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Group Dynamics

What is a Group?
A group is defined as two or
more individuals interacting
and interdependent, who
have come together to
achieve particular objectives.
Characteristics of a
The necessary characteristics of a group are:
Two or more people

Who interact with one another, (The members of a group

occasionally meet, talk, and do things together.)

Share some common ideology, and (The member of a

group have something in common like common goals,
common threat, security concern, etc.)

See themselves as a group. (People who interact with

each other and who have a common ideology are attracted
to one another.)
Group Dynamics
Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and
behavioral characteristics of a group.

Group dynamics concern how groups form,

their structure and process, and how they

Group dynamics are relevant in both formal

and informal groups of all types.

In an organizational setting, groups are a very

common organizational entity and the study
of groups and group dynamics is an important
area of study in organizational behavior.
Informa groups n sub clsses

Group shift

5 stages
Why Do People Join
Joining groups reduces insecurity of “standing alone”
Inclusion in a group viewed important by others provides recognition
and status to its members
Groups can provide people with feelings of self worth.
Groups fulfill social needs through regular interaction.
Group actions enable in achieving what one can’t individually.
Goal Achievement:
Pooling talent, knowledge and power is needed to accomplish
particular tasks.
Stages of Group
The model of group development
was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman
in 1965.
He maintained that these phases are
all necessary and inevitable in order
the team to grow
to face up to challenges
to tackle problems
to find solutions
to plan work
and to deliver
The Five-Stage Model of Group
Development Consists of the following

1. Forming Stage
2. Storming Stage
3. Norming Stage
4. Performing Stage
5. Adjourning Stage

The first stage in group development, characterized by much uncertainty.

In this, the team is formed and members meet. They learn what the team
opportunities and challenge will be.

Members will agree on goals and assign actions for work and ground rules or team
guidelines are established.

At the start, the team leader may be a member of the group, a supervisor, a
manager, or a consultant who will facilitate the team-building process. Leadership
will help the team to define their processes. At this stage, the leader needs to be
directive and understand the requirements for team training.

This stage is complete when the members have begun to think of themselves as a
part of a group.

The second stage in group development, characterized by intragroup conflict.

During the second stage, individual expression of ideas occurs and there is open
conflict between members. Members tend to focus on details rather than the issues
and compete for influence.

Low trust among team members is an evident indicator of this stage.

The team needs to select their desired leadership style and decision methodology.

The team leader can help by stressing tolerance and patience between members.
The leader should guide the team process towards clear goals, defined roles,
acceptable team behavior, and a mutual feedback process for team communication.

When this stage is complete, there will be a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership
within the group.

The third stage in group development, characterized by close relationships and


In the third stage, the team develops work habits that support group rules and
values. They use established tools and methods; exhibit good behaviors; mutual
trust, motivation, and open communication increase; positive teamwork and group
focus are apparent.

The team relationships grow and individual characteristics are understood and
appropriately utilized. The team leader continues to encourage participation and
professionalism among the team members.

This stage is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has
assimilated a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior.

The fourth stage in group development, when the group is fully functional.

The fourth stage shows high levels of loyalty, participation, motivation, and group
decision-making. Knowledge sharing, cross-training, and interdependence increases.

Team is self-directing in development of plans and strategy to meet their goals and
carry out work. Personal growth and sharing is encouraged throughout membership.
The leader becomes a facilitator aiding the team in communication processes and
helping if they revert to a prior stage.

Group energy has moved from getting to know and understand each other to
performing the task at hand.

Note: For permanent work groups, performing is the last stage in group

The final stage in group development for temporary groups, characterized by

concern with wrapping up activities rather than performance.

For project teams, temporary committees, or task forces coming to an end, there will
be a finalizing stage as they celebrate and recognize group achievement. Then some
mourning over the dissolving of the team relationship and begin planning for the
change in individual work requirements.

During this stage, leadership needs to emphasize organization gratitude and both
team and individual recognition. For continuous work teams, there may be a higher
performance level as they develop and transform as individuals and reform into
revised teams. It is important to note that continuous work teams may revert to
prior stages when new people are added to the team.

A designated work A group that is neither

group defined by formally structured
the organization’s now organizationally
structure. determined; appears
in response to the
need for social

In formal groups, the behavior that team members should engage in

are stipulated by and directed toward organizational goals.

The major purpose of formal groups is to perform specific tasks and

achieve specific objectives defined by the organization. The most
common type of formal work group consists of individuals
cooperating under the direction of a leader.

Examples of formal groups are departments, divisions, taskforce,

project groups, quality circles, committees, and boards of directors.

Characteristics of Formal Groups:

They are approved from some authority.
There is fixed division of labour
Individuals are assigned specific
There are personal interactions between the group members.
Group members are rewarded.

Formal groups can be further classified into:

Command Groups
Task Groups
Command Groups
A group composed of the individuals who report
directly to a given manager.

It is determined by the organization chart.

Membership in the group arises from each
employee’s position on the organizational chart.

