Preparation of Extension Literature - Final

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Preparation of Extension

Prepared By
Bijayalaxmi Nayak
Leaflet/Flyer Folder Booklets Bulletins

Aim- To practice skills involved in developing farm literature

• Literature is a basis of any teaching programmed. The written material is often
supported by appropriate illustration and used as extension tool. Leaflet,
pamphlet and bulletin play in important role in extension teaching. These are
the simple and brief publication for given information to the farmers and
interested audience.
• How to write:

1. Select the subject of your interest and knowledge.

2. Approach the farmer (Probable reader to know their interest. The reader’s
interest should be kept in mind rather than authors interest.
3. Review the relevant literature and discuss with experts.
4. After collecting the information, decide the information into three parts i.e.
essential desirable and can be committed.
5. Arrange the information in the sequence.
Procedure for writing the literature script
• 1. Introduction should be direct. In the beginning the subject should be clear.
2. Always start from simple to complex or familiar to unfamiliar, treat the reader
with respect. Do not use many unfamiliar or complex highs- sounding. it will help to
understand the subject.
3. Sentences should be simple and clear.
4. Only one idea in one sentence. The sentences should be understandable. The
complex sentences should be avoided.
5. Be accurate, specific and brief while writing.
6. Have short paragraph.
7. Write the information in the sequence.
• 8. The cover should be appealing and attractive. The illustration should be
appropriate to the subject.
9. The title should be short and appealing.
10. Symbols and complicated diagrams should be avoided.
11. Use suitable type of lettering. Bold and clear letters are better. Positioning and
spacing of letters is important in increasing efficiency.
12. Prepare the complete script and after few hours or next day review it or show it
to others.
13. Printing of extension literature should be on good quality proper with good type.
Preparation of

The leaflet is a single sheet

of paper.
It can be printed on both
side or on one side.
Sometimes it is folded and
called a folder.
Pamphlet varies in size
from 12 to 24 pages and a
bulletin is a bulkier
publication with 24-28 or
more pages.
• The leaflet always treats one problem or one job or a very small problem. The
best leaflet gives accurate and specific instructions on "how to do" a job, a set of
improved practice to be followed in solving a home or farm operation
• Illustrations play a bigger role in leaflets and folders than they do in a magazine
story. A good use of colour adds to the attractiveness of the leaflet and gets
more readers.
• Can be used in schools,
• Announcing events
• Advertising new company, brand and outlet and local advertisement
• As magazine or newspaper handouts
• In farmer's training programme
• May be distributed by extension worker personally at field days, farmer’s tour
and kisan mela etc.
• May be distributed personally or by post by placing along with seeds, fertilizers
and insecticide's bags etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Leaflet
Advantages Disadvantages
• 1. Economical and easily available • 1. Only for literate people

• 2. Relatively easily and quickly prepared. • 2. Require expert, skilled professionals for
planning, designing, writing the leaflets.
• 3. Good combination of written words,
illustrations and pictures so they are more • Distribution of leaflets is not an easy task, it
widely accepted. requires a strong coordination, efforts, time
and money.
• 4. Can be preserved and used by the readers.

• 5. They should have facts to enjoy a high level

of credibility and prestige in readers

• 6. Supplement other informations and media.

• 7. Helpful in working with the people.

Procedure of writing a leaflet
• A. Plan the Script
• 1. Decide your message. Select the urgent need of the farmer and
keep the farmer in mind at each and every step. Have one single
practice or idea at a time.
• 2. Jot down all appropriate points. Decide the essential points.
Finally arrive at the desirable points .
• 3. Select the most important one from the essential points which
form the central theme.
• 4. List the remaining essential points in logical order and group
the desirable points under appropriate points.
• (B) Write the script
• 1. Write for one practice or one idea only which is related to the
need of the people.
• 2. Write all essential points in sequence. Add desirable points,
supporting the essential one. Select most important points to
catch reader's interest.
• 3. Write the simple, short sentences and short paragraphs.
• 4. Use familiar words and be clear in your words and sentences.
• 5. Write in the language in which your reader understand easily
• 6. Address your sentence to your reader.
• 7. Be accurate, brief in information and lead him to action.
• 8. Use illustrations and pictures in appropriate place.
• 8. Start with an appeal which will benefit to the readers.
• 9. Give details with reference to the local situation. Give complete instructions.
• 10. Round up with confirming what you said at opening of your leaflet. It will
reassure your readers.
• 11. Attractiveness of leaflet can be increased by using different coloured papers or
inks and illustrations or photographs.
• 12. Mention the source from where further information can be obtained.
• C. Review the script
• 1. Go over the writing after completion of it after a day.
• 2. Show it to some one else and pretest the script.
• 3. Remove the defects and rewrite, where required

