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Gigzerr is an online marketplace platform for

service/business seekers and freelancers with the

most complete types of work in Indonesia.

You can find an overview of what and how gigzerr

is at

Find The Best Worker


Estimated Users Year 1 Year 2

Skilled Freelance worker 10154 17770

Non-Formal Freelance worker 30462 53308

Employer 13740 24045
TOTAL USERS 54356 95123

Subscriptions Plan Year 1 Year 2

Worker Plus 2030 3552

Employer Plus 687 1202

Employer Premium 137 239
MONTHLY SUBS 2854 4993

Presentation on the following themes:

1. Create Article Marketing/Campaign - min 2 paragraphs
2. Marketing Analysis of point no. 1
3. Marketing Strategy, how to achieve it
4. Manpower planning/Structure Organization for Marketing Dept. if
you are a leader
Article Marketing/Campaign - min 2 paragraphs
Marketing Analysis
Marketing Strategy, how to achieve it
Manpower planning/Structure Organization for Marketing Dept. If you
are a leader.
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