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& Social Media

eting Planning

k 3 Planning (Part 2)

Lisa Dunne
Chaffey & Smith’s SOSTAC framework
Situation (Where are we now?)
Situation analysis - what is the current state of the business and its digital
marketing (better to include all marketing)

Review internal resources and current performance plus external factors

such as Customer and Competitor activity. How many visitors, followers,

• PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Environment, Legal)

Situation (Where are we now?)


Marketplace SWOT SWOT ( location, staffing, new business near by,
Customer Analysis (Who, Why, How)
Good knowledge of the profile of current
Competitor Analysis
customer segments
Competencies Analysis
Aware of what main 3 competitors are doing
Market Trends
Inhouse skills of employees
Performance (Results, metrics, )
Video, reels, images. Sustainability
How have been doing the last month, 6 months,
12 months
Objectives (Where do we want to get to?)
Objectives, helps list an overview of goals for the business.
When setting objectives remember the 5 S’s;
Sell – grow sales
Serve – Add value
Speak – get closer to customer
Save – Save costs
Sizzle – Extend the brand (e.g. exciting on-line experience)
You may need to rank in order of preference and not all may be
attainable in the timeframe.
Objectives (Where do we want to get
Mission, Vision Mission: increase customer engagement online
Sell – increase followers/ database by x
Sell – gain new customers
Serve– attain satisfaction with all customers who
Serve – provide customer satisfaction
encounter digital presence of cafe
Sizzle – create added value WOW Sizzle– add value to each customers experience
Speak – engage with customers (relevant timely entertaining content)
Speak – get closer to customer, understand
Save – quantified efficiency
Save – Save costs (‘clever’ with content)
Strategy (How are we going to get there? – The Big

Targeting Target: male and females aged 25-55 (Sell)
Positioning Position: Cool, hip café with quality coffee and
artisan food (Serve)
Partnerships: link with coffee and food suppliers
to promote each other. Co-marketing (Sizzle)
Processes: How are we going to do this
Engagement: choice of channels to engage with
customers is important. What channels are target
market using (Speak, serve & sizzle)
Tactics (How are we going to get there? – The Detail)
• Tactics breaks down the “big picture” strategy into smaller
• Define what tools will be used and a timeframe. A Project
Management package could be used.
• Can you identify measureable goals (e.g. increase Facebook
followers by 10% in one month)
• Look at good market practice
• What channels (e-mail, mobile, Facebook, twitter, website
etc) do my customers use, what content do they engage
with best
Tactics (How are we going to get there? – The Detail)

Marketing Mix - Product, price, promotion & Product, price, promotion & place - all in relation
place to increasing customer engagement.
Tools – project management software, choose Tools – email, tik tok, Instagram and Facebook
channels to use
Content – choose tone, mix, decide how often will
Content Plan – what type, mix, frequency email, post

Timescale – use of project management software Timescale - Regular to be on radar but not too
much to frustrate target market. Time deadlines.
Actions (Who is going to do what and when?)
• Action helps assign responsibility and deadlines for certain tasks
• Important to assign tasks, provide motivation and resources (Time &
• Integrate and synchronise the marketing effort across the various
• Monitor activity, regular feedback from people in charge – communication
Actions (Who is going to do what and when?)

Responsibilities and structures Who is looking after the content development
Systems and processes Who is looking after the different channels chosen
to use (, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
How do the different players communicate
Internal marketing
Project management tool which aids
Marketing internally to get buy in
Control (How can we control, measure and develop the process?)
• Control offers an easy way to track the progress of the plan
• Early feedback important to identify problems
• Analytics - breakdown and presentation to correct people
• Document the results, positive and negative
• Re-align objectives (look through SOSTAC process) and go again
Control (How can we control, measure and develop the

Mission: increase customer engagement online
Who monitors what and when
Sell– increase followers/ email database by x (how many
5 S’s analysis achieved?)

Metrics Serve – attain satisfaction with all customers who encounter

digital presence of café (any lost customers)
Frequency of reporting Sizzle– add value to each customers experience (relevant
timely entertaining content) (how many new followers/ added
Reporting process database, emails opened)

Who reporting to Speak – get closer to customer, understand behaviour (metrics

regarding engagement, interaction, shares, uptake on
promotions, email open rate)
Save – Save costs (‘clever’ with content) (# of posts per week,
time involved in managing channels) Caution saving costs but
also reducing benefits)
Chaffey & Smith’s SOSTAC framework
SOSTAC Planning Framework cont.
3 'M's are the three key resources, Men, Money and Minutes.

Men meaning men and women, expertise and abilities to do different jobs.
Money means budgets - have we the money?
Minutes mean time - what are the time scales, schedules or deadlines? Is
there enough time. 
SOSTAC Planning Summary
Situation analysis, asks what the current state of the business is.
Objectives, helps list an overview of goals for the business.
Strategy helps provide a “big picture” plan to achieve the goals
Tactics breaks down the “big picture” strategy into smaller details
Action helps assign responsibility and deadlines for certain tasks
Control offers an easy way to track the progress of the plan
Chaffey & Smith’s SOSTAC framework

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