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Physics 2
Electric force is a noncontact force. An electric charge
can exert force on another charged objects even though
they are at some distance away. The space surrounding a
charged body is called electric field. An electric field
causes any charged particle placed in it to experience an
electric force. Every charge has an electric field
associated with it.
Properties of Electric Lines (Michael

1. Lines of force start from a positively charged

particles and end on negatively charged
particles or continue toward infinity.
2. Lines of force neither intersect nor break as
they pass form one charge to another.
Properties of Electric Lines (Michael

3. The greater the number of lines of force, the stronger the

electric field. The neutral point is the point where no lines of
force pass. The electric field is zero at the neutral point.
4. For two unlike charges, lines of force can pass from positive
to negative charge. The neutral point cannot be between
them; it is an external point along the line joining them.
Mappings of Electric Field Using Lines of
Force for Different Configurations:

(a.) isolated positive charge c.) one positive charge and one negative charge
(b.) isolated negative charge d.) two positive charges (shown with neutral point)
Electric Field Due to a Point Charge:

An electric field exists in the region of space

around a charged object or a source charge. When
another charged object enters this electric field, it
will experience an electric force. The strength of the
electric field at a point due to the source charge is
called electric field intensity.
Sample Problem # 1:

1.) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the

electric field from a point charge.
Problem # 1:

Problem # 1:

The charge will repel the positive test
charge . Hence, the electric field will be
directed away from test charge .

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