(Updated) Week 06 - Lecture 2021

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Well Behaved Objects

Lauren Scott
(closely based on the work of
Dr Mark C. Sinclair)

Semester 1, 2022-23
Errors, Black-box &
White-box Testing
We have to deal with
• Early errors are usually syntax errors
– The compiler will spot these
– These are errors with the Java code that the compiler
can’t process
• Later errors are usually logic errors
– The compiler cannot help with these
– These are errors we as programmers make that cause
unexpected outputs.
– Also known as bugs
• Some logical errors have no immediately obvious
– Commercial software is rarely error free
Prevention vs Detection
(Developer vs Maintainer)
• We can lessen the likelihood of errors
– Use software engineering techniques, like
• We can improve the chances of
– Use software engineering practices, like
modularisation and documentation
• We can develop detection skills
Testing and debugging
• These are crucial skills
• Testing searches for the presence of
• Debugging searches for the source of
– The manifestation of an error may well
occur some ‘distance’ from its source
Approaches to Test
Case Generation
Black Box Testing
inputs outputs

No knowledge of code

• Test designer ignores internal structure

of implementation
• Test driven by expected external behavior of
the system
• System is treated as a “black box”:
• behavior can be observed
• but internal structure is unknown
Test design, test cases
and test plan
• Test design generally begins with an
analysis of
– Functional specifications of system
– Use cases: ways in which the system will be used
• A test case is defined by
– Statement of case objectives
– Data set for the case
– Expected results
• A test plan is a set of test cases
Par tition the input
• Input space is very large, but
program is small
– so behavior must be the “same” for whole
sets of inputs
• Ideal test suite
– identify sets of inputs with the same
– try one input from each set
Boundar y testing
• Include cases at boundaries of the
input space
– zero, min/max values, empty set, empty
string, null
• why?
– because bugs often occur at boundaries
• off-by-one errors
• forget to handle empty container
• overflow errors in arithmetic
White box testing
inputs outputs

Use code to help design

test cases

• Tests for a module are developed based upon

its implementation
• Knowledge of implementation is used to select
test cases
– Code contains an if-else statement:
• Write tests for both branches of if-else
White box testing
• Need a guiding criteria to help select
test cases
– Statement coverage
• All statements in unit exercised
– Branch coverage
• All true/false outcomes exercised at least
– Multiple condition coverage
• See next slide
Multiple Condition
Coverage (MCC)
Multiple condition

• All possible combinations of

condition outcomes in each decision
must be invoked at least once under
some test
if ( (a > 1) && ( b == 0) )
x = x / a; We have three
if ( (a == 2) && ( x > 1) ) variables.
int a, b
x++; float
Want test data which
satisfies MCC
Step 1 : Produce truth
a>1 b==0 (a>1) && (b==0)
1 T T T
Number each entry 2 T F F
3 F T F
4 F F F

a==2 x>1 (a==2) && (x>1)

5 T T T
6 T F F
7 F T F
8 F F F
Step 2 : Find values for a,
b, x
Select entry in first table. Select possible entry in second
table See if we can find values

Select entries 1 and 5

This means we want values for a, b and x so that
(a > 1) (b == 0 ) (a == 2) ( x > 1)
Gives a = 2, b = 0. What about x?
We want input value for x. By the time we reach condition
this value modified as: x = x / = x / 2 > 1 so x >2
a Say x = 3
Test data { a = 2, b = 0, x = 3}
Description of Method
1. Produce truth tables for all decision
expressions in the program,
numbering each entry
2. Check the truth table to remove any
impossible entries
3. Produce a minimal number of test
cases such that each entry in
the tables has been invoked at
least once (some may be used
several times)
Learn by example

public class Counter {

// count should only take positive values. 0 is positive
private int count;
public Counter() { count = 0; } public
Counter(int i) { count = i; }
public void setCounter(int i) {
count = i; }
public int getCounter() { return count; }
public void incCounter() { count++; }
private boolean okCounter() { return count > 0; } public
void decCounter() { if ( okCounter() ) count--; }
Categories of methods
Constructors Counter() public

