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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 1
Course Introduction

Benjamin Chan Y.F

Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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My Timetable
Day Subject Time Room

2 2 1 2 2

TUE BM040 Research Methodology - L 09:30-10:30

TUE BM009 Delivery Customer Values - T TUE BM009 Delivery Customer Values - T THU BM009 Delivery Customer Values - L THU BM040 Research Methodology T FRI BM040 Research Methodology - T 10:35-12:35 13:45-15:45 12:40-13:40 16:00-18:00 10:40-12:40

L1 - 7 1-4:ROOM-3 1-1:ROOM-5 L2 - 3 L2 - 3

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Synopsis and Teaching Plan


Briefing on Teaching Plan, Course Outline and Assignment Introduction to research 1 (Theory) Introduction to research 2 (Practical) The Research Process 1 (Research Question, Objectives) The Research Process 2 (Hypothesis Testing)

Group Forming

2 3 4 5

Journal Article Discussion Journal Article Discussion Journal Article Discussion

Journal Article Discussion

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Synopsis and Teaching Plan

Week Week Lecture Lecture Tutorial Tutorial
Journal/Articles Discussion Journal Article Discussion
Journal/Articles Discussion Journal Article Discussion Journal/Articles Discussion Journal/Articles Discussion Journal Article Discussion Journal/Articles Discussion Journal Article Discussion
Journal Article Discussion

Brand and Branding 6 Research Ethnic 6

Customer relationship management (CRM) 1 Measurement and Scaling 7 Customer relationship 8 Concepts, Questionnaire management (CRM) 2 Design Supply Methodology 8 9 Samplingchain MGM 7

9 10


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Total Quality MGM Quantitative Uni-variate Analysis Quantitative Bi-variate

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Synopsis and Teaching Plan

11 12

Quantitative Multivariate Analysis Revision Proposal Presentation Proposal Presentation Title of Slides

Proposal Presentation Proposal Presentation Proposal Presentation Proposal Presentation -

14 15

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Course Assessment
Assessment Percentage Midterm 20 Research Proposal Write-up 50 Final Exam 30

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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 2 & 3
Introduction to Research

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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Learning Outcomes
Student will be able to: explain the meaning of research know the types of research papers available Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research

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What is Research
Starts from the topic on Epistemology and Ontology Epistemology Body of Knowledge Ontology Ways in identifying the knowledge

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The Big Picture

Epistemology Ontology
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Positivist Conventionalist Critical Theorist Postmodernist Pragmatic Realist

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What is Research?
Research can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution (Sekaran 1992, p.4). Keywords: 1. Systematic and organized 2. It encompasses the processes of inquiring / investigating end result would help to solve problems or suggest ways to solve problems.
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Research is ..
the way of thinking, examining critically the various aspects of your profession, understanding and formulating guiding principles that govern a particular procedure and developing and testing new theories for the enhancement of your profession. It is a habit of questioning about what you do and empirical examination to find answers, with a view to instituting appropriate changes for a more effective professional services.
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Types/Classifications of Research
The research can be classified from three perspectives: Application Basic and applied research Objectives Exploratory, Descriptive, or explanatory (causal, hypothesis testing) Type of information Qualitative and quantitative

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Basic Research
Generating scientific knowledge for future use (Common use) Undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention to apply it in practice May lead to discovery of new theory or refinement of an existing theory Attempts to expand the limits of knowledge Not directly involved in the solution to a practical problem Commonly conducted at a University

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Applied Research
Carried on to find solution to a real life problem and action oriented Seeks an immediate and practical results May indirectly contribute to the development of theoretical knowledge by leading to a discovery of new facts or testing of a theory or to conceptual clarity Conducted when a decision must be made about a specific real-life problem

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Basic Differences Between Basic and Applied Research

Basic Research
Problem based on the researcher interest to explain and understanding of the subject Selection of the problem is totally the choice of the researcher Some value judgment may be made, action is not recommended

Applied Research
what is the problem is an important step in resolving that problem. What problems to analysis may be outside the individual researcher domain Researcher role is examine analytically and a course of action recommended

