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HIGH SCHOOL 2022-2023
Implementing sex education in Tanauan National High School will be a great advantage to the students
because it will teach them the basics and the effects of their behavior in engaging such indecency at an early
age and throughout their whole life. A 2017 article in the "American Journal of Nursing" reported that
comprehensive sex education made teens 60 percent less likely to get pregnant or impregnate a partner
compared to teens who didn't receive sex education (Rizky Nurani, et al. 2016). States that the benefits of
implementing sex education to senior high school students, finding that it increased knowledge and
changed attitudes towards safe sex, as well as improved sexual behavior decreased rates of teenage
pregnancy, and increased communication between parents and teens (Ellen Daley 2016). As stated by
Maryam Azizi sex education is good for improved communication skills, have a better understanding of
consent helping young people make informed decisions about their sexual health. According to Advocates
for Youth, Sex education is the provision of information about bodily development, sex, sexuality, and
relationships, along with skills-building to help young people communicate about and make informed
decisions regarding sex and their sexual health. Sex education should occur throughout a student’s grade
level, with information appropriate to students’ development and cultural background.
It should include information about puberty and reproduction, abstinence, contraception and condoms,

relationships, sexual violence prevention, body image, gender identity, and sexual orientation. It should be taught

by trained teachers. Sex education should be informed by evidence of what works best to prevent unintended

pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, but it should also respect young people’s right to complete and

honest information. Sex education should treat sexual development as a normal, natural part of human

development. The Impact of Sex Education on Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes among Senior High School

Students in Ghana by Dzidzo Yirenya-Tawiah, et al. (2015). UNESCO (2015) stated that effective sex education

can provide young people with age-appropriate, culturally relevant, and scientifically accurate information. It

includes structured opportunities for young people to explore their attitudes and values, and to practice the

decision-making and other life skills they will need to be able to make informed choices about their sexual lives as

protectors and friends, that there should be a climate of trust fostered between students and that the program

should be seen as fun. It was found that effective sex education can provide young people with age-appropriate,

culturally relevant, and scientifically accurate information. (UNESCO 2015).

It was found that effective sex education can provide young people with age-appropriate, culturally
relevant, and scientifically accurate information. (UNESCO 2015). The results showed that a multifaceted
intervention program that provides information and skills, as well as counseling and services, appears to
have positive influences on contraceptive practices among unmarried young females and males in sub-
urban. (Wang et al. 2016).

The results showed that a multifaceted intervention program that provides information and skills, as well as
counseling and services, appears to have positive influences on contraceptive practices among unmarried
young females and males in sub-urban. (Wang et al. 2016). It was found that health education is very
important for school children. It creates awareness, makes them knowledgeable regarding health matters,
develops motivation, and promotes change in health behavior and health attitudes in them. (Basavanthappa 2015). It was revealed that abstinence-plus programs provide students with important information, and
do not lead to an increase in sexual activity. (Wiley 2017). The results showed that people with high
personal control are more knowledgeable about health, are more likely to initiate preventive behavior, and
report better-rated health and fewer illnesses than those with a low sense of control. (Wu Chu et al. 2016)

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