Examples of a command group are: an academic

department chairman and the faculty members in
that department, or a director of postal audits and his
five inspectors.
Task Groups
Task groups consist of people who work together to achieve a
common task.
Members are brought together to accomplish a narrow range of
goals within a specified time period.
A task group’s boundaries are not limited to its immediate
hierarchical superior, it can cross command relationships.
Task groups are also commonly referred to as task forces. The
organization appoints members and assigns the goals and tasks
to be accomplished.
All command groups are also task groups, but reverse need not
be true.
Examples of assigned tasks are the development of a new
product, the improvement of a production process, or the
proposal of a motivational contest. Other common task groups
are ad hoc committees, project groups, and standing

These groups are natural formations in the work environment that

appear in response to the need of social contact.
A group
A group
Group Shift
What Is Group Shift?
Group shift is basically a change in riskiness of a decision. This means that based on
your individual decision - your risk decision was A. But after reviewing the groups
decision which could be more toward conservatism or greater risk, you will
ultimately change your decision based on the majority.

What appears to happen in groups is that the discussion leads to a significant shift in
a position of members towards a more extreme position in the direction in which
they were already leaning before the discussion. So conservative types become
more cautious and the more aggressive types take on more risk. The group
discussion tends to exaggerate the initial position of the group.

Therefore moving from your original decision to that of the group decision even
though your final answer might be in fact different from your own beliefs, is known
as group shift.

When people are in groups, they make decision about risk differently from when
they are alone. In the group, they are likely to make riskier decisions, as the shared
risk makes the individual risk less.
Causes of Group Shift
Group diffuses responsibility: A diffusion of responsibility throughout the group
seems to give members of these groups a free rein to act as they see fit. The
emotional bonds that are created within the group serve to decrease anxiety within
the group and the actual risk of the situation seems less.

Social status in groups is often associated with risk-taking, leading people to avoid a
low risk position.

High risk-takers are more confident and hence may persuade others to take greater

As people pay attention to a possible action, they become more familiar and
comfortable with it and hence perceive less risk.

 As groups get larger, trends in risk-taking are amplified.

Group Properties-Norms And Status
Norms are acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the
group’s member. These collectively held expectations of group functioning and
provide regularity and predictability to group functioning.
Norms are characterized by member’s evaluative nature; that is, they refer to
what should be done.
Norms represent value
judgments about appropriate
Classes of Norms:
behavior in social situations. • Performance norms
Adjusting one’s behavior to • Appearance norms
align with the norms of • Social arrangement norms
the group is known as
conformity. • Allocation of resources norms
Status refers to a socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members
by others.
Status is an important factor in understanding human behavior because it is a
significant motivator and has major behavioral consequences.
Status has an effect on the power of norms and pressures to conform. For e.g. high-
status members of group are often given more freedom to deviate from norms than
are other group members

Group Norms

Group Member
Status Equity Status

Group Structure - Norms (cont’d)
Deviant Workplace Behavior
Antisocial actions by organizational members
that intentionally violate established norms and
result in negative consequences for the
organization, its members, or both.

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Typology of Deviant Workplace

Production Leaving early

Intentionally working slowly
Wasting resources
Property Sabotage
Lying about hours worked
Stealing from the organization
Political Showing favoritism
Gossiping and spreading rumors
Blaming coworkers
Personal Aggression Sexual harassment
Verbal abuse
Stealing from coworkers
Source: Adapted from S.L. Robinson, and R.J. Bennett. “A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors:
© 2A00M5ulPtidreimnetnci seionHaal SlcIanlicn.gASltludy,” Academy of Management8–37
Journal, April
1995, p. reserved.
Group Structure - Status
A socially defined position or rank given to groups
group members by others.
Group Norms

Group Member
Status Equity


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Group Structure - Size
Social Loafing
The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when
working collectively than when working individually.

Other conclusions:
• Odd number groups do
better than even.
• Groups of 7 or 9 perform
better overall than larger or
smaller groups.

Group Size
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Group Structure - Cohesiveness
Degree to which group members are attracted to
each other and are motivated to stay in the group.

Increasing group cohesiveness:

1. Make the group smaller.
2. Encourage agreement with group goals.
3. Increase time members spend together.
4. Increase group status and admission difficultly.
5. Stimulate competition with other groups.
6. Give rewards to the group, not individuals.
7. Physically isolate the group.

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Relationship Between Group
Cohesiveness, Performance
Norms, and Productivity

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Group Decision Making (cont’d)
Phenomenon in which the norm for consensus
overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative course
of action.

A change in decision risk between the group’s
decision and the individual decision that member
within the group would make; can be either toward
conservatism or greater risk.

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Symptoms Of The Groupthink
• Group members rationalize any resistance to
the assumptions they have made.
• Members apply direct pressures on those who
express doubts about shared views or who
question the alternative favored by the
• Members who have doubts or differing points
of view keep silent about misgivings.
• There appears to be an illusion of unanimity.
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