My Smart Strong Girl Love Story

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My Smart Strong Girl

Episode 1
Developed By: Divine Grace
As i woke by the sound of birds flying and making noise in my room
window, I got disturbed I said to mom, Mom did you open the
window again?
Yes honey! Why? don’t you like to be disturbed? Yes! I don’t like to be
disturbed so please can you close that window and the curtains too?
Hmm okay honey, just wake up early you need to be early at your first
day of school. Then I realize that mom is right I need to get ready
because it’s the first day of School! or else I would get a detention for
coming so late! It’s only my first day but so late. That would be so
embarrassing So I got to go. Mom where’s my meal I’m done taking
bath. Okay here it is, thanks mom got to go or I will be late at school
bye mom! Bye honey mommy always love you.
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 2
Developed By: Divine Grace

I’ve made it! (Class Bell Rang).Perfect timing the bell rang now I need to go. Hey
watch where you’re going! Don’t run like a runner. God! I’m really sorry. i just
realize that I’m holding her in the back, [long eye to eye] umm I’m sorry again.
Bye i need to go, oh God! This boys these days. Hmm I need to go to class too
(one hour later). In the cafeteria, hey Ashley come over here! Oh you guys we’re
over there? Yeah those popular girls take our place, even you’re a transferee
here because friendship never give up. And Leah fight over a table right Leah?
Hey I already said to you that don’t tell to Ashley! What are you two battling
about? Ah nothing hee hee, Leah I already told to you that don’t fight over a
table alright? Okay fine, I just want to protect our friendship. Don’t worry we
were not gonna split up right Kristen? Yeah Leah [hug each other]… Uhh miss
this is the payback. Sorry when I bumped into you.
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 3
Developed By: Divine Grace
(Popular Girls Are Jealous)… Oh God how dare that Ashley flirt with my guy!... Hey I don’t take money to forgive anyone! And you. I don’t even
know you so leave out my face! Miss forgive me, my name is Ashley not Miss. Ashley forgive me… there’s no way I’m gonna forgive you. You
Bumped on me so hard so no to forgiveness to you. Fine just don’t forgive me, Even you’re a rich guy I don’t forgive you! You’ll see [smirked].
Hey Ashley why did you mess up with that guy? That’s the most popular boy in this school… I’m not scared of him Leah just forget it.
[Outside The School] [Bullies are walking]… Really Ashley you just forget it
[Ashley crossed her arms] don’t you dare flirt with my guy or else! We’ll see dumb girls… [what did you say?] we’re dumb. Yeah what now?
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 4
Developed By: Divine Grace
Hm! Don’t you dare mess up with me… don’t worry I’m
not interested with him! Or maybe I am interested to
him?... Urgh you bastard!... Hmp
[with brows high up]… anyway see you tomorrow losers! I
swear if I see that newbie I will make fun of her! [evil
POV: John
[Closes the door]. I wonder why is that Ashley won’t
forgive me?... [REALIZES], mom is on the company again…
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 5
Developed By: Divine Grace

Open eyes, mom is still not here. Let me call her

[phone ringing]… hello, Mom why are you so late in the
company today?, sorry honey there’s a lot of work in the
company so I can’t make it up to you. But our maid is
coming again I’m sorry. Ok it’s fine mom at least auntie
Zhang is here later. Oh auntie Zhang you’re here, yes
John here is your meal take it before you head on your
school thank you auntie Zhang but I have money this will
be enough, just eat it yourself. But… auntie I don’t need
it okay? Fine Mijo, just take care thanks auntie!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 6
Developed By: Divine Grace

