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# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

Online Master Classes

Accelerating Aegean Islands

Entrepreneurial, Sustainable, Resilient, Creative Multi-,
inter-, trans-, disciplinary Communities

WP5:Re-Imagining Campus: 2nd & 3rd Flagship

Aeiforia for Sustainability | ERUAHaus for Creativity
# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

Online Master Classes

AWARE, Nomad School &Wasteland as

science shop projects: Can we work
further these ideas?
Eleni Gaki, As. Prof., academic responsible for Science Shops/ Cafes & 1st ERUAHackathon

WP5:Re-Imagining Campus: 2nd & 3rd Flagship

Aeiforia for Sustainability | ERUAHaus for Creativity
# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

2 ERUAiDeAThon projects
AWARE: Raise AWAREness about the issues the ocean is facing & how it
affects us, (using an app)
(presentation) April!15141&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AA8Isu2Jk3d_

Question: How can we scale up this app and use it to raise awareness
about other critical and important issues: e.g. blue economy, insular
communities, sustainability, social inclusion, youth entrepreneurship,
social innovation, local products
# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

2 ERUAiDeAThon projects
NOMAD SCHOOL a mobile, self-sufficient, off-the-grid school (use
exclusively solar energy to run its activities). A focal point April
where rural , insular
dwellers are given opportunities to come up with their own projects through
community based art, research and peer work. Aiming to provide knowledge and
skills in an original, creative and experiential way through workshops

Question: How can we scale up this project, geographical, digital,

creating a nomad school in each ERUA university, or other ways…
# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

ERUAHaus : “Wasteland” -What do you think about this idea?
A student community that could create an interactive platform that shows and “sells” items
made from waste materials. They collect recyclable materials from the community and alter
them into usable products, or art-crafts such as bags, jewellery, small furniture, and home
decor items, bauhaus fashion. The profits earned from selling these products could be
reinvested back into the student community, to fund environmental initiatives, youth
festivals, social projects.
a) Students organize a waste collection drive, encourage their community to collect
recyclable materials , use their creativity to turn them into new, full of life, products
and cooperate with local artists to learn new skills.
b) Students set up an e-commerce (open source)platform for ERUA and take part in local
craft fairs or meet markets, use social media to promote their products and raise
awareness about the importance of waste reduction and circular economy.
c) The profits earned, will be used to fund students’ community initiatives This project
would provide an opportunity for students to develop their creativity and
entrepreneurial skills.
# 1 ERUA st

HackAThon 2023 May

ERUAHaus : Science Shops “Create Euphoria” - Working together closely
and creatively”
Carry out independent, participatory scientific research in response to concerns
experienced by citizens and local civil society. Involve researchers, students
working closely with civil society organizations or other members of society to
co-create new knowledge that can be used to better understand or tackle societal
• Discuss on Science Cafés (online events) the results of the 1st ERUAHackThon
and set an open scientific agenda based on local community needs (Start on
•Develop further 5 pilot community-based participatory research &
education projects (based on ERUAHackThon: Entrepreneurship-
Sustainability- Creativity and Resilient Societies)
•Schedule the 2nd ERUAHackThon aiming to cover urban local needs
# 1 ERUA

HackAThon 2023 May

Thank you and Good Luck

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