Grofar School Tutor Guide Aug 2019

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Careers Manager

 The Tutor Guide

What is Grofar?
• Web-based Careers Manager to support staff and students easily track and report on
their careers journey 
• Staff and students each have a portal on Grofar 

Student Staff
Portal Portal
What will Grofar help your school with?

Building a Careers Assign & Track Logging One to One Collecting our
Programme Student Careers Meetings Destination Data

Providing student Comprehensive Giving students a  Integrates with

action plans & reporting  careers resource MIS
activity timelines library
Staff & Student Log in
• You will receive an invite email to join
Grofar, click the link in here to sign up

• In the future to log in - go to  and click  on “Grofar

• Staff username is your staff email and

Student username is provided or
their chosen email address 
• You set your Grofar password on your
first log in
Grofar Sections
As a Tutor, there are some helpful ‘Quick Actions’ for you on the homepage  
• My Tutor Group – takes you to your Tutor View showing your students & summarises their Careers provision
• Log a Careers Activity - Open the Activity Form to easily record a careers activity, linking it to businesses & students
• Log a 121 Meeting – Opens the 121 meeting form to log meeting notes with a student
• Search for a student or contact – Takes you directly to a student’s Careers Passport
Tutor View
In the Dashboard section of
Grofar you'll find the Tutor View
you can select your Form Group
to see: 
- A  summary of your form group's
skills, action plan progress and goal
- A table displaying your form group
students including a summary of their
careers progress and links to their
Student Passport & Action Plan 
The Student Passport
Anything in Grofar you can click on any
student’s name to open their full Careers
• At the top is a tab for each section of the
student passport – Click on any tab to view
the information
• Grey action buttons help you send
notifications to students email, change their
passport or invite them to Grofar 
• In the SUMMARY section you can add 121
meeting notes, review a student’s activity
timeline and add careers activities, notes
and attachments to their profile

NOTE: Students also have access to each of these elements of

their profile on the student portal (except Tasks and any
private notes)
The Student Database Click to invite
students to Grofar
Filter & Group
In the Student Database you will be able to: action buttons

• FIND, SORT & GROUP all students using the table

filters and Group action button

• LOG ACTIVITIES using the Activities action button

• INVITE and RE-INVITE  students to Grofar with the

grey Invite action button
• If the students have email addresses you can invite them by email 
• Or you can click ‘Generate Password for all’ and this will download
an excel spreadsheet of all the student usernames and passwords

• See the top-line amount of careers provision each

student has had so far (seen in the columns of the
Logging an activity from the
Student Database 
1 2
1. Filter the table by your Form Group or
Teaching Group to find your students 

2. Click on Activities and select Add

Activity to All

3. Complete the Activity Form with all

the activity details including the skills
worked on and the relevenat Gatsby
Benchmarks  3
The Student Portal
When students log into Grofar they are taken to
their own Careers Portal which includes: 
• Annual action planning
• Careers profile that builds up every year
• Access to resources for careers research
• Tools to log:
o Activities
o Work Experience 
o 121 Meetings
o Notes
o Attachments
• Easily activity feedback forms

NOTE: Grofar communicates with students through their email

address (either imported by your MIS system or set by the
students when they log in for the first time) 
• To learn more about Grofar and how to use this software, click on the “Support” button in the
top right corner in Grofar
• In the support site, type in the search bar your question or section you would like extra help in
• Read relevant articles (only those starting with ‘Grofar Careers’)

• You can also ask our customer service a question anytime during working hours and get a
response with 2 hours by clicking on the Orange chat icon in the bottom right corner

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