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 1: SYED M ALI.
 2: Muhammad HASHAM.

 1:Five planning steps

 2: Basic organizational plans.
 3: Beginnings and endings of paragraphs.
 4: Composing the message.
• Five Planning Steps:

1: Identify your purpose.

2: Analyze your audience.
3: Choose your audience.
4: Collect your data.
5: Organize your message.
 Identify your purpose:
The objective of your message is almost always twofold:
the reason for the message itself and the creation of goodwill.
 Analyze your audience:
See your message from your receiver's point of view:
their needs,interests, attitudes and even their culture.
 Choose your ideas:
The ideas you include depend on the type of message your
aresending, the situation and the cultural context.
 Collect data to support ideas:
Be sure to collect enough data to support your ideas;
check names,dates, addresses and statistics for precision.
 Organize your message:
Organizing your material before writing your first draft can
preventrambling and unclear messages.
Basic Organizational Plans
 Direct Approach:
The main idea comes first. (Deductive)Use it
when your audience will accept, feelneutral about, or be pleased with
your message.
For example: Using a direct approach means that you get straight to
the point.Just like, I regret to inform you that you have not been
selected for interview. Thank you for contacting us.
 Indirect approach:
indirect (Inductive) approach is when evidence
comes first and main idea comes later.Use it when your audience will
bedispleased or will not be likely to accept your message.
For example:
Now let's look at examples of indirect approach in a
business environment. An email to a client: you need to
tell them that what they ordered is currently not available
Beginning and Endings
 Beginning paragraph:
(for example) Global warming is one of the
most pressing issues facing our planet today.
 Ending Paragraph :
(for example) In conclusion, global
warming is a serious threat that requires immediate action from
individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide.

→ There are two types of paragraphs

1: Opening paragraphs
2: Closing paragraphs
 Opening paragraphs:
 Opening Paragraph is your introduction. Its where you introduce
your topic of writing to your audience.
 Opening Paragraph is your introduction. Its where you introduce
your topic of writing to your audience
 Closing paragraphs:
 Closing paragraphs are for summarizing your ideas and reiterating
your purpose for writing.
 Your conclusion is important because it is the last thing the reader
reads; you always want to end on a positive note.
• Composing The Message:

 Composing the message:

Compose mainly refers to create. Compose is
another word to write.
. →There are the following points to compose the message and are explained in
the following

 1: Drafting your message.

 2: Revising your message.
 3: Editing your message.
 4: Proof reading your message.
 1: Drafting your message:
The writer puts his ideas into complete thoughts, such as sentences and

2: Revising your message:

Revising is the rearrangement and fine tuning of a fully developed
 3: Editing your message:
If you make a mistake or need to update a
message, you can edit.
 The ability to change text by adding, deleting and rearranging
letters, words, sentences and paragraphs.
 4: Proofreading your message:
Proofreading means carefully checking
for errors in a text before it is published or shared. It is the very last
stage of the writing process, when you fix minor spelling and
punctuation mistakes, typos, formatting issues and inconsistencies.
Thanks for your patience

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