Counter( int i) public

Queries getCounter() public

okCounter() private

Commands setCounter(int i) public

incCounter() public

decCounter() public
• First thing we must do is test a
– How do we observe the results?
– Test getCounter() at same time?
• with one attribute okay, but may not always be
– The more methods tested at one go the
more difficult it is to track down any bugs
Java solution
• Every class is a subclass of Object
• Object has a method
String toString()
• For each of our classes, we should
create a toString() method. (Overiding
the objects default toString)
• E.g. for Counter we use
public String toString()
{ return "" +
counter; }
• We have used these methods before, when using
variables from of different data types. Such as
when we converted our students’ IDs from integer
to string:

• But, when we would want to print the ID all we

would need to type is:

It prints the String value of the ID. Our toString
methods will work the same way, printing the
current state of objects.
• Recommend always have a toString()
Test Driver Where is the
public class DriverForCounter {
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println ("Test of Default
// test the default constructor
Counter c = new Counter();
// test the method toString
Hidden in println(c). You do not need to write
c.toString(). Java will invoke
Test Drivers
• Supplies test data
• Catches the results
• Start with one driver per method
• Subsequently, multiple test methods
can be called from a single main

Remember the place a fault appears may

not be the source of the error!
• Ideally all classes should have a
toString() method

De stab
• Test the constructors first

sig ili
• Test public query methods

• Test public commands next
• Initially write drivers to test one and
only one method at a time
• When the initial testing is complete
drivers may be merged as appropriate
Worked Example: Using MCC
Counter() No values
Counter(int i) A positive integer
getCounter() No input
toString() No input
okCounter() count +ve count 0
setCounter(int i) A positive integer
incCounter() No input
decCounter() count +ve; count 0
Unit testing
• Each unit of an application may be tested
– Method, class, package, module (in Java)
• Should be done during development
– Finding and fixing early lowers development costs
(e.g. programmer time)
– A test suite is built up
Unit testing within BlueJ
• In BlueJ, objects of individual classes
can be created
• Individual methods can be invoked
• Inspectors provide an up-to-date view
of an object’s state
• But more it supports JUnit
• JUnit is a framework for writing tests
– JUnit uses Java’s reflection capabilities
(Java programs can examine their own code)
– JUnit helps the programmer:
• define and execute tests and test suites
• formalise requirements and clarify architecture
• write and debug code
• integrate code and always be ready to release a
working version
– JUnit API (not part of Java API):
• A test fixture sets up the data that
are needed to run tests
– Example: If you are testing code that updates an
employee record, you need an employee record to
test it on
• A unit test is a test of a single class
• A test case tests the response of a
single method to a particular set of
• A test suite is a collection of test cases
JUnit operation
• Within a test:
– Call the method being tested and get the actual
– Assert what the correct result should be using one
of the provided assert methods
– These steps can be repeated as many times as
• An assert method is a JUnit method that
performs a simple test, and throws an
AssertionFailedError if the test fails
• JUnit catches these Errors and shows
you the result
Assert methods
• I
static void assertTrue(boolean condition)
static void assertTrue(boolean
Condition, String message, )

• static void assertFalse(boolean condition)

static void assertFalse(boolean
condition String message, )
Assert methods

assertEquals(expected, actual)
assertEquals(String message, expected, actual)

• assertSame(Object expected, Object actual)

assertSame(String message, Object expected,
Object actual)

• assertNotSame(Object expected, Object actual)

assertNotSame(String message, Object expected,
Object actual)
Assert methods

assertNull(Object object)
assertNull(String message, Object object)

• assertNotNull(Object object)
assertNotNull(String message, Object object)

