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Cambodian Police

Cambodia’s Ministry of Interior

It is in charge of the Cambodian National

Police and other law enforcement
administrations, including police training
units, the judicial police, drug units, border
police, and prisons.
Cambodia Minister of Interior

1. Minister of Interior
2. Six Secretaries of State
3. Four Under Secretaries of State
•Cambodia is a member of Interpol since April 1,
•Cambodia joined Aseanapol in the year 2000.
•Cambodia National Police Vision
•Safer Cambodia Together
•Cambodia National Police Mission
•Working together to serve and protect the people.
•Cambodia National Police Mission
Working together to serve and protect the people.

Cambodia National Police Values

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Just and Fair within the law
4. Transparent and Responsible
5. Building relationship with communities
6. Respect the different needs of the people
7. Protecting rights, equality and human dignity
Cambodia’s National Police Force is organized
into six (6) central
1. Security
2. Transport
3. Public order
4. Border
5. Administrative
6. Judicial
•The Cambodian Police Chief is called

The head of the Cambodia National Police.
He holds the rank of a 4 star General.
Cambodian Police History
Cambodia is under the French protectorate.
Before the establishment of the Cambodia National
Police in 1945, Khmer people with France did the policing
to strengthen security and social order.
Phnom Penh police force was fully equipped with arms.
Organization of police in Phnom Penh Port to improve
the inspection of ships coming through the port.
Promulgation of the law on Sanitary Police, the law which
was used in France since 1822.
Issuance of regulation on Maritime Sanitary Police.
Cambodian Maritime Police was established.
River Police Brigade was established.
Establishment of commune Patrols or Rural Police.
1. Establishment of Provincial Patrols or Provincial
2. Phnom Penh-Battambang Railway Police was
established to suppress crime and protect individual
property as well as maintain the order along the railway.
The birth of the Cambodian National Police on May 16,
1945. A Decree made by Cambodia King Norodom
Sihakmoni setting May 16, 1945, as the birth of the
Cambodian National Police. He made the decree on August
8, 2006.
France transferred police institutions to the Royal
Government of Cambodia on August 29, 1953, before
gaining full independence on November 9, 1953.
The Cambodian National Police is divided into four
autonomous units, headed collectively by the First
Deputy Director of National Police, and five central
departments, each managed by a Chief of
Department and Deputy Director: Four
autonomous units: Interpol unit. Headquarters
Cambodian Police Ranking System (From Highest to Lowest

General 1st Lieutenant

Lieutenant General 2nd Lieutenant
Major General Chief Warrant Officer
Brigadier General Warrant Officer
Colonel Sergeant Major
lieutenant Colonel First Sergeant
Major Staff Sergeant
Cambodian Police Salary

Police Staff Sergeant typically receives

about 118 US dollars a month in salary.
Aside from the monthly salary, the staff
sergeant also receives a monthly ration
of rice.

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