Modals, Nouns, & Adverbs

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A modal verb is an auxiliary or helping verb.
It is a kind of auxiliary verb that is used to
express modalities (the states or “modes” in
which a thing exists) such as possibility,
ability, prohibition, and necessity. Some
common examples of modal verbs include
should, must, will, might, and could.
•There are the ways the words can affect sentences with modal
verbs examples:
Example: You should do your homework.

2. Possibility
Example: I might have pizza for tea.

3. Ability
Example: You can ride a bike now.

4. Prohibition
Example: You may go out now.
Can – I can jump.
Could – We could go to the cinema tomorrow.
May – They may be coming to our house tomorrow.
Might – It might rain on Friday.
Should- You should tell them.
Shall- If it’s dry, shall we play outside?
Will- I will try my best.
Would- My parents wouldn’t give me any pocket money.
Must- You must be quiet.
Have – I have to see the doctor about my leg.
Fill in with the correct modal verb expressions:
1.You ___________ (could, will) go home if it’s
2.I ____________ (must, can) sing loudly.
3.The boys __________(will, have) go to the city
4.Rita ______________ (shall, will) cook her
favorite food.
5.Mother _____________ (should, might) buy that
pillow since its color is her favorite.
•An adverb is a word that modifies (describes)
a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall),
another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a
whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an
umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some
(such as fast) look exactly the same as their
adjective counterparts.
•Tom Longboat did not run badly.
•Tom is very tall.
•The race finished too quickly.

Underline the adverb(s) in the sentences below.

1. She was walking slowly.
2. My friend and I ran quickly to get the bus.
3. He stopped the car abruptly.
4. My grandfather smiled cheerfully.
5. Dina spoke boldly in front of a huge audience.

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