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MARCH 29, 2023

In groups think of three reasons why this boy wouldn’t want to go to
Think and share

 Can you relate to the boy in this

What can you remember about your
In your opinion, what’s the ideal age to
start school?
Brainstorm vocabulary related to the topic “education”

Group work

What are the major issues in school?

Debate: The pros and cons of school
Vocabulary: Education
Expression with do/get alternatives

Do an exam I have to sit/take an exam in biology at the end of term.

Do research, do a research project Our class carried out / conducted a research project
into the history of our school.

Do a course I decided to enroll on / take a course in computer


Do a degree/ diploma She studied for / took a degree in engineering.

Do a subject (e.g. law) I studied/took history and economics in high school.

Vocabulary: Education
Expression with do/get alternatives

Get a degree/ diploma He obtained / was awarded a diploma in Town Planning

in 1998.

Get a grade Her essay received / was given an A-grade.

Get a qualification You will need to obtain/acquire a qualification in social


Get an education The country is poor; only 27% of children receive a basic
Look at these conversations between a teacher and students. Note how the teacher more
formal collocations to repeat what each student says.

Student: Do we have to go to all the

lectures to do the course or just
Teacher: You must attend all the
lectures to complete the course.
Dialogue 1
Student: Excuse me. Where will next
week's class be? In this room?
Teacher: No. Next week's class ____ ___
______ in Room 405.
Student: Excuse me. Where will next
week's class be? In this room?
Teacher: No. Next week's class will
be held in Room 405.
Dialogue 2
Student: When do we have to give
you our essays?
Teacher: You have to _____ __
your essays on Friday.
Student: When do we have to give
you our essays?
Teacher: You have to hand in your
essays on Friday.
Dialogue 3
Student: When do we have to send in
our university applications?
Teacher: You have to ______ your
application by December 1st.
Student: When do we have to send in
our university applications?
Teacher: You have to submit your
application by December 1st.
Dialogue 4
Student: What do I have to do if I want to
leave the course?
Teacher: If you want to ________ from
the course, you have to go to the College
Student: What do I have to do if I
want to leave the course?
Teacher: If you want to withdraw
from the course, you have to go to
the College Off
Replace all the uses of do or get in this paragraph with more interesting
I have three daughters. The oldest one did a degree in economics at
Birmingham University. She got her bachelor's degree last year and is now
doing some research on taxation laws in different countries. The second one is
doing a course at Newcastle University. She's doing history. She loves it,
though she says she has to do far too many assignments. My youngest
daughter is still at school. She's doing her school-leaving exams in the
summer. She'll go to university next year it she gets good enough grades in
her exams. She wants to do sociology and then get a social work
qualification. My daughters are all getting a much better education than I
ever had.
I have three daughters. The oldest one studied for / took a degree in
economics at Birmingham University. She obtained / was awarded her
bachelor's degree last year and is now carrying out conducting some
research on taxation laws in different countries. The second one is taking
enrolled on a course at Newcastle University. She's studying/taking
history. She loves it, though she says she has to write far too many
assignments. My youngest daughter is still at school. She's sitting/taking her
school-leaving exams in the summer. She'll go to university next year if she
receives / is given good enough grades in her exams. She wants to
study/take sociology and then obtain/acquire a social work qualification.
My daughters are all receiving a much better education than I ever had.
Choose the correct collocation.
1 I'm happy to say that you have all sat/ taken/ passed your maths test.
2 Will the teacher give/ provide/make us some feedback on our essays?
3 The university agrees / recognizes / takes the school-leaving exams of most other
4 It isn't compulsory to assist / attend / listen all the lectures at this university.
5 How long will it take you to complete / carry out / fulfil your degree?
6 You must submit / send / write your application in before the end of June.
7 Several students have decided to withdraw / leave the course this year.
8 I want you all to write / hold / keep a vocabulary notebook.

1. Passed
2. Give
3. Recognizes
4. Attend
5. Complete
6. Send
7. Leave
8. Keep
Speaking questions:

1 At what age do children in your country sit their final school exams?
2 What sort of feedback might a teacher give a student who has just given
a presentation in class
3 Give one advantage for a learner of English of doing homework.
4 What advice about keeping a vocabulary notebook would you give to
someone starting to learn English?
5 What are the pros of learning English?
 Movies Where Education Changes the World

Theory of
Lisa’s Smile (2014)

A Beautiful
The theory of everything

The main idea of the movie "The Theory of Everything" is

to depict(portray, describe) the life of
renowned(прославленный) physicist Stephen
Hawking, his scientific achievements, and his personal life
struggles. The film showcases(demonstrates) how
Stephen and Jane, with their
unwavering(непоколебимый) love and support for
each other, overcame the obstacles they faced and
continued to pursue their dreams despite the challenges.
Movie Discussion

•What did you find interesting or memorable about the movie?

