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Bob, the

y Social
Each citizen longs for
developed, wealthy
nation and the
government strives to
realize this aspiration
of the people.
1. Political Problems
a. National Security and
- Terrorists
- Kidnap for ransom gangs
- theft and robbery
- Crimes
“A crime takes place every 7
minutes” (200 crimes
1. Political Problems
b. Debt
- 1.75 trillion of external debt
- 2.18 trillion of domestic debt
- Total of 3.93 trillion
- 931 million should be allocated every day for
the payment of the interest, (11 pesos for every
1. Political Problems
c. Dishonesty and Corruption in
the government

- Bribery
- Extortion
- Nepotism
- Embezzlement
- Kickbacks
1. Political Problems

d. Territorial disputes

- Sabah
- Spratly Islands
2. Economic Problems

Issue of Globalization

a. Deregulation
b. Privatization
c. Liberalization
3. Social Problems
a. Poverty
- A family of five with monthly income of ₱7,821.00
can be considered living in poverty.
- Family with five members, ₱5,458.00 living in
extreme poverty.
- Large number of unemployment
- Child labor
- they are forced to commit crimes
3. Social Problems

b. Drug problem
- 60 – 70 % of the crimes in the country are
related to prohibited drugs
3. Social Problems
c. Growing population

- The worsening population

problem remains a huge hurdle
to the progress of the nation.
- It makes poverty in the country
more severe
4. Environmental Problems


a. Water
b. Air
c. Noise
Realistic Suggestions to solve the
country’s problem.
 The government have to work together to solve the problems of the
 Being disciplined and honest and avoiding misunderstanding will
greatly help in solving the issues that the country faces.
 The government implements different programs to respond to the
needs of the people.
 Government agencies help find or provide solutions to the country’s
 We can serve and work honestly
 Be disciplined
 Avoid saying false or unfair things about one another.
Give 1 problem that our country is
currently facing.
a. Political Problems c. Social Problems

b. Economic Problems d. Environmental Problems

1. Large population
2. Free entry of inexpensive products inside the
3. The issue on the Kalayaan Group of Islands
4. A government official using the government funds for
personal needs
5. Kidnap for ransom gangs
6. Prohibited drugs are smuggled in the country
7. Increase in crimes in the country
Answer page 382-383 B, 381-382 A
Do page 384-385
Reference: Filipino Odyssey 6

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