Ancient Civilizations Recap

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Beginnings of Ancient Civilizations.

1.Influence of Geography 2.Egypt, Mesopotamia 3. Indus Valley, China

Preeti Nair Nayak

1.Influence of Geography

1.Influence of Geography

The Geography of a place , its people, environments and resources often help shape events and developments.
Location where a place is, where a place is in relationship to other places. Place-physical and human characteristics of a location Interaction with environment Movements of people Regions- areas with similar characteristics

Middle east

World Regions

Egyptian, Mesopotamian Civilizations

Ancient Egypt

River valley civilization, Nile was considered the giver of life. Also served as highway that helped unite upper Egypt in the south and lower Egypt in the north. Polytheistic. Religious beliefs reflected the importance of the nile and forces of nature. Amon Re and osiris Ruled by at least 30 dynasties, Old kingdom(2700 bc-2200 bc) middle kingdom (2050bc 1800bc) new kingdom (1500bc-1090bc) Hatshepsut, first known woman ruler in history ruled for 22 years Social order, 1st pharoah( abject luxury) 2nd priests (ruling class) 3rd merchants, artisans, physicians and skilled workers, 4th slaves and peasants (majority) Remarkable advancements in engineering, arts, mathematics, science and literature.

Mesopotamia or the Ancient Middle East

Mesopotamia was the name of an area rather than a country, but has come to be applied to the many rich cultures that flourished in ancient Iraq. Included Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and many other cultures, whose influence extended into neighboring countries, certainly from around 5,000 BC. Religion also played a major role, but the Sumerians did not believe in happy afterlife. Code of Hammurabi. As conquerors swept across Mesopotamia, they helped blend cultures. Hittites: iron making, Assyrians: library, etc

Contributions of smaller states

Phoenicians actively engaged in sea trade throughout the Mediterranean (and beyond) and established first links from Near East to west. Earned the name carriers of civilization.

The phoenician alphabet was the base for the modern day alphabet.
Lydians left their mak more through trade than through conquests. They introduced money economy instead of the barter system prevalent. Hebrews made a lasting impact on the world through their monotheism, the worship of one all powerful God. They were the first people to develop an ethical world view. i.e. all people should lead moral lives. Hebrew prophets taught their people to do good, respect other individuals, look after the poor and obey Gods laws.

Many of these ideas of Judaism woul;d later become pa aprt od 2 other world religions. Viz. Christianity and Islam

Indus Valley and China

This we shall do after we finish with the rise of Islam

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