Lesson 4 Ecological Footprint & Life Cycle Analysis 2022 2023

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Ecological Footprint &

Life Cycle Analysis

Ecological Footprint

 It represents the amount

of biologically productive
land and sea area needed:
 to regenerate the resources a
human population
consumes and
 to absorb and render
harmless the corresponding
waste .

 Biocapacity refers to the

capacity of a given
biologically productive
area to generate an on-
going supply of
renewable resources and
to absorb its spillover
 Unsustainability occurs if
the area’s ecological
footprint exceeds its

In 2008 there were 12 billion hectares of

biologically productive land and water available
and 6.7 billion people on the planet.[1] This is an
average of 1,8 global hectares (ha) per person.


productive land & water

Number of People

Fair Earth Share per capita = 1.8 ha.

The average ecological footprint of a Belgian = 8 ha.
So if everybody would live as a Belgian, we would need
4 planets earth...
Non-generation of biocapacity:

Year of Peak Fish Harvest Pre-peak

Harvest peak

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Sea Around Us project

Non-generation of biocapacity:

Year of Peak Fish Harvest Pre-peak

Harvest peak

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Sea Around Us project

Earth Overshoot Day

= the calendar date in which the total resources

consumed by humanity will exceed the capacity for
the Earth to generate those resources that year.

[worldbiocapacity / worldEcologicalFootprint] x 365

= Earth Overshoot Day

⇨overshootday is each year earlier:

19/12/1987 - 21/11/1995 - 1/8/2018

⇨1,4 earths needed to cover the needs of our planet

Earth Overshoot Day 2020
Earth Overshoot Day 2022


Earth Overshoot Day
Ecological footprint and
biocapacity: factors that cause overshoot

 Human Development Index is a UN comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy,
education and standards of living for countries worldwide.
 Within the blue square are these countries which comply to the UN living standards
and who reach these standards within an acceptable ecological footprint. 21:42
Ecological Footprint

 Calculate your own ecological footprint:

 https://www.footprintcalculator.org/
Life Cycle Analysis
Life Cycle Analysis

A life cycle assessment (LCA, also

known as life cycle analysis,
ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave
analysis) is a technique to assess
environmental impacts associated
with all the stages of a product's life
from-cradle-to-grave (i.e., from raw
material extraction through
materials processing, manufacture,
distribution, use, repair and
maintenance, and disposal or

Life Cycle Analysis: cases

 Mobile Phone
 Coffee Machine
 your product..
LCA Flow diagram coffee machine

7.3 kg 1 kg 0.1 kg 0.3 kg 0.4 kg

coffee paper poly- aluminium sheet steel glas
bean styrene

roasting filter pro- injection extrusion stamping forming

duction moulding forming

+ transport

packaging 375 kWh

White boxes are not
use included in

disposal of disposal in
filters + coffee municipal
in org. waste waste
Exercise LCA Hamburger

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