I need to go now. What should I take today? Ferrari,

Lamborghini, or Royal? Hm maybe lamborghini will be
great today it matches my outfit! Take care John…
bye. Bye auntie Zhang!
[at the school].
POV: Ashley
I bet that Kailey will get revenge on me heh!
Writer: wait, is Ashley a billionare too? Let’s find it out
the next chapter.
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 7
Developed By: Divine Grace
Hey hey hey what’s up bro’’ I thought you were sick yesterday so I
don’t call, you look pretty bad mood today why bro? oh there’s
nothing I just think of that girl, Who’s girl? Is it your Ex- or what!
Urgh it’s not that it’s Ashley the transferee. Oh I knew it, why? Your
heart fell from hers?... No why would that happened, plus she’s my
enemy how can I fell from that STUPID girl. John didn’t expect to
see Ashley on his back on the wall, (startled).. Uhh hey Ashley look
over there! I’m not falling for your joke [Boys, ``clap’’ ``clap’’]… take
this two they call me Stupid, Ashley I didn’t call you stupid it’s only
John, why also me? [Ashley turns], Darren… you don’t know who i
am okay? So you better stop talking or else. O-okay, but I know
who you are! don’t be a doggy joker, [SMIRKED].
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 8
Developed By: Divine Grace
[popular girls are walking]…oh look at the transferee, so ugly
and poor. [laughing even John!].
``Ashley smirked’’… Maybe you’re the one who is poor huh?
Listen dummy I’m not here to fight with all of you but since
you want a fight then let’s get started. [Ashley’s brows high
up]’’ ho-how’d you get that! Oh you don’t know your mother
is our maid! so don’t be too famous here I know everything
about you!.. [speechless Kailey]. Ashley walking out. John is
confused, so he went to ask Ashley. Wait Ashley, [Ashley
turns]. What, are you confused? Umm how’d you know that
so fast?!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 9
Developed By: Divine Grace
Assistant: She’s a high IQ LEVEL 90, so she can think what people
think. Oh is that well, umm we need to talk about this Ashley
please! Okay but one condition don’t tell my high IQ ok? Ok fine
but why are hiding your skills?...[shhhtt], ok. Eve! We just need to
talk one minute ok hehe. I’ll be guarding you. [John’s mind]. Her
assistant or maybe guard too? I know what you’re thinking oh
sorry. By the way why are you hiding your skills? It’s a long story…
come on just tell me! Nope… ok we’re done you can go. waittt!
Ashley [ grab wrist]… holding her back again, let go of me you
bastard! There’s one more thing, do you forgive me now?
Please…. No see you tomorrow John [smirked].
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 10
Developed By: Divine Grace

POV: Ashley
Why I felt to John like I know someone like him?
Never mind he’s still my enemy and he’s begging me
to forgive him? Not that easy way to fool me.
[good night]. FC! Good night too Shu!
at least I have my bf on the messenger!
I need to sleep now there’s a test tomorrow!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 11
Developed By: Divine Grace

POV: John
my love in messenger is asleep I don’t know her face
yet? Honey mommy’s here oh is that mom? Mom!
You’re here! Of course honey I’m really sorry about
how I treated you when I’m in the company I’m really
sorry honey it’s ok mom auntie Zhang is here she can
take care of me right auntie Zhang? Oh right!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 12
Developed By: Divine Grace

[laughing]… you too are really close huh?... Ahemmm

mommm!! oh yeah yeah yeah auntie Zhang you casn
go now you need to visit your family ok? Thanks
maam but… what about you two? It’s fine auntie
don’t worry about us, But-…mm no buts no fuss no
coconuts… fine but madam I’m really lucky to have
you in my life you are so kind to me when I excused
you will… thank you very much. You’re flattering me
auntie Zhang!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 13
Developed By: Divine Grace
No worries madam, well then see you when the day comes…
ok auntie bye!
[calling someone]… yes sir, ok I’ll be there sir, ok
bye sir… mom who’s that? Oh my client in the
company I’m really sorry honey they urgently
needed me to the Comp. So I wont be here at
night I’ll just assign some maid ok? Ok well can I
say I’m used to it.. But who is that person?
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 14
Developed By: Divine Grace

Oh don’t you know her? The one named Ashley Kun in

your school? She’s my client today… WHATTT?!
Yeah why are you surprised? Uh wait mom but is that
her dad you’re talking to?... No honey that’s her guard
her parents passed away so she handled everything in
her parents company. Oh is that so, yeah honey by the
way I need to go see you tomorrow!! Bye mom! bye!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 15
Developed By: Divine Grace

