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Which Dynasty Had the Greatest Impact

on the Development of Ancient China?

Presented by: Katherine Barnett
Which Dynasties Have I Evaluated?
I have evaluated the Qin, Han, and Tang dynasties, specifically which dynasty had the greatest impact on
Ancient China.

Qin dynasty: 221 to 206 BC Han dynasty: 202 BC–220 AD Tang dynasty: 618 to 906 A.D.
I will showcase each
emperor, and include
examples of how he
changed the course of
China. I will then present
my conclusion.
The Qin Dynasty The Qin dynasty, founded by Qin Shi
Huang, was the first in ancient China.
221-206BC Qin is responsible for unifying China,
establishing a centralized government
and creating a detailed law code. The Qin
dynasty is recognized as the start of an
empire that has lasted to this day. Huang
started construction on the great wall of
China during his reign, but failed to
complete it. Huang is well known for the
terracotta soldiers who guard his tomb.
The Han Dynasty Unlike the Qin dynasty, which only lasted
for 15 years, the Han dynasty lasted for
202 BC -220 AD over 400. This was until it’s fall, and the
disunification of China, in 220 AD when
the government was overthrown. The Han
dynasty is responsible for the creation of
paper, Confucianism and the expansion of
the Chinese empire. During the Han
dynasty trading became a large source of
economical income, including silk trades
with the Roman empire.
The Tang dynasty is considered to be the “Golden
The Tang Dynasty Age of China”, where the country became a
618 - 906 AD preeminent civilization. Tang reunified China after
centuries of chaos, reestablishing the silk route
and many other trading opportunities. Poetry;
calligraphy; landscape painting and the production
of tea, porcelain and silk boomed in this dynasty.
In these years an inclusive religion system was
established, allowing citizens to explore many
different religions. Many Buddhist religious art
pieces from this age can be found in Japan, along
with many cultural sphere developments. Many of
their astronomy, chemistry, political thought and
medicine advancements are still used today.
My conclusion is…
The Tang dynasty had the greatest impact on Ancient China

● Tang reunified China after centuries of disunification

● Developed a cultural sphere that spreads to this day
● Established advanced trading routes, greatly boosting the
● Many advancements in the arts and sciences are still valued
Please feel free to ask any questions

Thank you for listening to my presentation

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