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1. Peer Review

2. Focus-on-effects essay
Overview of a cause/effect essay

General statement
about the topic
Thesis statement
lists the main points
Paragraph 1
Body Paragraphs
Topic sentences
Reason Paragraph 2

Concluding sentence Paragraph 3

- Use transitions of time or Brief summary of
order for each body main points
- Use words/phrases of cause
and effect
  Input your comments/suggestions here.
A. Thesis statement:
1. Is the thesis statement clear about the type of cause-essay?
2. Does the thesis statement include the relevant key points?

B. Body paragraphs: Input your comments/suggestions here.

1. Are the topic sentences signaled by transitions and clearly


2. Are there reasons and details/examples as support?

3. What technique is used for the concluding sentence?

Input your comments/suggestions here.
C. Conclusion:

1. Is there a conclusion transition and a re-mention of the

2. Are the key points well rephrased?
D. Language use: Input your comments/suggestions here.

1. Are the verbs used in the correct tenses?

2. Are there cause-effect transitions and connectors? Italicize

3. Are there grammar and spelling mistakes? Highlight them (in the essay) in
4. Is the word count around 350 words?

  In the present society, more and more people are single either by force or by choice. For many
people, being in a relationship seems impossible or unpreferable. There are some factors leading
to this predicament, including having a heavy workload, setting standards too high to be met, and
having little to no social skills. 
To begin with, a busy lifestyle is the primary cause of “singleism”. People of dating age, mostly
teenagers, college students, and office workers, spend most of their time on their work. These
people usually spend about 8 to 10 hours a day on studying or working. As a result, with the lack of
time, they have the feeling of isolation, making them feel rejected or angry with their lack of
availability and force them to push everyone around them away. 
High expectations of a future partner is another reason for being leftover. These expectations may
be their lover's appearance or personality. For example, the boy must be taller than their girlfriend
by 20cm or the girl must be slim and pretty. Another example is others feel more attached to a
person who treats his or her parents kindly. As a result, due to their setting so many high standards
but there is no one around to meet them, these people will stay alone.
The last cause of people’s loneliness is their own low-keyness. Even though some people have their
own talents and attractions, they lack “confidence” to showcase them to their crush. A male
student may be skilled at playing the guitar and the girl in his heart may be waiting for a tune, but
his shyness prevents his talent from shining and his love from budding. Therefore, if you love
someone, do something or speak up to gain his or her heart.
  In conclusion, there are many factors that cause a person to be single: being too occupied with
their own work, having impossible standards to uphold, and being too quiet and or shy to interact
with the person they like. To remedy these problems, try to improve your social skills and getting
out of your comfort zone will be helpful on the way to finding your potential soulmate in the future.
Focus-on-effects essay

1. Effects of online learning before and after the Tet holiday

2. Effects of the ended tradition of lucky money giving

Task 1:
Thesis statement with three parallel points
Development: three topic sentences + restatement

Task 2: Complete essay

Structure: 3 points clearly expressed in thesis statement, topic sentences, and restatement
Language: Effect expressions: italic; transitions between paragraphs: highlighted in red
Word count: 350 words
Focus-on-effects essay

Topic 1: Effects of online learning before and after the Tet holiday

Thesis statement: Learning online before and after the Tet holiday allows students
to have more time with their family and to enjoy the holiday more, but it diminishes
their concentration during these two online weeks.
Topic sentence 1: First and foremost, online students can come back to their
hometown earlier to reunion with their relatives sooner.
Topic sentence 2: Secondly, students can really enjoy more free time during the
Tet holiday thanks to the nature of online learning.
Topic sentence 3: On the flip side, online learners will concentrate less on their
study during the Tet holiday.
Restatement: To conclude, online studying before and after the Lunar New Year
break provides students some benefits, including prolonged family moments and
more enjoyment, but at the same time it can make them focus less on their lessons.
Links to submit
Group 23

Group 24

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