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I. Identify the name word in each
1. I like to play ball.
2. They went to the zoo.
3. My cat is sleeping.
4. She works at the mall.
5. He got a new bike.
I. Identify the name word in each
6. I saw a train.
7. We bought lollipops.
8. They watched a movie.
9. His family is kind.
10. The car is new.
II. Complete each one-step direction with
the best action word.
1. ( Push, Pull, Pick ) up the trash.
2. ( Bring, Brush, Break ) your teeth.
3. ( Clean, Kick, Cut ) your room.
4. ( Beat, Bring, Build ) me the book.
5. ( Rise, Ring, Ride ) the bike carefully.
II. Complete each one-step direction with
the best action word.
6. ( Watch, Wash, Walk ) your hands.
7. ( Pray, Peel, Pack ) your bags.
8. ( Cut, Close, Catch ) your nails.
9. ( Ring, Roam, Read ) the bell.
10. ( Close, Comb, Chop ) your hair.
III. Identify the sentence. Tell if it is a request
or command.
Command Go to the library.
Request Keep quiet, please.
Request Please, form you line.
Command Do your homework.
Command Pull the weeds.
Request Please, sing us a song.
IV. Identify the main idea.
Alex’s grandpa lives in a big city, on the 18th floor of an
apartment building. From his grandpa’s windows, Alex
can see the whole city. Alex used to be afraid to look out
the windows, because they were up so high. But his
grandpa would sit with Alex, and point out all the
interesting things in the city. Now Alex likes to look out
his grandpa’s windows. He can see the library, and the
train station, and the park. He feels very grown up.
IV. Identify the main idea.

1. What is this whole story mostly about?

a. Alex takes a train ride

b. Alex rides the elevator

c. Alex and his grandpa’s windows

IV. Identify the main idea.

2. Which of these is a small piece of information from

the story that makes the story more interesting?

a. Grandpa’s apartment is on the 18th floor.

b. The train station is a busy place.

c. There is an elevator in Alex’s grandpa’s building.

IV. Identify the main idea.
Luca’s grandpa lives on a farm. His grandpa has a big
garden, and many animals. When Luca was little, he was
afraid of the chickens. When he helped his grandpa feed
the chickens, the chickens chased him, crying, “Cluck,
cluck, cluck!” But his grandpa showed him how to shoo
the chickens away with his hand, saying, “Shoo chicks,
shoo chicks!” Luca still doesn’t like the chickens much,
but he isn’t afraid of them now. He feels very grown up.
IV. Identify the main idea.

1. What is this whole story mostly about?

a. Grandpa’s garden

b. Luca and the chickens

c. Luca’s favorite animal

IV. Identify the main idea.

1. Which of these is a small piece of information from

the story that makes the story more interesting?

a. Luca drew a picture of the farm.

b. Luca helped pick the vegetables.

c. The chickens said “Cluck, cluck, cluck!”

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