy today!"
3-Tip number three:
3-Use Action-Oriented Language:
Use action verbs to encourage visitors to take action, such as "Buy Now","Sign Up Today," or "Get

Example: "Download our free e-book and start learning today!"

4-Tip number four:
4-Create a Sense of Urgency:

Use language that creates a sense of urgency, such as "Limited Time Offer" or "Only 5 Left in
Stock" to encourage visitors to act quickly.

Example:"Only a Few Spots Left! Register Now for Our Upcoming Webinar."
5-Tip number five:
5-Test and Refine:
Experiment with different CTAs and monitor their effectiveness over time. Use analytics tools to
track clicks and conversions, and adjust your CTAs as needed to improve their performance.

Example: You might test two different versions of a CTA, such as "Buy Now" vs. "Shop Now" and
see which one gets more clicks and conversions over time. Based on the results, you can refine and
improve your CTA accordingly.
Why do we use CTA in websites?
We use calls to action (CTAs) on websites to guide and motivate users to take a specific action. CTAs
are important because they can help to:

1-Drive conversions: 2-Improve user experience:

By providing a clear and compelling By providing users with a clear path forward,
CTA, you can encourage users to take CTAs can help to improve the overall user
a specific action, such as signing up experience and make it easier for users to find
for a newsletter, making a purchase, what they're looking for on your website.
or filling out a contact form.
3-Increase engagement: CTAs 4-Measure success:
can be used to encourage users to By tracking the number of clicks or
engage with your content, such as conversions on a CTA, you can
by sharing a blog post on social measure the success of your
media, leaving a comment, or marketing campaigns and make
signing up for a free trial. adjustments to improve performance
over time.

Overall, CTAs are a powerful tool for engaging users and driving conversions
on your website, and can help you achieve your marketing and business goals.
here is some examples of best call to action from popular websites:

CTA: Get The DisneyBundle:
Streaming giant Hulu went for a dramatic
approach with this CTA. The dimmed
background shows off all its television
and movie offerings, while the green and
white text of the CTA draws your
attention to the promotion.

It's a sign-up and upsell in one, informing users that they can get a discount add-on with Disney+
and ESPN+.
CTA: Join Free for a Month:
One big fear users have before
committing to sign up for
something? That it'll be a pain to
cancel their subscription if they
end up not liking it. Netflix nips
that fear in the bud with the
"Cancel anytime" copy right
above the "Join Free for a
Month" CTA.

I'd venture a guess that reassurance alone has boosted signups. Also, you'll notice again that the red
color of the primary and secondary CTAs here match Netflix's logo color.
CTA: Sign Up:
"Remember Everything." Visitors can
immediately understand that message the
moment they land on this page. The design on
Evernote's website makes it super simple for
users to see quick benefits of using the app
and how to actually sign up to use it.

Plus, the green color of the main and secondary CTA buttons is the same green as the headline
and the Evernote logo, all of which jump off the page.

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