• fail()
fail(String message)
What JUnit does
• JUnit runs a suite of tests and reports
• For each test in the test suite:
– JUnit calls setUp()
• This method should create any objects you may
need for testing
• Indicated by @Before annotation
What JUnit does

– JUnit calls one test method
The test method may comprise multiple test
cases; that is, it may make multiple calls to the
method you are testing
• Marked with @Test annotation
• In fact, since it’s your code, the test method
can do anything you want
• The setUp() method ensures you entered the
test method with a virgin set of objects; what
you do with them is up to you
– JUnit calls tearDown()
• This method should remove any objects you
• Marked with @After annotation
Test classes in BlueJ
The class The menu you
The class to to test it get when you
be tested right-click
the test class

Use these
to run tests

these to
Creating a test class in
• If you have an existing class, right-click
on it and choose Create Test Class
– If your class is named MyClass, the new test
class will be named MyClassTest
Creating the setUp()
• BlueJ has an Object Bench
– You can create objects on the Object Bench by
right-clicking on a class and choosing one of its
new constructors
• You can right-click on a test class and
– Object Bench To Test Fixture or
– Test Fixture To Object Bench
• Since setUp() is your code, you can modify it
any way you like (such as creating new objects
in it)
Implementing the tearDown()
• In most cases, the tearDown() method
doesn’t need to do anything
– The next time you run setUp(), your
objects will be replaced, and the old
objects will be available for
garbage collection
– It doesn’t hurt to set to null the objects
you created in setUp()
Recording test cases
• An easy way to create a test method is to
right-click a compiled test class and choose
Create Test Method...
– Enter the name of the method you want to test
– It is usually a good idea to give them a name
with 'test' at the beginning
– If you wish, you can copy Test Fixture To Object
Recording test cases…
– Use BlueJ to make calls to the method
• After each call, BlueJ will tell you its result, and ask you
to type in the result you expected
– The result can be equal to, the same as, not the same as,
null, not null, or equal to (double or float)
• You can even create a new object to use as a result
– When you are done click the End button (under
The structure of a test
• A test method doesn’t return a result
• If the tests runs correctly, a test
method does nothing
• If a test fails, it throws an
– Hence, a test method just calls one or more
assertion methods, any of which may throw an
• The JUnit framework catches the error and
deals with it; you don’t have to do
Testing Example –
Counter test
public class Counter {
// count should only take positive values.
// 0 is positive
private int count;

public Counter() { count = 0; }

public Counter( int i) { count =
i; }
public void setCounter( int i) { count =
i; } public int getCounter() { return
count; } public void incCounter() { count+
+; }
private boolean okCounter() { return count > 0; }
public void decCounter() { if ( okCounter() )
public String toString() { return ""+count; }
Tests for the default
public Counter() { count = 0; }

• want to know if it is created

– object not null
• want to know the value of count
– need to use toString()
• assume it works
• so ..
•right click on Counter
•select Create Test Class
•right-click on CounterTest
•select Create Test Method
•enter a name for the test in the dialogue box

•hit OK
•the recording light comes on
•create a new Counter object using the default
• hit the End button
•look at code in CounterTest
public void testDefaultConstructorT1()
Counter counter1 = new Counter();
• Need to add an assert manually

public void testDefaultConstructorT1()

Counter counter1 = new Counter();
• repeat the
steps to create
a second test
for the default
constructor but
this time call
toString() after
creating the

enter a value
• end recording
public void testDefaultConstructorT1()
Counter counter1 = new Counter();
public void testDefaultConstructorT2()
Counter counter1 = new Counter();
assertEquals("0", counter1.toString());
Run tests
Change code in the default constructor, say count = 1;
• Test methods often require you to set up the
same sets of objects for each test
• A group of such objects is know as a fixture
• We can use Object Bench to Fixture to have
these placed in the method setUp() which
is called before every test
protected void setUp()
counter1 = new Counter();
//tearDown() goes here but does nothing

public void

public void

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