•How did the movie portray the challenges and achievements of
Stephen Hawking's life?
•What emotions did the movie evoke in you? Why?
•What themes or messages did you take away from the movie?
•Did the movie change your perception or understanding of
Stephen Hawking's life or his scientific contributions?
•Who is your favorite character (characters' traits, motivations, and
relationships, and discuss how the characters contributed to the story)?
Act out a scene from a movie in class
as a group. Try to use language from
the movie and to embody the emotions
and personalities of the characters.
Covid-19: educational process before and after

Look at the images. Which adjectives do you associate with each image? Why?

productive fun lonely collaborative frustrating

efficient enjoyable easy relaxed hard work
independent reliable
Remote learning

Write three positive and three negative things about each way of learning,

Remote learning is more relaxed because you can do it from your sofa.
Remote learning can be frustrating if the technology you are using doesn’t
work well.
Remote learning
You are going to complete a short survey about your experiences of remote learning. Either write your
answers in the chat or complete the survey online.

1. What type of learning did you do during lockdown?

a. Online classes with teachers every day

b. My teachers sent me work online every day and I had to complete it alone
c. Online classes a few times a week or less
d. None
e. Other (give a brief description)
Remote learning
You are going to complete a short survey about your experiences of remote learning. Either write your
answers in the chat or complete the survey online.

2. During your time remote learning do you think you learned:

a. the same as usual?

b. more than usual?
c. less than usual?
Remote learning
You are going to complete a short survey about your experiences of remote learning. Either write your
answers in the chat or complete the survey online.

3. What were the best things about learning from home?
Remote learning
You are going to complete a short survey about your experiences of remote learning. Either write your
answers in the chat or complete the survey online.

4. And what were the worst things about learning from home?
Remote learning
You are going to complete a short survey about your experiences of remote learning. Either write your
answers in the chat or complete the survey online.

5. What did you miss most about face-to-face classes at school?
Remote learning
You are going to watch a video of Augustina, a 17-year-old student from Argentina, talking about her
experiences of online learning. As you watch, make notes on these questions.
• Are there any similarities/differences between Augustina’s experience of online learning and your own
• What positive and negative things does she mention about remote learning?
• Do you think overall her opinion of remote learning is positive or negative?
Remote learning
Read the texts about remote learning in different countries. Write the letter of the text that mentions the following:

1. Students doing final exams under different conditions from usual

2. Someone having to go into school to pick up worksheets
3. Having connection problems with online video lessons
4. Having to travel a long way to be able to receive lessons
5. Watching lessons on local TV
6. Schools not opening until September
7. Students already having the required technology
8. A lack of investment in schools means it is difficult for teachers to give support to students
9. The role of men and women in supporting home education
10. Not having to get up early
11. Students being able to get extra individual help when necessary
12. Going back to school part-time
13. Finding it harder to focus
14. Watching videos made by the teacher
15. Parents teaching children at home
Remote learning
You are going to write a report about your own experiences of learning online.

A report is a text which explains a situation, gives factual information and gives recommendations.
Imagine that your school has asked you to write a report about your experiences of remote learning.


Formal – use of passive, avoid giving your personal opinion, usually written for a teacher or your boss.

Has clear sections – these usually have headings, so that the different parts are very clear.

Makes recommendations – the final section usually gives recommendations for the future.
Remote learning
You are going to write a report about your own experiences of learning online. Your report should

introduction: Explain what the report is about.

your experience of remote learning: Did you do online lessons? Did you work on your own from home?
Did you learn through TV or radio? Were you able to keep up with classes?

advantages: What was good or what did you enjoy about remote learning?

disadvantages: What did you miss about learning at school? What didn’t work well?

recommendations: What would improve the situation if you had to return to remote learning in the
Part Useful language

Remote Introduction This report will outline/explain/evaluate …

learning  The purpose of this report is to evaluate/make recommendations/reflect on …
Experience of remote In general,
Classes were given online / classes took place …
Students were able to …
One advantage was …
… was an improvement on regular classes because …

On the other hand, …

A major disadvantage was …

Generally speaking, students felt/were …

Recommendations In order to improve remote learning in the future, I would recommend … (verb+ing / noun)

The following changes would improve the situation: …

The best solutions would be …

Based on the experience I had, I’d strongly recommend … (verb+ing / noun)

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