Heading: This part is most prominently responsible for catching the

attention of people. It must be precise, focused on the main theme
and written in eye catching words and colours.
Sub headings: This is essential when the main heading is not
successful in covering the theme of the main text
Pictures: To make the leaflet more eye catching, the pictures are
mixed in the text so that it becomes more easily understandable,
interesting and meaningful
Leaflet must be good mixture of text, illustrations and pictures so
that they become more interesting for the readers.
Preparation of Folder
Aim- To study about the
preparation of folder
• A folder is a piece of paper
folded once or twice and when
opened, material is presented
in a sequence.
• Folders are normally printed
on paper heavier than leaflets
so they have longer life.
• Folders are made more
attractive by using
photographs, line drawings,
colour inks and coloured
• A 4" x 8" folder is quite
attrative. There is no set rule
in size but a width to length
ratio of 1: 1½ may be more
suitable when paper size
permit without waste
Steps in preparing Folder
• 1. Make the cover attractive and interesting by giving the message in brief.

• 2. Use bigger letter size at cover (first page) and if possible some action
photographs should be given to add to the beauty as well as meaning to the

• 3. In the later pages, first create the interest among the readers about the
message by giving most important and useful information in the beginning.

• 4. Explain the introduction, details etc. in the later pages depending upon the
space available.

• 5. Do not let readers loose interest up to the last page by making the language
easy, impressive and interesting.

• 6. Use headings, sub-headings and photographs to break the monotony of

text and make the pages good looking, easy reading and attractive.

• 7. Simple, readable typefaces of minimum 12 points should be used.

• 8. If there is any proforma to be mailed back by the readers, ensure its placing
on the reverse of the page which does not contain informations to be retained
by the readers.
• 9. Last page must lead the readers to the action to be taken by them. If possible
repeat the message clearly.
• 10. Do not forget to give the name of the contact person, phone numbers, full
address of the organization, etc. on the last page.
• 11. If the folder is to be mailed, the last page must be reserved for the mailing
Booklet and Pamphlet
• Booklets are bound print materials that are made from multiple sheets of paper
with a cover page. It consists of more than 5,6 pages.

• Provides basic information related to the subject

• Provides additional knowledge
• Contributes to increased retention of contents

• It should center on a single concept

• There should be a logical sequence
• The writing should be base on the
readability level
• Should create interest
• Should be attractive
• Spoken language should be taken into account while it is being prepared
• Illustration with pictures will enhance the comprehension in the learner
• Color catches attention and helps to make the sectioning of material into topics
that follow a train of thought
• Product and service catalogues
• Reference materials
• Manuals
• Any application where detailed descriptions and durability are desired
Advantages Disadvantages
• Makes mass education possible with • Some may throw it out
high efficiency
• Demands good typing
• Allow self pacing. Certain people who
skim rapidly, using trigger word to read • Can’t be used for those who have not
selectively and non-sequentially. Such learned to read
processing cannot be used with audio
tapes. • If the learning objective primarily
• Can be reproduce in local language requires skill in dealing with
persons, this may not be effective.
• Relatively cheaper and lasts when given
reasonable care
• Stimulates interest of the learner.
Pamphlets may or may not be
bound and can come as either
single sheet or multi sheet
print product.
In other words, a pamphlet is
an unbound booklet without
a hard cover or bound,
generally available in multiple
of ‘4’, mainly 12-24 pages.
It is bulkier publication with 24-
50 pages and convey large
amount of information for a
prime in local situation 20/07/RICE-VARIETIES-NRRI.pdf

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