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Exploratory Studies
To clarify ambiguous problems To get better understanding of an issue To provide information for further analysis To identify information/data required As a preliminary research To exhaust inexpensive & time saving resources

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Descriptive Studies
To describe a characteristic of a population or phenomenon Seeks answers to who, what, when, where and how questions To gather accurate info It is based on previous understanding of the problem

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Causal Studies
To identify cause-and-effect relationship among variables To explain a relationship between variables/factors Specific problem based

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Quantitative vs. Qualitative research

Quantitative Objective Approach Sample size Represent. Interv. Skill Basis Analysis
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In-depth under. Unstructured Small No High Words Comparative

Quantification Structured Large Yes (if random) Moderate to low Numbers Statistics
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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 4
Research Process: Information Searching

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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Topic & Structure of the lesson

The Search Engine
What is a Search Engine? Types of Search Engine Importance of Search Engines to Academic Research

Using Search Engines

Using Phrases and Keywords Effective Search Engine tactics

Risks of Online Sources

Academic strength of online resources

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Learning Outcomes
Understand the importance of search engine in Secondary Research Using search engines effectively with appropriate keywords and phrases Understand the risk of using online resources for academic research

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Main Teaching Points

The Search Engine
What is a Search Engine? Types of Search Engine Importance of Search Engines to Academic Research

Using Search Engines

Using Phrases and Keywords Effective Search Engine tactics

Risks of Online Sources

Academic strength of online resources

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What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a program designed to help find information stored on a computer system such as the World Wide Web, or a personal computer. The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting specific criteria (typically those containing a given word or phrase) and retrieves a list of references that match those criteria.
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What is a Search Engine?

The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting specific criteria (typically those containing a given word or phrase)
Retrieves a list of references that match those criteria. In most cases, search engine usually refers to a Web search engine, which searches for information on the public Web

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Types of Search Engines

Web Search Engines:
Google MSN Search Yahoo! Search Northern Lights Ask Jeeves

Academic Journal Search Engines (Subscription)

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Types of Search Engines

Academic Journal Search Engines (Subscription)
Emerald Journal Proquest EBSCO Business/IT Search IEEE Journal Databases

Library Search Engines (OPAC)

APIIT/UCTI Library Search engine National Library Search engine
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How do Search Engines Work?

They use software programs known as robots, spiders or crawlers.
A robot is a piece of software that automatically follows hyperlinks from one document to the next around the Web. When a robot discovers a new site, it sends information back to its main site to be indexed.

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Importance of Search Engines

For the same reason you need a card catalogue or book in a library.
There is lots of great and useful information in a library, but it's physically impossible to examine all the books personally.

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Importance of Search Engines

Not even the most indefatigable websurfer could hyperlink to all the documents in the aptly named World Wide Web. Search engines gives you the ability to look for more information from one source (Search engine)

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Using Search Engines

Know what youre looking for:
Are you looking for information about a person? A company? A software product? A health-related problem? Do you want to find a job? Do you need to research a term paper? Document a news story? Size up your company's competition?

Using keywords and phrases:

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Using Search Engines

Using keywords and phrases:
Searching on a noun (the name of a person, place or thing), remember that most nouns are subsets of other nouns. Enter the smallest possible subset that describes what you want. Be specific.

Example: If you want to buy a car, don't enter the keyword "car" if you can enter the keyword "Toyota." Better still, enter the phrase "Toyota showrooms" AND the name of the city where you live.
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Using Search Engines:

Using special functions:
Read the search engine help files and take advantage of the available search refining options. Use phrases, if possible. Use the Boolean AND (or the character +) to include other keywords that you would expect to find in relevant documents.

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Using Search Engines:

Using special functions:
Example: If you want to find out how medical details about your grandmother's diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, try entering "Alzheimer's" AND "symptoms" AND "prognosis." If you want to find out about Alzheimer's care and community resources, query on "Alzheimer's" AND "support groups" AND "resources" AND NOT "symptoms."

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Risk of Online Sources

Risks of Online Sources
Finding the information you want on the Internet is only the first step. There is a lot of material available, but not all of it is equally reliable and useful. As a researcher a large part of your job is not simply to find information, but to make judgements about its merit.

