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IELTS Speaking

Class Agenda
1. How to start your talk in
Speaking Part 2
2. Common Topics in IELTS
Speaking Part 2
3. Practice time

4. Discussion
How to start your talk in Speaking Part 2
How to start your talk
1. the one I’d like to tell you about is…
• Describe something you do to stay healthy: I do many things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle but the one I’d like to tell
you about is

2. my favourite was…
• Describe a TV programme you have watched recently: I have watched several good TV programmes recently but my
favourite was…

3. I’d like to talk about...

• Describe a day out that you enjoyed: I’d like to talk about the time I went to…

4. Let me tell you about…

• Describe a special friend: Let me tell you about my friend Kia.

5. Personally, I would have to say…

• Discuss the meaning of happiness for you: Personally, I would have to say that being happy...

6. the one who/that stands out is…

• Describe the best teacher you have ever had: I’ve been lucky enough to have had several really good teachers but the one
who stands out is…

7. I’m going to tell you about...

• Describe a photograph you particularly like: I’m going to tell you about a photograph I took...
Paraphrasing the topic

 Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country

 I’m going to talk about a stunning destination, which people can travel to in the north-
east of China

 Descrive a TV Show that you enjoy

 I have watched several good TV programmes but my favourite was Korean drama.

 Describe a school which you went to

 Let me tell you about Beverly Hills Senior High School. I used to study there for 3

 Describe a book you recently read

 I’d like to talk about a novel which I read two days ago
I have to say that I like most foods and I’m always keen to try new types, especially traditional food in other countries. However, I can
think of one thing that I used to really dislike but now absolutely love. It’s something that always used to appear at Christmas time
when I was a child – figs.

They came in a round box and were all squashed in. They looked horrible, all brown and shrivelled up, and they had a musty smell.
They tasted just as bad as they looked and had a really strange texture, which was part of the problem. You’d bite through the
sticky outer layer into crunchy seeds in the centre that stuck in your teeth. …Not nice at all. Each Christmas I’d have a little nibble
of one hoping it would taste better than before but, of course, it never did. Dried figs were never going to be my idea of a festive

Then, many years later I went on a group walking holiday in Spain. We had an excellent guide who was keen for us to learn about
and experience as much of the local area as possible. There were vineyards everywhere and he would sometimes pick a bunch of
grapes so that we could taste the different types used to make different wines.

One afternoon we passed a large fig tree. Our guide started to pick the ripe fruit and hand them around to everyone in the group. I
immediately thought of those dried figs at Christmas but quickly realised that what I had in my hand was something completely
different. For a start, it was soft and warm with a velvety purple skin. Everyone else was eating theirs so I decided to give it a try as

I bit into it and an amazing taste filled my mouth. It’s difficult to describe as it’s not like anything else but it was delicious. I must
have had a look of total surprise and delight on my face because suddenly everyone was looking at me and laughing.

Now if anyone asks me if I like figs, I say that I adore them, but only fresh ones. Although I must admit, I’ve never tasted one quite
as good as that fig picked straight off the tree in sunny Spain.
Common Topics in part 2
Related Vocabularies

Vocab Defintion Vocab Defintion

dine in dine at home Gourmet meal very high quality meal

dine out dine at a restaurant greasy food oily food

fussy eater someone who is very picky about the food and mushy food soft and pulpy
doesn't eat everything

home-cooked food food cooked at home, usually implies that food is gulp down to swallow food eagerly
mouth-watering delicious ready meal ready to eat meal

processed food usually it’s related to unhealty food nutritious products products rich in calories

slap-up meal a quick and fatty meal Grab a bite to eat to eat something quickly

Vocab Defintion Vocab Defintion

accommodation a room or building in which you stay during in season at the time of year when people want to
holidays or live. travel or take a holiday
all-inclusive a hotel deal where the price includes rental an arrangement to rent something such
accommodation, meals and drinks at any time as a house, car or bike
self-catering a holiday deal where meals are not provided guided tour a tour in which a group of people is
guided by an expert

charter flight / a cheap regular flight in the middle of in a place that is far away from where
Budget nowhere most people live.
Budget conscious Travellers who think about how much money local crafts things made in the region
travellers they are spending
Up and coming A place that is becoming more popular short break a little holiday
ecotourism going on holiday to places of natural beauty youth hostel a cheap hotel

Vocab Defintion Vocab Defintion

goods things that are sold big brand names / large well-known companies or product names
for sale available to buy loyalty card a card issued by a shop to allow customers to save
money on the basis of what they spend
shopping list a list of the things you want to buy must-have product a product that is very popular that a lot of people
when you go shopping want to have

shoplifting take goods from a shop without pay in cash to pay for something using coins or paper money
paying for them
shopper a person who is shopping grocery shop that sells groceries (the collective term for
items of food sold in a grocery or supermarket)
shop assistant / a person who serves customers in a flea market a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes
sales assistant shop
chain store a group of shops that belong to one DIY store shop that sells things for home improvement
Practice Time
Let ’s
Remember! speak!
 You will be given 1 minute to make some notes
 You will be given 2 minutes to tell your story
 Use linking words.
 Expand your vocabs
 Last but not least, give interesting answers and smile :)
(’s okay if you make up stories)
Y ou

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