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Renewable and Non-

renewable energy sources

By Samarth Raval of class 9-B
What are energy sources?
• Energy is the quantity that must be changed or transferred to make something
happen, now where does this quantity come from?
• It comes from energy sources
• Therefore energy sources are things that provide the energy which we use on a daily
• There are 2 types of energy sources:
• Renewable energy source
• Non-renewable energy source
Renewable energy
• The term Renewable stands for the capability of being renewed
• When we attach this word to energy it means the capability of not
• Therefore it is an energy store that will replenish naturally when used.
• Examples of Renewable energy include:
• Solar energy,
• Hydropower energy
Non-renewable energy
• Since the words renewable and non-renewable are anonyms they mean the
exact opposite
• So Non-renewable energy is an energy resource that is gone forever (fully
depleted) once it has been used up.
• Examples of Non-renewable energy are:
• Fossil fuels (this includes oil, coal, and natural gasses)
Fun fact
Solar energy

Solar energy is the most

energy source
on earth

• The main source of Solar energy is our sun, hence the name solar.
• The main purpose of solar energy is to be used as electricity, so when we use solar energy it is
converted to energy for us to use once again.
• As a renewable power source, solar energy has an important role in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and mitigating climate change, which is critical to protecting humans, wildlife, and
ecosystems; these are how solar energy affects our environment.
• Due to the reasons given above solar energy is a great benefit for not only us but planet earth as
• The only disadvantages of solar energy is that it is very costly to manage and that it is weather
dependent (if it is cloudy it is less convenient).
Fun fact
Hydropower is one of

Hydropower energy the oldest power

sources on the planet

• Hydropower energy is powered by water hence the part of the name hydro, so there is a possibility
of multiple sources like lakes, oceans, and even rivers.
• Just like solar energy, hydropower energy can be used as electricity which we can use to power
objects needing electricity.
• Hydropower is better for the environment than other major sources of electrical power, which use
fossil fuels. Hydropower plants do not emit the waste heat and gas common with fossil-fuel-driven
facilities, which are major contributors to air pollution, global warming, and acid rain.
• Due to the reasoning given above hydropower energy is very convenient and beneficial.
• Just like solar energy, it is very expensive to manage as well as if a certain location has a drought
going on hydropower energy will not be productive at all..
Fossil fuels are
called “fossils”
because, just like
Fun fact
rock fossils, they
are made from
Fossil fuels dead plants and

• Fossil fuels are made up of plants and animals that have decomposed over thousands of years, which are
found in the earth’s crust, therefore source is the earth’s crust.
• Fuels are used to power vehicles like cars, boats, and planes, since fuels are found in the name it’s the
main purpose is to power vehicles. After they are used up they produce carbon dioxide and other
poisonous gasses.
• This affects the environment in a negative way, as the carbon and poisonous gas emissions can create
smog and other harmful disaster that not only increase the speed of climate change but also intoxicate
the sky.
• Due to the reasons above this is bad for the environment
• Fossil fuels have only 1 advantage and that is the ability to produce vast amounts of electricity at once.

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