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Student Decorum

GLFNS is not only concerned in equipping its

students with academic and life skills but also with
positive values. Hence, every student is trained to
be refined in thoughts, words and actions.
Maintenance of
Student peace and order
inside the school by
In this regard, the
following shall be practiced being orderly,
by all GLFNS students:
courteous, and
Keeping the school clean, tidy
Student and attractive by disposing
trashes properly; avoiding
vandalism; participating
In this regard, the actively in clean and green
following shall be practiced
by all GLFNS students: projects; and making the
rooms and premises free from
litters and the walls from
unpleasant graffiti;
Disengaging from
Student boisterous/unbecoming
Decorum conducts such as
In this regard, the loitering around,
following shall be practiced
by all GLFNS students: whistling, loud talking,
giggling or any other
action which may
distract others from their
Upholding the
name and integrity
In this regard, the of the school
following shall be practiced
by all GLFNS students:
anytime, anywhere
by behaving in
accordance with
accepted norms.
The goal of discipline is to develop a
healthy atmosphere of respect, to effect
change, and to maintain an orderly
environment conducive to learning. The
school does not discipline a student out of
anger or for the sake of convenience, but
always with the desire to help the students
do what is right.
Deliberate disturbance of
Non-attendance to flag
ceremony or school activities
Minor without valid reason
Offenses Improper use of school
Running, loitering around and
making noise along the
Reading or viewing of
inappropriate materials
and contents during
Minor class hours
Offenses Texting, messaging,
calling or engaging in
social media activities
during class hours;
Leaving the classroom
without permission
Minor Improper behavior during
Offenses flag ceremony/assemblies
inside the school campus
 For repetitive commission of any minor
offense, the subject teacher or class
Disciplinary adviser concerned are given the
Actions authority to impose reasonable
disciplinary action/s. In no case,
Disciplinary actions are
however, shall the subject teacher
corrective measures imposed or class adviser impose
as a consequence of acts punishments specified in Chapter
which are in violation of the 3, Section 1.1.2, page 90 of
provisions of Section VII of this
DECS/DepEd Service Manual 2000
Student Handbook.
(i.e., corporal punishments,
manual work or degrading tasks).
For guidance, the following
sanctions may be imposed:
1st Offense – Reprimand with
Disciplinary counselling with parent
Actions 2nd Offense – Suspension of
1-2 days with counselling with
3rd Offense – shall be treated
as a less grave offense, thus 3
days suspension
Assaulting a teacher, or Major Offenses
any other school authority
or his agents, or other
Smoking inside the school
premises and bringing
tobacco products, vapes,
 Vandalism – writing on or
destroying school property like
chairs, tables, windows,
books, laboratory equipment
Major Offenses
and others
 Gambling of any sort
 Drinking intoxicants and liquor
or entering the school
premises under the influence
of liquor, or bringing of
alcoholic beverages
Carrying and concealing
deadly weapons or
instruments Major Offenses
Extortion or asking money
or in kind from others
Fighting, causing injury to
Hazing in any form or
manner whether inside or
outside the school
 Preventing, threatening
learners or faculty members or
school authorities from
discharging their duties or
Major Offenses
from attending classes or
entering school premises
 Forging or tampering with
school records or transfer
 Patronizing suspected
prostitution den, gambling and
pornographic places
Bringing, using and selling
of pornographic materials
Selling stolen goods in Major Offenses
Going to restricted places
Tampering of school ID
such as placing stickers
and other objects on
school ID,
 Not giving letter to parents
 Drug dependency or drug use,
possession, and sale of
prohibited drugs such as
Major Offenses
marijuana, ecstasy, shabu,
etc. (it shall be subject to the
Guidelines prescribed by DO
40 s. 2012 entitled Guidelines
for the Conduct of Random
Drug Testing in Public and
Private Secondary Schools,
and RA 9165 and its IRR)
Joining fraternities,
sororities, and gangs;
Major Offenses
Other analogous acts
that may
any learner, school
personnel, or the
For major offenses (acts punishable by suspension
or expulsion depending on the gravity of the same),
the Committee on School Discipline shall convene and
make deliberations and recommendations or levy
appropriate actions which are adherent to the
pertinent provisions on Suspension/Expulsion of
DECS/DepEd Service manual 2000, Chapter 3, Section
For guidance, the School Discipline Committee may refer to
the following:
 1st Offense – Suspension for seven (7) days
 2nd Offense – Suspension for more than seven (7) days
but not more than one (1) year – refer to the SDS for
 3rd Offense – Suspension for one (1) year or more – refer
it to the Secretary for approval
 4th Offense – Expulsion – refer to the Secretary for
Procedure in Student Discipline
In order to properly address and exhaust all legal and
democratic means on issues concerning learner discipline,
the following courses of action shall serve as guide for the
PARTIES involved:
 The School Head shall issue a Notice in writing to the
learner through the Parent/Guardian by personal service or
any other means of service within three (3) working days
from date of incident/report;
 The Answer in writing of the learner with the assistance of
the parents/guardian must be submitted within three (3)
working days from receipt on Notice.
A Notice of Conference with parents/guardian shall
be issued within three (3) working days from receipt
of Answer. The conference shall be before the School
Head if it is a first minor offense; otherwise, before
the Child Protection Committee:
The parties shall be given a chance to be
 The conference must be recorded through a
minutes of conference duly signed by all die
parties and members present.
The Decision in writing shall be issued
within 3 working days by the School
 Reprimand shall be final and executory.
 The Decision imposing a penalty of
suspension is appealable to the SDS
for public schools
 The decision of the school on every case involving
the penalty of exclusion from the rolls, together with
all the pertinent papers therefor, shall be filed in the
school for a period of one year in order to afford the
Department the opportunity to review the case in the
event an appeal is taken by the party concerned.
 The Decision in every case involving the penalty of
expulsion, together with the supporting papers shall
be forwarded to the Regional Office concerned within
ten (10) days from the termination of the
investigation of each case.
 The decision imposing die penalty of expulsion must
be referred to the Secretary for approval before
 Pending the case, the learners and parents/guardians
shall undergo counselling and appropriate
interventions such as but not limited to the following:
referral to the MSWDO for psycho-social support,
attendance to character formation activities,
community service provided it will not disrupt class
hours, etc.

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