Electoral Campaign

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Planning a Political Campaign

Veronica Bejenari, CI
Tor Evelin-Eva, CI
Budai Bogdan Andrei, AEMP
Dănuța Hanăș, AEMP








1. About the Candidate- Childhood, Family & Role of the Family in the Campaign
Childhood and family background of the candidate represent an essential part in the planning of a political campaign.

Childhood Family background

Work History

Mihailache Nika was born on August 7, 1980

in Iasi. Her mother is a seamstress and her Currently married to Mr. Dragos Mihailache,
father a builder. At the age of 14, her parents with 3 children: 2 boys, a little girl.
divorced, and Nika stayed to live with her
mother. The family had a relatively low
income, sometimes even lacking certain
The family plays an important role in the
things. As a child, Nika attended
moral support of the candidate. They also
kindergarten and school in Iasi, and spent
promote the candidate's ideals and try to keep
her holidays with her grandfather or in the
a decent and respectable public image.
1. About the Candidate- Education & Work History

Education Work History


National College in During college

Iasi practicing at a law firm

Alexandru Ioan Cuza Lawyer in Cluj at

University of Iasi, Law the municipal court
UBB Cluj Napoca,
Lawyer at the Court of
Faculty of Political Appeal in Bucharest
Sciences Joining THE PARTY OF THE
1. About the Candidate- Public Opinion

What have others said about the candidate (both good and bad)?
Work History
We could hear that she is a responsible lady, serious when it comes to work, empathetic when needed.
She is dedicated both to her work and ideals for her homeland, and to her family, which she does not
forget to take care of. Sometimes it can be too direct and impulsive if she sees that an injustice is
happening, but that also tells us about her sincerity. We can also hear that she loves to be the leader, but
it is not her attempt to organize the team work as well as possible.

What is the candidate best known for and how well known is the candidate?

The candidate is best known for her involvement or creation of financial and legislative programs in the
cities of Cluj and Bucharest. The candidate is best known to other civil servants, especially in the legal
field. A small part of the population knows the candidate, due to her participation in several political
1. About the Candidate- Public Opinion

Does the candidate have a record of keeping past promises?

As for public promises, the candidate did not History
offer much in the past, but she fulfilled them and we
also have proof in a file.
Is there a particular voting group that is either happy or unhappy with the candidate?

A particular group of voters who could be happy are women, because our candidate promotes gender
equality, especially in the right to work and involvement in politics

What is the candidate’s voting record and can this made public?
In the case of her election as general secretary of the party, she obtained 89% of the votes

Is there a particular voting group that is either happy or unhappy with the candidate?
A particular group of voters who could be happy are women, because our candidate promotes gender
equality, especially in the right to work and involvement in politics.
1. About the Candidate- Attitude towards voters

Charisma Accomplishments Negative Aspects

Work History Work History

• Experience in various
The candidate is very pleasant state institutions
when she talks to someone, • Publications, articles
she speaks beautifully and and even 2 published She is a young
calmly, understandable to all, books.
• Contribution to the
woman and may
without avoiding important
topics. When the candidate founding of a volunteer not have enough
gives a public speech, she has organization from Iasi experience yet.
the power to inspire and • Contribution to some
motivate her listeners and she important projects in
has the power to inspire Cluj and Bucharest that
confidence and security refer to jurisprudence.
2. SWOT Analysis

3. Resources of the Campaign

Education What assistance can

What financial Time spent To what organizations
resources will the does the candidate these organisations
fundraising? provide?
candidate use? belong?

What organizations Is there early When will the

are likely to donate? money? money come in?
4. Information about the District

Total population: The total number of voters is:
567.980 people 325.658 people based on
previous voting polls.

Expected turnout in this election is:

± 300.000 because of the COVID-19 We will be guaranteed victory
pandemic. of you receive this many
votes: ± 200.000.

We will have to communicate our message to at least half of the houses in the district, however,
there are better means to reach them rather than going in person and applying the technique
“house by house”.
5. Geographic Targeting

Us VS Opposition Swing Areas


Less developed areas, specifically, in areas where

new technology and “standard facilities” are not
built yet. (New technology and “standardized
In the more facilities” = SMART parks, bike-sharing
In the less
developed infrastructure, lack of FDI, intelligent public
developed areas
areas of the transport, good communication with the public
of the district
district institutions.)
6. Demographic Targeting
Our candidate belongs to the following demographic groups: Other demographic groups can be expected to support our
candidate for the following reasons:
Young adults, adults and Education
a part of the elderly population.
Specifically, a small portion of people between 18-24 years old,
a major portion of people between 24-45 years old, and a small The reason which might make them to vote otherwise is if our candidate
fraction of the ones over 45 years old. Those people are applies the same tactic as the counter-part and finds something extra to
interested in the greater good of the public, they keep up with offer, for example, a programme that would allow the unemployed to
the events happening around them and they also are able to find a job or even creating sessions of training for the ones who seek to
think critically and objectively about the contemporary learn a new skill and work.

In real numbers: We can expect to receive the following

• 201.099 for us. percentage of these votes:
• 98.901 for them • 67,03% for us.
• 32,967% for them
7. Voter Analysis
Values Attitudes
Our opponents can expect to attract their votes
primarily from the following demographic groups:
• Courage • Empathic
• Kindness • Non-ignorant
Adults and elderly population. Specifically, a • Patience • Not self-centered.
considerable amount of the adults between 24-45 • Integrity • Always there to help
years old and a huge number of elderlies. • Gratitude • Reinventing themselves
• Growth.
We would find people who are struggling financially  
and received no support from the public
institutions, most of them are unemployed and Issues Leadership Qualities
were unlucky enough not to receive a proper
education in their early years. They are voting the • Continuity of development • Keeping promises
counter-part of our candidate because they receive • Reducing green gas • Exceeding expectations
social financial help. emissions • Knowing how to lead in
• Seeking a sustainable crisis
urban infrastructure • Making calculated decisions
• Concern for optimizing
consumption of energy
8. Campaign Message

9. Statement, logo, slogan

Why are you running for this office?


“We are different in many ways, however, we all

desire the same aspects in life: peace, truthfulness
and a beautiful place to live in. There is nothing
better than to share such desires among ourselves
or together with the people we love. I stand in
front of you because I am seeking such desires too
and I want to make them a reality for you. My wish
is that nobody should be left behind so that
everybody will be a part of what we are creating
together. Effort makes continuity possible and
continuity makes welfare. I am willing to put all
the effort into creating a better place for all of us
and to correct the mistakes that were previously
made. I am here, for you.”
By our own hands.
10. Actions and Goals

1. Creating new SMART Parks with sustainable energy consumption

2. New approach to the public transport. New electric buses, bike-sharing

infrastructure and roads dedicated for such transport

3. Digitalized communication between the citizen and the public institutions

achieved through various apps and online platforms dedicated to this goal.
4. Good use of public money coming from taxes. Creating new green
spaces, charging stations (for electric cars), rehabilitation of old buildings.
5. Help for the ones in need programme. A programme that would be created for the ones
who have complaints about aspects in the area that we do not know about.
Thank you!

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