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Gland Disease
Done by: Aya Mahmoud  Al-
• Your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ that is located below the larynx and
anterior to the trachea. It's a part of your endocrine system and controls many of
your body's important functions by producing and releasing certain hormones.
• Your thyroid's main job is to :
- control the speed of your metabolism ,
-  help control body temperature and helps control organ function.
• your thyroid gland secretes two major hormones:
- Thyroxine(T4) and triiodothyronine(T3) , calcitonin.
• Your body has complex system for controlling the level of thyroid  hormones in
your body :
-hypothalamus that secretes thyroid releasing hormone(TRH) , which stimulating your
pituitary gland to secrete thyroid stimulating hormones(TSH),TSH then stimulates your
thyroid follicular cells to release (T4) and (T3).
Diseases of
the thyroid gland 
• The two main types of thyroid
diseases are :


Diseases Of The Thyroid Gland 
 Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid ) 
• Happens when the thyroid gland doesn't  produces and release enough thyroid gland hormones into your body needs  .This
makes your metabolism slow down .
• hypothyroidism has several causes , including :
- Hashimoto's disease             - thyroiditis   
 -Congenital hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism present at birth 
•  some Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include :
       -hair loss                                 - joint and muscle pain
          -fatigue                                    -dry skin
          -constipation                          - trouble intolerance cold
          -high cholesterol level          -low body temperature
           -weight gain                          -slowed heart rate        
Diseases Of The Thyroid Gland 
Hyperthyroidism ( overactive thyroid ) 
• Happens when your thyroid produces and releases more thyroid hormones than your body needs . This causes aspects of your metabolism to speed up .

• Many diseases can Causes hyperthyroidism including : 

- Graves's disease                      - Thyroid Storm (Thyrotoxicosis)                  
       - Goiter (enlarged thyroid)       
• The Common symptoms include :
- Anxiety                                          - weight lose
- Increased sweating                      - brittle hair 
- Tremor                                           - heat intolerance 
- Increased appetite                        -Nervousness
 -      Muscle weakness                          -Dyspnea
Diagnosis Of Thyroid Gland Disease
The specific Thyroid gland tests :
• Blood tests:
1. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)  normal ranges are [ 0.5 to 5.0 ] mIU/L.  
2.  A normal Total T4 level in adults ranges from  [ 5.0 to 12.0 ]μg/dL.
3. A normal Total T3 level in adults ranges from [ 80-220 ] ng/dL. 
• Histological tests :
1. Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNA)
Thyroid nodules are often found incidentally during physical examination or 
on chest radiography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 
Thyroid nodules can be found in patients who are hypothyroid, euthyroid, or hyperthyroid.
   Side notes :
• It is important to remember that normal TSH levels in older
individuals (ages 70 and above) are higher than the normal
ranges for younger individuals.

• Thyroid blood tests are generally accurate and reliable. If you

do not have low or high TSH levels and your thyroid tests are
normal, your symptoms may not be related to thyroid disease,
and you may want to seek additional evaluation with your
primary care physician.

 Fine needle aspiration from thyroid

gland (Giemsa stain in 400x)
 epithelioid granulomas  and normal
follicular thyroid cells 


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