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The t-Test

Prepared by: Lutgardo I. Banaria

Reference: Statistics Made Simple second edition
Antonio S. Broto
Pages 99-105
The t-Test
• The t-Test is used to compare two means, the means
of two independent samples or two independent
groups and the means of correlated samples before
and after the treatment. Ideally the t-test is used
when there are less than 30 samples, but some
researchers used the t-Test even if the data is more
than 30 samples.


t = the t – test
X1 = the mean of group 1
X2 = the mean of group 2
SS1 = the sum of squares of group 1
SS2 = sum of squares of group 2
n1 = the number of observations in group 1
The following are the Male(X1) Female(X2)
scores of 10 male and 10 14 12
female AB students in 18 9
spelling. Test the null 17 11
hypothesis that there is 16 5
no significant difference 4 10
between the performance 14 3
of male and female AB 12 7
10 2
9 6
17 13

Male Female

X1 X₁ x2 x2
14 196 12 144
18 324 9 81
17 289 11 121
16 256 5 25
4 16 10 100
14 196 3 9
12 144 7 49
10 100 2 4
9 81 6 36
17 289 13 169
∑X1 = 131 ∑X1 = 1891 ∑X2 = 78 ∑X2 = 738
n1 = 10 n2 = 10
X1 = 13.1 X2 =
Determine the computed value;
Solving by Stepwise Method
I. Problem : Is there a significant difference between the
performance of male and female students in spelling?
II. Hypotheses:
Ho: There is no significant difference between the performance
of male and female AB students in spelling?
Ha: There is significant difference between the performance
of male and female AB students in spelling?
III. Level of Significance
ᾳ = .05
df = n1 + n2 – 2 df = 10+10 – 2 = 18
t.05 = 2.101 t-tabular value at .05
IV. Statistics: t=test for two independent
V. Decision Rule: If the t-computed value is
greater than or beyond the t-tabular/ critical
value, reject Ho (null hypothesis) accept the Ha
(alternative hypothesis)
Since the t-computed value is 2.88 is greater than the t-
tabular value of 2.101 at .05 level of significance with
18 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is rejected
in favor of the research hypothesis ( alternative). This
means that there is significant deference between the
performance of male and female AB students in
spelling. It implies that the male perform better than
the female students considering that the mean of male
students of 13.1 is greater compared to the average
score of female students of only 7.8.

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