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B Y G R O U P ( 1 ,2 )
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:
Study of the interference of light by Young’s Double-Slit.

Measure the wavelength of light used in the experiment.

Young knew that sound was a wave phenomenon, and, hence, that if two sound waves of equal
intensity, but out of phase, reach the ear then they cancel one another out, and no sound is heard. This
phenomenon is called interference. Young reasoned that if light were actually a wave phenomenon, as
he suspected, then a similar interference effect should occur for light. This line of reasoning lead
Young to perform an experiment which is nowadays referred to as Young's double-slit experiment.
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:
Metallic optical bench 90 cm with 4 mounted.

Light source laser red with holder.

Double slit with holder.

double - slit with holder.

White metallic Screen with holder.

The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:
Put the double-slit between the screen and laser source to obtain a interference pattern source on a
For a certain distance L (cm) measure the fringe width ym (cm).
Repeat step (2) for different L and each time measure the corresponding ym (cm).
Tabulate your results.
Plot a relation between L (x- axis) and ym (y- axis).
Measure the slope and calculate the distance between the two slits d (cm).
Measure the wavelength of light.
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:
Each slit radiates spherical light waves. The light waves emanating from each slit are superposed on
the screen. If the waves are out of phase then destructive interference occurs, resulting in a dark patch
on the screen. On the other hand, if the waves are completely in phase then constructive interference
occurs, resulting in a light patch on the screen.
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:

 is the wavelength (nm).

d is the distance between the two slits(cm).

 is the central fringe width(cm).

L is the distance between the double-slit and the white screen(m).

The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:

L (cm) (cm)
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:


Slope= , with no unit.
The interference of light by
young’s double-slit:
We use the double-slit to get two sources from one source.
The central fringe width is directly proportional to the distance between the double-slit and the
white screen.
The wavelength is very small compared to the distance between the double-slit and the white
If the light traveled only original direction after passing through the slits, the waves would not
over lap and no interference pattern would be seen but the light traveled as spheres so the
interference occurred, therefore the light has a wave nature.
Newton’s rings:
Determination of the wavelength of a monochromatic light by using the Newton’s rings.

If a lens and a plate are used in a specific arrangement, then a pattern of concentric bright rings are
Newton’s rings:
Monochromatic source (Sodium lamp).

Vernier scaled traveling microscope with magnifying arm.

Plano-convex Lens and glass plate.

Optical track.
Newton’s rings:
Arrange the Na lamp, the lens and the glass plate to observe a system of concentric alternative dark and
bright rings (Newton's rings). The order m of the dark rings are 1. 2. 3, … successively from the smallest ring
near the center. The order of the dark spot at the center is m=0
Measure the diameter Dm of each dark ring m by moving the microscope from left to right side tangent to
each ring.
Plot a graph between D2m and m. The graph should be a straight line with slope .
Measure the radius of curvature (using a spherometer) R of the lower surface of the lens.
Determine the wavelength using the relation .
Newton’s rings:

 When a plano-convex lens with its convex surface with radius of curvature (R) is placed on a plane
glass sheet, an air film of gradually increasing thickness outward is formed between the lens and the
plate. The thickness of film at the point of contact is zero. A monochromatic of wavelength (λ) light
is directed by means of the partial reflecting side at 45° to fall normally on the lens. At each
boundary some light is reflected at the underside of the lens and at the top surface of the plate. These
two reflected sets of light produce the interference pattern. Alternate bright and dark concentric rings
are seen around the point of contact. These rings were first discovered by Newton, that's why they
are called Newton’s rings.
Newton’s rings:

 is the diameter of a dark ring (mm).

m is the number of the dark ring.

R is the radius of curvature (mm).

λ is the wavelength (m).

Newton’s rings:

Vernier reading
m (mm)
Left Right
Newton’s rings:


Slope= ().
Newton’s rings:
The square of diameter is directly proportional to the number of the dark ring.

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