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3.1 Type of consumer product from DIGGER: Since, DIGGER is a fast food restaurant, their products fall into the convenience product category. The convenience products tend to have a
lower pricing, frequent buys, don’t involve too much comparison. Also, the buying effort for such products is quite low.
Usually, the products from DIGGER are pizzas, shakes and sides. These products come at a fairly low price and consumers don’t have to compare the products too much. The consumers of
DIGGERS don’t have to put too much effort in buying their products either. Most of the times, they are available on order, so availability is also not an issue. So, based on all these
characteristics, DIGGER products can easily be considered as convenience products.

3.2 What is the consumer buying behavior of DIGGER: For the most part the consumer buying behavior of DIGGER seems to be variety seeking behavior. With variety seeking behavior
consumers tend to have a low involvement in the buying process of the products. Consumers can simply choose to opt for a different brand when they see the advertisement. The whole
point of making this decision is to simply try out a new option.
Because there are so many choices for restaurants, a consumer may just want to try out a pizza from DIGGER because of the advertisement they saw on social media. Consumer may choose
DIGGER just to add some variety in their routine life, instead of choosing their regular pizza place. This factor alone makes the consumer buying behavior of DIGGER a variety seeking

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