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The Cell Site Analysis Solution

A solution that adapts to your needs

1. Introduction
 The solution consists of 2 components and their
respective dashboards.
 Fixed Sondes
 Mobile App
 Fixed Sondes are primarily used to study the time series
behavior of the cell sites such as peak and idle periods,
abnormal and faulty event detection, etc.
 Mobile app is primarily used to study the cell site radio
parameters with respect to location, such as good and bad
reception locations.
2. Fixed Sonde Components

 2 dashboards are available

 Main dashboard: Shows all the sondes that are installed
together with their most recent data
 Sub Dashboard: On clicking the name of a sonde on the Main
dashboard, the user will be presented the dashboard
corresponding to each sonde. Here time series charts of the
principle reading among other important parameters are shown
for easy analysis of the performance of the selected sonde.
2-a. Main Dashboard
 Below a screenshot of the main dashboard is shown, it
shows 10 sondes installed in our demo machine and their
respective latest parameters. These sondes are measuring
LTE parameters. In the next slide a brief description is
given of each column
2-b. Main Dashboard Columns
Equipo: Name of the sonde, clicking it will open its sub ErrCom: Shows connectivity between server
dashboard and the sonde
GUILocal: Shows the Ip of the sonde’s configuration web page. CellUpTime: The connection duration
between the sonde and the cell.
Time: Shows the arrival time of the latest data
UpTime: The uptime of the sonde.
CellCon: Shows the connection status of the sonde to the cell.
CellCon: Shows the connection status of the
Cell: Shows the radio technology detected, in this case it is LTE
sonde to the cell.
BW: Shows the bandwidth calculated using Ping command(as
pfup: The uplink capacity measured using the
there is no connection to the LTE cell, we are using eth of the
iperf3 command
pfdw: The downlink capacity measured using
Temp: The temperature of the sonde
the iperf3 command
RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator
SINR: Signal to Noise Ratio
RSRQ: Reference Signal Received Quality
RSRP: Reference Signal Received Power
ping: Ping state
3-a. Sub Dashboard
 The sub dashboard consists of multiple panels, this slide
shows some of these panels (more panels are show ahead),
for easy identification, these are surrounded by a red frame
with an Alphabet(A,B,,,G) identifying them, in the next
slide brief explanations of each region are given
3-b. Sub Dashboard Regions
Region A: Readings from the sondes are stored in a Time Series database, “Last 3hours” indicate the range of the
data to be read from the database. Clicking the drop-down menu will allow you to select different ranges. 5m
indicates the browser refresh time, it too can be selected from a dropdown menu.
Region B: Depending on the selected time range(Region A), multiple data points can be aggregated to a single point
when drawing a line chart. “interval” indicates the range of time to aggregate to a single point on a line chart. For
example, if an interval of 1 hour is selected, that would mean around 30 data points aggerated to a single point. The
aggregation mode shows how this aggregation is done, using mean, selecting max value or min value. These function
is extremely useful for finding outliers
Region C: Click button to update the values in table shown in region F
Region D: The sonde comes with a digital output that you can use to control a relay that can be connected to some
equipment that you can turn on/off remotely. Clicking this button will allow you to do so. For example, you can
connect to a generator and turn that on/off remotely
Region E: Horizontal bar charts that show the maximum, minimum and actual reading of parameters RSSI,SINR,
RSRP, RSRQ and bandwidth calculated using Ping command, within a selected time range (Region A)
Region F : A table that shows some important data that is updated when Region C button is clicked. Parameters
shown are IMEI, IMSI, IP assigned to the sonde when connected to the cellular network, Operator, Bytes that have
been sent and received, Region D relay state and the frequency bandwidths (Up/down link) assigned to this cell.
Region G: Horizontal bar charts that show the maximum, minimum and actual reading of uplink and downlink
bandwidth measured using iPerf3 command, within a selected time range (Region A)
3-c. Sub Dashboard
 Here more panels are shown, as before they are surrounded by a
red frame and brief explanations are given in the following slide.
3-d. Sub Dashboard Regions
Region A: Shows time series line chart of RSSI(left y-axis) and SINR(right y-axis). By clicking on the name (RSSI or
SINR) you can make the graph show only the selected line chart while the other is hidden. The time series range is
selected by region A of the previous slide. Also note that the tittle shows the aggregation interval and mode, this
too can be selected by Region B of previous slide.
Region B: Same as above (Region A) but for RSRP and RSRQ
Region C: Same as above (Region A) but for bandwidth and jitter calculated using Ping command. Note that jitter is
calculated by taking the delay difference between 2 ping command
Region D: Same as above (Region A) but for uplink and downlink bandwidth measured using iPerf3
Region E: Show alarm status(present state and previous state) of Ping and Communication between server and
4-a. Mobil App
 The following slides show some screenshot of the app
together with brief explanations in the following slides.
4-b. App Screens
Sign In screen: Here you set your email address, password and the bckend server link icase you want to upload
measurements to the server for immediate processing.
Menus: Same From the menus you can choose the Radio type (at present only LTE is available), cell scan mode which
can be manual or automatic with different scan periods. You can also choose to upload the measurements live to the
backend server. If you had allowed media access, all measurements are stored in the smart phone for posterior
Region C: During the installation of the app, you will be asked 3 permission and you must accept the first 2 while
the media access permission must be accepted if want to store data for offline processing using tools like Jupiter
4-c. Mobil App
 Here auto mode and manual mode screenshots are shown.
4-d. Auto and manual mode screen
 Auto mode  Manual mode
Region A: Displays the mode and Radio type (LTE Auto mode with 30sec Region A: Displays the mode and Radio
scanning) type (LTE Manual mode with 10sec
Region B: In auto mode the scan button is inhibited (Gray letters) period for google page interaction)
Region C: Menu to select Radio types. Region B: Broken link indicates no
backend upload of measurements
Region D: Menu to select live upload of measurements to backend.
Region E: Menu to select cell scan auto/manual mode Region C: Cellscan button activated

Region F: Shows connection to 4G Region D: Measurement table,

horizontally scrollable
Region G: Dot that toggles color between green and red each time cell
measurement is made.
Region H: A speedometer that shows the interaction time in millisecond
between the smartphone and a google page that consumes about
850Bytes. In manual mode, you can select the period between 5 sec to 30
sec. In auto mode the period is always the same as the cell scan period
Region I: The getMap button show a screen with a map of the locations
where measurement were made.
Region J: Measurement table, that show the measurements. If neighbors
are detected, multiple measurements will be shown.
Region K: Shows http code value when data is sent to the back end
Region L: “GEO” color indicates location services status, green OK, red
location service not on.
4-e. Mobil App measurement data
 If media access is allowed, measurement data is stored in csv format.
The data can later be processing using tools like Jupiter Notebook.
4-f. Mobil App upload backend
 When mobile App measurement data is uploaded live to the backend, similar line chart of
measurements shown in slide 3-c(pg8) can be obtained, additionally the smart phone live geolocation
can be plotted on a map panel. The colors(red, yellow, green) reflect the quality of the cell signal.
End of presentation

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