My girl today maybe she’s awake… [In the phone] hi

Shu?... Hi john are you there? Yea, did you just woke
up? Yes what’s the matter babe? Uhh nothing don’t
call me that! it feels weird by the way gonna head to
School, Love You!!... Love You too!
Hope I can meet her in person! But that’s not gonna
happen this year, maybe someday [sigh]… I need to go
School too where’s that maid?
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 16
Developed By: Divine Grace

POV: Ashley
Hmm my lover in messenger is inactive now, maybe
he go to school… anyways I message to him that I’m
going too. So let’s hit the road!!... Auntie Fang arrange
my bed please. Yes young madam! Thanks Auntie…
Boys!! Come out!... Yes boss what’s the problem?
Guys lets go to school together and teach a lesson
who mess up with my life or my friends okay?!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 17
Developed By: Divine Grace

But boss we have no longer boys what do we do?

Don’t worry Den we don’t need them anymore but
why? And how?... Because I am actually learning
karate this days even boxing so no boys right now! Ok
boss but are you sure? Yeah why?/// uh nothing,
[Ashley Sighs]… anyways get ready for anything even
my dad is a mafia guy before I still need you guys.. Ok
boss fine, then let’s go! Hello, guards take the limo car
we have my boys here!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 18
Developed By: Divine Grace
Yes young madam…okay thanks, guys lets go!!
(whispering students)… oh my God isn’t she on the poster?... I think she’s
that! [Ashley’s mind]… what are they talking about me? Boys lets go. Boss
who’s that girl? Oh that’s my enemy… let’s see what are they doing! God she
must die… she killed someone,
[bully and popular girls] walking, Well, well, well,… if it isn’t the killer
ASHLEY!! What did you do Kaley? Look at the posters is that you? [Ashley
looked at the posters] Ashley smirked, is that really what you think about
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 19
Developed By: Divine Grace
Let’s see the proof…Eve come out! Yes young madam,
What?! Who called you young madam Ashley?!... My assistant Why?... But
how? we thought you’re poor? [other student asked it]… oh all of you,
don’t know me yet, because I’ve been hiding my true identity I’m not
Ashley Kun. I’m Shu Kun, the leader and Owner of my parents company
and also the owner of this school! [John heard Ashley and he was stunned
even her friends Leah and Kristen] the Teachers , Principal and students
who study there was all STUNNED! Kailey said’’,, hmp if you’re the owner
of this school how can you prove it? I mean youre the killer how?
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 20
Developed By: Divine Grace
Oh so you’re still saying that I killed someone here and you really want to
know the proof? Well here are the proofs… the video that they planned
and the proof of my company!! And the school… And don’t worry Kailey
I’m not going to steal your crush because I have a boyfriend now! And his
name is FC!! [John was nearly fell on the ground when Ashley mention
FC] bro, are you ok? Yes I’m okay.[ shu you’re actually shu]
Author: ahemm excuse me that’s John’s mind hehe
From now on shu I will protect you. Bro are you done smiling? Don’t tell
me you fell in love with her. Hahaha, no I’m not!
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 21
Developed By: Divine Grace
Wow boss you’re really popular now in the school, don’t
mind them anyway. You two will be in your house now I don’t
need you anymore go home. And here are your salaries.
Thank you boss we appreciate it. Yes you’re welcome,
POV: John
So Ashley is shu I thought she is someone else.
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 22
Developed By: Divine Grace
[Ashley is on the phone] hi FC are you awake?
[John is on the phone] oh Shu, yeah I’m awake my mom goes to the
company today so I’m alone. And- you what are you doing? Oh my
maids are preparing my break fast. So I’m going to school at 8:30 a.m.
oh ok Shu I’m at the school now, ok bye then love you!
Love you too Shu!
Author: everyone, what do you think of John’s ex- is she kind or bad?
What is John’s ex- name?
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 23
Developed By: Divine Grace
[John’s POV]
My Smart Strong Girl
Episode 22
Developed By: Divine Grace
[Ashley is on the phone] hi FC are you awake?
[John is on the phone] oh Shu, yeah I’m awake my
mom goes to the company today so I’m alone. And-
you what are you doing? Oh my maids are preparing
my break fast. So I’m going to school at 8:30 a.m. oh
ok Shu I’m at the school now. OK- love you FC love
you Shu

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