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Risk of Online Sources

Risks of Online Sources
Before you use any material you have found, you need to spend some time evaluating it for accuracy and importance. Use the following questions as a guide, but also use your own experience and skills to make a decision.

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Risk of Online Sources

Evaluating Online Resources:
The source of the material might give you a clue to it's reliability. A site maintained by a university or government organisation might be more reliable than one maintained by a private citizen.

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Risk of Online Sources

Age of Online Information
Sometimes the age of information matters. If you need current statistics then check the age of the material you have found. As a rule of thumb, in most fields anything more than five years old is probably outdated.

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Risk of Online Sources

Accredited Source:
The status of the writer is often of considerable importance in deciding the reliability of information. You can probably assume that material written or otherwise provided by a known expert in the field is likely to be reliable. i.e. A PhD or Professor related to the topic

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Risk of Online Sources

But just because you have never heard of the author of the page doesn't mean that the information is inaccurate or unreliable, but it does mean that you can't take it at face value. You might have to do some crosschecking, either elsewhere on the net, or with books or articles.
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Risk of Online Sources

Internet Design and integrity:
How an Internet resource is designed may have a lot of influence on how you use it. A site which is always too busy to access, too slow to download or too difficult to navigate may not be worth your valuable time, no matter how useful and relevant the information is.

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Results from a web search engine is useful if used effectively Unless the source is accredited (i.e. web journals), take the information at face value. Use together with primary research and physical resources (i.e. core text books, reference books)

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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 5
Research Process: Create your Problem Statement, Research Objectives and Hypothesis Testing
1 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 6
Research Ethnics

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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Structure of the lesson

Goal of Ethics in Research Ethics in Research: Subjects Rights Common types of Academic Fraud Plagiarism

Researchers code of conduct

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Learning Outcomes
Understand the meaning of ethics. Explain the goal of ethics in research. Know guidelines for ethical treatment of participants in any research work. Explain types of academic fraud. Apply personal self-regulation in academic ethical scenarios. To know the researchers code of conduct
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Goal of Ethics in Research

Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide our behavior and our relationships with others (Cooper and Schindler 2003) The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities.

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Ethical Principles Invasion of Privacy

Example Parker,2000 Scott

Explanation A study on CEO of a company Fail to protect individual anonymity Documented the company size, location, history, and company activitiesmade it clear to the public which company was involved in the study Potentially harmful to the female secretary future employment Inducing subjects to against the laws Do not give full information about the nature of the study and its possible implementation for them Physically

Harm to Participant

Dalton 1959 counseling relationship with female secretary Milgram and Shortlands (1973) steal experiment

Lack of informed Consent Deception

Haney, Banks, Zimbardos (1973) prison experiment Milgrams (1963) electricity shock experiment
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Stanley Milgrams (1963) electricity shock experiment
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Academic Fraud Fabrication - the actual making up of research data and (the intent of) publishing them Falsification - manipulation of research data - omitting critical data or results Plagiarism - the act of taking credit (or attempting to take credit) for the work of another
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Review Questions
What is the main goal of ethics in Research? What are the rights of subjects / participants involved in research? Identify some actions which constitute academic fraud.

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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 7
Measurement and Scaling Concepts, Questionnaire Design

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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Exercise: What are the scales of measurement for these variables?

Variable Scale

Program of study Speed (km/hr)

Motivation scores
Income categories Number of SMS received Marital status Quality of work life scores

Perception scores Membership status
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Exercise: What are the scales of measurement for these variables?

Variable Scale

Program of study Speed (km/hr) Motivation scores Income categories Number of SMS received Marital status

Ratio Interval Ordinal Ratio Nominal Interval Nominal Interval Nominal
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Quality of work life scores


Perception scores
Membership status
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Scaling methods

1.Semantic differential 2.Likert

See example
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Data Gathering Methods

BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 8

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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Probability Sampling

Non Probability Sampling



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BM 040

Research Methodology

Chapter 9-11
Data Analysis

Benjamin Chan
Bsc. Human Development (UPM) Msc. Human Development (UPM) PhD Candidate (UM)

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There is no notes for data analysis. All will be in the form of hand-on training.

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